


It has been six days. 

Chen had been searching for that dodgy Kai for six whole days. Scouring clubs, bars, dark alleys, practically everywhere he thought that Kai would be hiding.

There was burning question in his head. No matter what he did or how hard he tried to push it out, it still kept coming back to haunt him, flaming in his head, refusing to go away.

Who sent Kai here?

Maybe Chen already knew the answer, but he needed to know more. That was his first clue to finding Do MinJeok's apprentice. 

Chen hadn't eaten or slept in days, and it was starting to show. Beings like him didn't need much food or sleep to get by, but six days was way over the limit. Chen was hungry, exhausted, and still... Penniless. And he hadn't showered in days. Six days to be exact.

Groaning, he pushed himself off the wall of a dark alley and swore loudly. Where is this bloody Kai?


A shadow loomed over his weak form and he looked up, eyes wary and bloodshot. 

"Kai, I swear I'm going to wring your neck..." He started haltingly towards the smirking boy, who shoved him backwards gently. Chen collapsed back onto the ground, coughing.

"Whoa!! No death threats please!" Kai held out his hands in defence, laughing.

Chen closed his eyes, huffing out a breath slowly and painfully. "Kai. Who sent you here."

There was silence, and when Chen opened his eyes, there was a dark hurt look lurking in Kai's eyes. Something he never saw before. He pushed himself up with his elbows. "Kai?"

"I hate him! He broke his promise."


"He said I could have him..."

"WHO?!" Chen was getting agitated. "What are you talking about? Answer me!!"

Kai ignored him and chewed on his lip, looking pained and upset, eyes b with tears. For a moment, Chen witnessed a vulnerable side of Kai, someone weak and needed a hug. Chen felt his heart ache, and he was about to pull himself up and wrap his arms around Kai when the boy's eyes shifted, his expression changing from hurt puppy to enraged lion.

"I had to take it out on them!! I didn't mean to!!"

Chen felt like asking who, but he figured Kai would just ignore him again.

"I didn't mean to kill them, I swear I didn't. But they saw me!! They saw the rough hormonal side of me and I couldn't let them go. I couldn't. They would tell on me and I would be discovered!! Damn, I killed them!!" His voice was raw with emotion.

Killed them...

Suddenly Chen fell back down, his elbows unable to support his weight, his back smacking the ground hard. 

He knew.

Kai didn't provide any details, but he knew. 

Innocent people he killed... Innocent people he vented his anger on by seducing, and subsequently killing, them. Anger because he couldn't have what he wanted. Luhan. 

Luhan, the person that stole Kai's heart away. Luhan, the person that made Kai leave Chen. 

Except that Kai was wrong, it isn't Luhan.

It's Luhan's doppelgänger he's in love with.

"Xiao Lu... My Xiao Lu..." Kai knelt down suddenly, knees banging hard on the ground. "HE'S DEAD!!!!!!"

Chen's eyes flew open, the dread pooling in the pit of his stomach. No...

"Kai, don't you ever think of..."

Kai cut him off, voice laced with desperation and evil.

"If I can't have my Xiao Lu... Then I'll make do with Luhan!!"

Chen leapt to his feet, his eyes shining with anger, with fear.


Suddenly Chen felt a familiar squeeze in his chest. Sixth Sense. Chen quickly darted into the shadows behind a cardboard box, eyes glowing, just seconds before a man rounded the bend of the alley and stomped towards Kai. 

His features were unidentifiable, with a cap pulled down low, almost covering his eyes. He had a short, bulky stature and rather large hands. His voice was rough and menacing as he grabbed a fistful of Kai's shirt and shoved his face into Kai's.

"Mr. Hormone Dude, I said GO BACK."

Kai appeared nonchalant, staring back at the man with empty eyes.

"I TOLD you, all you HAD to do was create TENSION between the boy and Mr. Freaky Eyes. NOT hit on the doppelgänger of your loved one and try to TAKE him back with you!!!!"

Kai continued to play dumb.

"Boss won't be happy if you-"

Kai pulled out a dagger and stabbed the man mercilessly in the heart. He gasped, stuttered, heaving thick breaths and collapsed, writhing onto the ground.

"Arrrrrghhh...." The man's mouth laid open in an interrupted scream, and his eyes rolled inwards.

Chen covered his mouth and bit back a scream. 

"Good riddance. I don't give a damn what Boss feels."

And then Kai spun around on his heel, seemingly having forgotten Chen's presence completely. Chen watched as Kai rounded the bend without a single backward glance at the murder he had just committed.

