Another nightmare.......{part 3}


"Umma!Appa!"Sungyeol shouted,from his sleep.I peeked in the study to see Sungyeol on the floor,with paper scattered around.I sighed and went to Sungyeol's uncle,Lee Min ho's room.I knock on the door."Hyung?Do you have time?"I asked.Since I live together with the boys,I had a habit of calling boys 'hyung' instead of 'oppa'.He opened the door and let me on his room.


"I want to take half of the company's burden from Sungyeol,"I said.He spat out the juice he was drinking."What?!"he shouted as I wiped my face."But then,there will be 2 leaders,"he mumbled."As they say 2 is better than 1,which is better than none.Hyung,I want to help Sungyeol.I can handle all the important stuff,"I begged.He look at me and sighed."Fine,"he replied.I smiled a little."Tomorrow,there is a gathering.I will annonuced that you and Sungyeol are the new leaders of Shadow,"he spoke."Now,go.We both need sleep,"he shoo-ed me away.

The next day~
"Have you seen Jehyun?"JB asked,Sungyeol.They both looked around and tried to find Jehyun.They went to a table were the boys sat."Have you seen Jehyun?" Sungyeol asked."Nope/No"they replied."Where is she?"Sungyeol ruffled his hair.


","Minho whispered.Sungyeol dusted his clothes and said,"Here goes nothing."


He went up on stage and everyone's attention falls on him."We are gathered here today to introduce the new leaders of Shadow,"Minho announced."Leaders?"Sung yeol whispered."The son of the Lee family,Sungyeol,"Minho continued.Everyone clapped,as Sungyeol bowed in respect."And now let's introduce the other leader of Shadow,Jehyun,"Minho said,as I walked to the stage.The boys were looking at me,gawking.I gave them my signature smirk and stood beside Sungyeol,with his mouth-opened.

"Isn't there suppose to be one leader?"one of the Shadow's men shouted."No,it doesn't say that anywhere,"I replied."So,there will be 2 leaders?"another asked." 2 is better than 1,which is better than none,"Minho repeated my words."If it disturbs you that much,think of me as a back up of Sungyeol,"I said.The mummers started and everyone ended up,agreeing.I walked to the table the boys were at and saw them gawking.

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"Hey,"i said,before sitting down beside them."You are the second leader?!"they shouted.I look at them with a smirk."You got problem?"I asked,with a smirk."Jehyun!!You never told me,"Sungyeol came shouting.I look at him and said,"But,I told everyone just ,now."He look at me and smiled,"We are the new leaders of Shadow!Let's celebrate!"


"My head hurts.Stupid Sungyeol making me drink at night,"I mumbled,under my breath."Jehyun~~"Sungyeol called out.I looked at him as he put his arm on my shoulders.I pushed him,away,asking,"What do you want?"He pouted and followed me.Sungyeol and I were walking around a building."Leader,"everyone said,as we passed by."Leader?I feel so old now,"I joked."Unlike you,I look young!"Sungyeol stucked out his tongue.I put him in a head lock."What did you say,Yeollie?"I hissed."Ahhh!!! I was joking!"he said in defeat.I chuckled and walked away.He slung an arm over my shoulder and asked,"Wanna ditch tomorrow?"I thought about it.

"It is Monday,let's ditch,"he told me.I nod and we continued walking."Let's go,make trouble,"he smirked.I shrugged and walked away."Hyunnie!"he called out.I shrugged and walked to the office.

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