

"Chen....." He was met with silence.


"CHEN!!" Luhan leaned down and almost yelled at the lump under the blankets on the floor.

The other boy groaned and rolled about messily. "What?!"

"I know you're not asleep. So stop trying to pretend you are."

A muffled yawn was heard from the lump. "But I'm trying to..."

"Who is Kai?"

The lump stopped shifting abruptly, and there was silence again. Luhan wanted to throw his hands up in frustration, but then Chen sat and shook himself out of the blanket roll, looking remarkably like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon.

Luhan suppressed a giggle, and Chen frowned darkly at him. 

"Don't ask so many questions. There is something not quite right with him. To put it in a different way, I mean a bit psychotic. So just stay away okay?" He flopped back down and closed his eyes.

Luhan didn't feel very satisfied with the answer, he guessed he had to make do. "Alright Chenchen."

There was silence for approximately three seconds before - "what did you just call me?"

"Why, Chenchen." 

"What the heck. Do not call me that I swear. It sounds absolutely ridiculousszzzzz...." Chen trailed off as sleep claimed him.

Luhan released the pent-up giggle in him. Why was this Chen so cute?


It wasn't until three days later before Luhan saw Kai again. This time he was in the department store, browsing for clothes leisurely. Luhan swore his heart skipped a beat when he caught sight of that extremely handsome face lounging through the aisles.

Then Kai saw him, and smiled slowly, strolling up to him. Immediately, warning bells went off in his head. Chen said stay away, Chen said he was psychotic, no I should walk away, but somehow Luhan found himself tightly rooted to the spot. 

"Luhan, hello. I didn't think I'd see you here." He remarked casually, brushing the sides of Luhan's cheek with his hand. Luhan found his hair standing on end, and Kai laughed at the stricken look on his face.

"I'm sorry for touching you, you just look so touchable." y smirk.

Luhan felt his intestines loop around each other. "W-what? I..."

"When is your lunch break, Luhan? I wanna bring you someplace."

"L-lunch?" Chen usually brings him food, unless he called the man to say that he was eating with Chanyeol.

"Yep. Or..." Kai looked upset again, "you are meeting someone?"

"No no no!!" Luhan shook his head wildly, desperate to not make the man in front of him look sad.

It succeeded, and he broke into a wide alluring grin. "Okay then see you during your break, I'll be waiting for you outside."



After a breathless phone call to Chen that he was eating with Chanyeol that day (he hung up quickly to avoid the gush of questions he knew Chen would bombard him with), Luhan walked out of the store...

...and straight into Kai's arms.

"Hello babe." He whispered seductively into Luhan's ear, and he couldn't help but shiver. Why am I so by this guy? What's up with me?

"Come with me, pretty, there is somewhere I want to take you."

Kai grabbed Luhan's hand and he pulled the shorter man along as he stumbled and tripped behind the other.

"K-Kai? W-where are we g-going?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

It was the concert hall. 

Luhan had no clue why on Earth would Kai take him to a concert hall, but he bit his lip to refrain from asking too many questions. After all, I keep stuttering and embarrassing myself once I open my mouth, so I'd better just shut up.

Kai gently led Luhan into the stage, and he told Luhan to wait there. Luhan's heart throbbed in anticipation, and all of a sudden the lights in the concert hall went out, completely. It was so dark that Luhan had barely see his palm when he held it out.

He was scared, and started to panic.

Omg, it's dark and I'm scared, Chen I'm scared...

Then he felt warm arms circling his waist and a breath tickling his ear. His panic quickly dissolved away. "K-Kai..."

"Shh, isn't is romantic, darling?"

Babe, pretty, darling. Isn't Kai being a little too intimate with his speech? We barely know each other.

As Kai back-hugged him, Luhan felt a soft sizzle in his chest. He blinked hard. What was this he was feeling? Kai turned his body around to face him and he gripped onto Luhan's shoulders lightly, leaning in to whisper, "I miss you Lu."

All at once a strong burning sensation shot through Luhan. The only thing echoing in his head was, I need to hug him, I need to kiss him oh my god oh I want him so badly!!

But Kai wouldn't let him come any closer than an arm's width. "Give me a moment baby... You're much too fast you know..."

Luhan struggled against the firm fingers. Why won't he let me come closer!! Damn!

"Do you love me, Lu?"

Luhan could barely breathe with desperation. He felt his body stiffen and the member between his legs began to ache very badly.

"I love you I love you oh my god I love you."

The laugh that Kai released was warm and inviting. Luhan was practically writhing when suddenly Kai let go and Luhan collapsed onto Kai's body, breathless, heart racing. The sizzling feeling lifted from his chest and he felt mellow and contented.

"I love you too, sweetie." Kai kissed the top of his head, and then took his hand, leading him out of the concert hall, to the brightness outside.

Luhan winced and covered his eyes, adjusting to the sudden bright light. Kai chuckled and hugged him softly.

"So how was it, Lu? Romantic?" He tilted his chin slightly to rest on the side of Luhan's face comfortably, and Luhan shuddered. 


"Don't say anything, babe. I'll take you back h- oops, I'll take you back to the department store now. Oh, and what would you like for lunch?"

"L-l-lunch..?." Luhan felt like a preschooler all over again.

"How about spaghetti?" When the shorter boy nodded, Kai tightened his fingers. "Okay Xiao Lu, lets go."

It took Luhan about ten seconds to realise that Kai had called him Xiao Lu

And Kai bought Luhan spaghetti but didn't eat any for himself.




Fuming.... Raging.... Sizzling.... Burning... Anger... Fury...

How could Luhan do this to me?!

How could he...

Luhan burst through the door, with a weird euphoric smile on his face. He didn't even bother to question Chen about his absence to pick him up from the store after work, like he always did.