Chen was horrified. This was not the Kai he knew and loved. 

He was now... a monster



"9 days... 9 days..." 

"Oh what about 9 days?!" 

Chanyeol smacked Luhan's head with his rolled up newspaper as the boy mumbled to himself through a mouthful of lasagna. 

"Haven't seen him for 9 days..."


Luhan honestly wasn't sure who he was referring to. Kai, the mysterious one who made him so aroused, or Chen, the warm sweet one who hugged him and made him happy.

His body yearned for Kai, but his heart yearned for Chen.

"Don't know..."

Chanyeol sighed heavily and pressed his head on Luhan's shoulder. "Hyuuuuung stop killing yourself.... I myself feel like dying when I'm with you..." He looked up at the older boy with an weird expression. "Go confess your love to somebody, please!! I just need somebody to luuuurve....." 

Luhan rolled his eyes at his friend's horrible singing and continued to chew on his lasagna and murmur to himself.



Luhan's shift ended in the evening, and he was walking out with Chanyeol when he felt a hand on his arm.

Chen? His heart fluttered.

But it was Kai, smiling at him like he was a rare pearl in a clamshell.

"K-k-Kai..." Luhan began shakily, and Chanyeol gaped at the smiling boy.

"You... Luhan I thought you already had a-"

"He's MINE." Kai yanked Luhan away from Chanyeol and towards him, causing the boy to bump a little roughly against his chest.

Chanyeol opened his mouth. Then closed it.

"Oh... Well. Okay." He shrugged, and the worried look never left his face as he walked away from the pair.

Luhan looked up warily at Kai, and wondered for a second why he had hoped it was Chen instead.

Kai seemed to have seen the slight hesitation in his face. "What's wrong baby? I'm sorry I didn't come for you for so long, I had...things to do..." Kai blinked and his lips tightened for a split second, before it blossomed into a huge smile again. "Come, we go on a date now, kayyy?"

He took Luhan's hand and pulled him along the street.





Hungry.... Hungry....

Chen clutched the side of the brick wall dizzily, wanting to throw up, but there was nothing in his stomach to throw up, anyway. 


Suddenly a small boy, about three years old, appeared in front of him, holding out a chicken sausage bun with a smile. "My mama thaid you wook tho hungwy, so thhe made me giwe you thith!!" He chirped with an innocent lisp.

"T-thank you..." The boy grinned and Chen accepted the food, nodding towards the lady watching from a distance. Kind souls, he thought. He smiled and closed his eyes as he slowly savoured the delicious aromatic piece of bread. Food...

I need a shower. Dammit. I must look so pathetic that people think I'm a homeless beggar or something. I need to steal get some clothes too but I don't even dare to enter the shops anymore. Urgh I feel sick of myself.

Then he remembered. Luhan's apartment... 

Chen shut his eyes. Luhan wasn't at home... He should be knocking off from work in a hour... Well I guess I can head over and quickly freshen up and grab some clothes along the way to wear.

Chen turned to walk slowly towards the apartment, where he once used to call home.





"Where are you bringing me, Kai?" Luhan was surprised he managed to complete a full sentence without stuttering, it was almost like a feat to him.

"Hmm... Club?" His voice had a playful hint.

"I don't really d-drink and go c-clubbing, Kai..." Oh great. Stuttering is back.

"There's a first for everything, babe..." Kai drawled, stopping for a second to kiss Luhan on the top of his head. Luhan shivered.

The bar was crowded and moist and too sticky for Luhan's liking. He felt entirely too hot and uncomfortable, what with random people coming up and grinding against him. Urgh this man is too close... Yikes this girl's hands are everywhere...

He was glad when Kai came to him finally, taking his waist and drawing him to a corner.

"Baby Lu..." He murmured into Luhan's ear, nipping his earlobe.

Whoa whoa whoa he's so y... Luhan's mind felt light and cloudy.

"I'm yours tonight..." Kai side into his ear, and Luhan felt like he might just faint. Kai led him out of the club (thank god) and flagged a taxi.

"Nearest hotel please..." He purred into the driver's ear, who nodded with a perfectly stoic face, completely oblivious to Kai's flirting. Wow he's professional, Luhan thought, still hazy and extremely euphoric.

The taxi stopped at a corner of the street, as instructed by Kai, and the driver turned around to collect money. Kai whispered to Luhan to leave the car first, and he did. After a short while, Kai exited the taxi, and came up to Luhan. "Sweetie let's go..." 

Luhan e last time to look at the taxi as they were entering the hotel. It wasn't moving.





Oh god...

The shower felt heavenly. Warm, sweet water splashed down onto Chen's rough dirty skin, and he opened his mouth to swallow some of the glorious liquid, quenching his parched throat. 

He then plugged the tub and soaked in the splendour of the refreshing water for a seemingly long time, until his body felt numbingly cold from the cooled water in the tub, and his fingers started turning pruny from all the soaking.

Chen climbed out of the tub shakily, and Touch Heat himself, warming up instantaneously. He went into Luhan's bedroom and found one of his own set of clothes and was about to put them on when he caught sight of Luhan's Superman shirt at the back of the cupboard.

For some reason Chen really liked that shirt, and had unofficially claimed it as his own. Smiling, Chen reached out for it and put it on, Luhan's scent filling him. He realised how much he had missed the other boy.

Miss?! No, no. I can't miss him, I'm just his protector for heaven's sake. No personal feelings allowed. He shook his head to clear the thought.

When Chen had come back to his senses, he sat down on Luhan's bed and the bed sheets. Why aren't you home yet, Luhan...

He sat there for a seemingly long time, just closing his eyes and thinking of nothing in particular when suddenly - there is was. The sharp cracking pain. Chen's eyes flew open. He hadn't been tuning in to Luhan that much due to his endless search for Kai, and the pain took him by utter surprise. 


He is in trouble.

Chen didn't even bother to change out of the Superman (Luhan's sleepwear) shirt. 

He never thought his Fast Speed could be that fast. But it was the fastest he ever went. He figured people wouldn't even have guessed that someone just ran past them.





Luhan was placed gently on the bed, soft pillows, soft blankets. And Kai was leaning over him, a gentle expression on his face. 

"What was the visit to the club for?" Luhan had asked Kai earlier.

"Just to build up some ..." Kai had replied with a laugh.


The warning bells were there. This Kai can't be serious about you, Luhan, wake up!! Luhan shut his eyes and tried to focus, while his mind teetered and spun.

"Look at me."

Luhan opened his eyes, as Kai gently touched his face, pressing his other hand on Luhan's chest. Then suddenly, abruptly, that burning sensation was back, and Luhan struggled madly against Kai's palm.

"Kai... Kai!!" He yelled in between gritted teeth. But what he saw next caught him by surprise. 

Kai's body began to change. It was like a testosterone injection overdose, and it filled Kai like a balloon, expanding his muscles and thickening his torso. This... Why is Kai like this?! Oh my god!!
Kai smirked, his curling up slowly, while his eyes never left Luhan's.

"You love me, don't you?"

Luhan gasped, his breath coming out in pants as he struggled to form words. This... Kai is a being too, like Chen!! He's using his powers on me!! Like he did that day, at the concert hall!

That didn't really shock him that much at the moment. What shocked him even more was that he could still process solid thoughts while under Kai's spell, unlike the previous time.

Why... How?!

Luhan suddenly sat up and shoved Kai back as hard as he could, and Kai, caught by surprise, almost tumbled off the bed. As he sat up, his body reverted back to normal instantly, and his eyes were as wide as saucers.

"You... Pushed me away?!"

The look on Kai's face morphed, from alarmed to realization to anger.

"You don't love me?! After all I've done for you!! You're an , Xiao Lu!" Kai roared, his face twisted and stricken.

Luhan was frightened and extremely confused. "I'm not... Xiao Lu..."

"YES you are!! Why do you think you react the way you do when you see me? Even when I'm not using my power you are still ATTRACTED to me!!"

Realisation dawned on Luhan, and he leaned back, his mind reeling. The reason why I react like that...

My doppelgänger... He was Kai's lover.

"What happened to Xiao Lu...?" Luhan found himself asking.

Kai didn't respond. He glared hard at Luhan for a long while, before shifting his body on top of him. Luhan clicked his tongue in slight irritation and tried to push Kai off when he froze. A thin cold metal blade sat at his neck, pressing against his soft skin.

"Don't move, babe..." Kai cooed, a mocking smile spreading on his face.

!! Omg, Chen I'm scared!!

Kai indulged in Luhan's fear, feeding off from it and seemingly growing more and more confident. 

"He didn't let me have you... He said I was to come and disturb you and Chen." The name seemed to roll off Kai's mouth with great distaste. "Chen... That stupid fool. He thought I loved him, but I never once felt anything like love towards him. Never."

Luhan felt bile rise in his throat as Kai pressed into his skin a little deeper. Chen loved Kai?