It was because Chen was too angry.

"Hello Chen..." Luhan breathed, waltzing into the house and patting the said man on the shoulder. "I brought home some dinner..."


The loud piercing shout seemed to have successfully brought Luhan down from his self-high. "What?!" He replied in a tone of irritation.

Chen went over to him, grabbing his shoulders roughly. Luhan's eyes widened in shock. 

"Why did you betray me? What did I tell you?" He whispered in a choked voice.

Luhan eyes searched Chen's own. "I..."

"You can't hide anything from me, Luhan. So tell me WHY?!" Chen's voice went up an octave at the end, and his grip tightened. 

Luhan looked desperate for a moment, then he laughed.

"Hah! What? You jealous?"

It was Chen's eyes that widened this time. "Jealous...?"

Luhan pushed himself off the wall and freed himself from Chen's now slack grip. He walked away from him towards the kitchen.

"You're jealous." He said simply, his back facing Chen as he unpacked the dinner.

Chen felt a feeling of dread swell in him. This wasn't right. Kai couldn't have used his power on Luhan, if not he would've seen the change in his body! But why is Luhan behaving like this?

"I'm not jealous, Luhan. I know more than you do. So can you please listen to me...?" Before he finished his statement, Chen knew it was a lost cause. Luhan spun around to look at him, with eyes he could only describe as hurt.

"Kai likes me, I like Kai, I want to be with Kai!! What's wrong with that? Seriously if you can't accept that fact then move out!!"

The harsh words hit Chen like a dagger. He stumbled back slightly, mind in a whirl. No, no, I can't let Kai win, dammit!!

He took several deep breaths as he watched Luhan glare at him. Then he used fast speed to disappear from Luhan's house. Like he did the morning after saving Luhan. 

Luhan chasing me out... Well I just got to get used to it.

But I have a more important task at hand.

To find Kai.





It has been a week since Luhan last met Kai. 

And it was been a week since Luhan last saw Chen, too.

His never realised how empty it was without Chen's silly laughter and weird comments about 'why are the people in this show eating so much? That's sick!' and 'I swear that old lady walking across the road is so sloooooow that I just feel like donating my fast speed to her!'

Luhan didn't want to admit that he missed Chen. He just kept insisting to himself, Chen is my so-called Superman and he's supposed to be protecting me, hello? And now where is he? Gone!!

And he regretted not getting Chen a handphone too. It wasn't fair that Chen constantly knew where and what Luhan was up to, but Luhan had no clue whatsoever about the other.

But at the end of each day, as he curled up in bed, he would dip his foot onto the floor, to feel if the familiar soft lump was there beside the bed. But it wasn't, and Luhan would feel his heart clench.

Because truly, he did miss Chen.

And it was showing.

"Luhan stop moping, seriously..." Chanyeol groaned as he watched his best friend dust the furniture like he was a dying kitten. 

"I'm not..." .

Chanyeol reached over and snatched away the duster. "Gosh Luhan, the table is STILL dusty, if you haven't noticed." He chucked the duster aside and grabbed Luhan's shoulders.

"Just go apologise to your boyfriend okay?"

"I don't know where he is..." Luhan avoided Chanyeol's worried gaze and stared at his shoes.

"Go to his house, then."

"But he doesn't have o... w-what?!" Luhan processed the previous statement that Chanyeol had made. "H-he's not my boyfriend!!" 

Chanyeol chuckled. "Please, I'm not blind or stupid or dumb. But anyway..." Chanyeol sighed, and then suddenly his eyes widened, breaking away to pick up the duster and chuck it back into Luhan's hands, "go do your CLEANING I'LL TALK TO YOU LATER."

Luhan watched as Chanyeol speed-walked away, and it was not long before he felt a tap on his shoulder. "Luhan may I ask what are you doing?"

Manager. Oh heck, Luhan mentally face-palmed. "D-dusting, sir."

"Good. Please continue."


Chen, whatever it is, I hope you're safe. And... I hope you haven't forgotten about me.

Hell, you don't have money and you don't have a job and you don't have a home!! Where have you been?

I don't care already. Just come back. Please? Please come back.

I want my Superman back already.


A/N: Prepare for angst. A lot of it. Whoops :P






cr: tumblr (xia-luhan)

This Luchen pic is too cute  :D


 cr: tumblr (exocupleo)

Do you see where Chen's left leg is OOPS im sorry *smacks self*

 cr: tumblr (squishykyungpew)

Okay this is too cute xD giraffe + deer + troll 

Kwangsoo is such a sport HAHA


Okay bye =P  *runs off*


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I will update by todayyyyy I promise haha. Going for a dinner now


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And really cute
This was so good
Hayleywill #3
Chapter 29: Thank you so much for updating this too. You know, I've been your reader since you catastrophe fic. And I'm glad that you decide to keep continue your old fic.
Chapter 29: at the end chen and luhan relationship remind history and mystery.. at least both find their happiness even they are not together..
Absolutely love it!
Hayleywill #6
Chapter 28: Isn't there still one chapter left for Chen's part??
Chenchenlay #7
Chapter 28: tooo good to finish...:(
plappermaul #8
Chapter 28: That was sooo good. Funny and a little heartbreaking. I love Chen's character here. The whole story was simply awesome. My LuChen feels...
Beautiful autor, thank you for creating such a great story.
Chapter 27: Omg pls pls pls pls update chingu ya hehehehe I really love it u made me like LuChen and thank u very much :)
Chapter 28: Awwwwwwww! So cute. I'm glad things work out for Luhan, in some way. Now I'm curious about what happen to Chen on in the other dimension. Can't wait for the next chapter:)