"I couldn't resist the offer, he said I could have you..." Kai's eyes darkened. "But then after Chen left your house, he told me never to see you again. Why?! He promised I could have you and now he's banishing me back to the other universe?!"

Luhan's eyes fluttered close. A pang of guilt washed over him. I should have listened to Chen, he was right all along... I made him suffer...

"I would've killed him, but he is my only source to get back to the other universe. Of course, killing isn't a big deal..." He trailed off, and Luhan felt a shiver course through his body. He knew what Kai was implying. Killing is no big deal, so I can easily finish you off if I want.

"Xiao Lu... You have a choice now... Come back with me, or DIE." 

Luhan's eyes flew open and he was met with Kai's cold, empty ones. For a moment he felt pity, pity towards this broken man who lost the love of his life, Xiao Lu. Then he felt admiration towards the man for doing so much for the sake of his loved one. Then came the hatred and disgust.

For his cruel breakup with Chen. For his heartless murdering. For his selfish claim on Luhan.

For confusing Luhan so badly that he hurt his sweet caring protector, Chen.

"No way in HELL I'm going back with you. I'm staying here with Chen!!" He spat at Kai, voice trembling, mustering all the courage he could.

Kai stilled for a moment, and his eyes gleamed with evil. "Then you DIE."

Luhan shut his eyes. Am I afraid of death? Maybe, maybe not...-

Suddenly he heard a loud shriek that ripped from Kai's throat, and the weight on his body lifted. Luhan's eyes snapped open.






Chen felt that he should go in already.

The conversation hurt his heart, too much for him to handle. "Chen... That stupid fool... I never once felt anything like love towards him." Chen clutched his chest and bit his lip. It hurts so badly.

But his feet couldn't move. He just leaned against the door of the hotel room, the words playing over and over in his head.

" DIE." 

No. Chen gasped, NO!!! 

He bashed his way through the door and grabbed Kai's hair, flinging him off Luhan using Brute Strength. Kai sailed in the air and crashed heavily into the dresser, slumping onto the ground in a dead faint. Panting heavily, he picked up the dagger and went over to Kai, pressing it against his wrist.

He is a murderer, he hurt countless of people, he hurt Luhan. He deserves to die.

But Chen's hand trembled.

And the blade clattered to the floor.

Chen pulled Kai into a hug, pressing his face into the unconscious boy's neck, and sobbed. This Kai... The Kai that isn't evil and scheming and hateful, was the Kai he loved. He never wanted to let go... But he had to. 

Chen pulled away and shakily placed two fingers on Kai's temple. Memory Erase. Erase everything he went through during his time on this universe

That's the most I can do for him, Chen thought, as he removed his fingers, metallic eyes shining with tears. Then I'll send him back.

Chen leaned down and picked up the motionless boy, cradling him close to his chest, and walked out of the hotel room.


A/N: cliffhanger. HAHAHAHAHA this chapter was getting too long, sorry :P but hope you enjoyed it!

Sorry my photoshop skills are quite rusty haha. the poster is weird but oh well.



cr: tumblr


cr: tumble (fyeah-chanyeol)

Happy virus forever!! Lets all get infected~~


cr: tumblr (chanyeol-gifs)



And one more:

 cr: tumblr

OMG i just can't xD Xiumin's hair is so cute!!

I imagine EXO behaving like that during a feather pillow fight HAHA


Until next time *waves*

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I will update by todayyyyy I promise haha. Going for a dinner now


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And really cute
This was so good
Hayleywill #3
Chapter 29: Thank you so much for updating this too. You know, I've been your reader since you catastrophe fic. And I'm glad that you decide to keep continue your old fic.
Chapter 29: at the end chen and luhan relationship remind history and mystery.. at least both find their happiness even they are not together..
Absolutely love it!
Hayleywill #6
Chapter 28: Isn't there still one chapter left for Chen's part??
Chenchenlay #7
Chapter 28: tooo good to finish...:(
plappermaul #8
Chapter 28: That was sooo good. Funny and a little heartbreaking. I love Chen's character here. The whole story was simply awesome. My LuChen feels...
Beautiful autor, thank you for creating such a great story.
Chapter 27: Omg pls pls pls pls update chingu ya hehehehe I really love it u made me like LuChen and thank u very much :)
Chapter 28: Awwwwwwww! So cute. I'm glad things work out for Luhan, in some way. Now I'm curious about what happen to Chen on in the other dimension. Can't wait for the next chapter:)