Saving my cousins...........


I ran to Ji yong's mansion.I heard gunshots every where.I kicked the door opened and saw U kwon,with a gun."U kwon!"I shouted."What happened?"I asked."They attacked us,when we send our men on missions.Only Block B,U kiss and Big bang is here,"he explained,shooting some enemies."Shadow's mansion,now.ZIC!!!"I shouted."Hyun!"he shouted from the dining room.I ran up and saw Block B fighting against a few guys.They shoot their enemies and panted.They were exhausted."Zic,Shadow's mansion,go there,first,"I whispered.He nod and called Block B,heaing to the garage.

I nod to P.O as he passed by me.He told me,"U kiss is in the basement,"I nod and ran to the basement,punching and kicking every enemy,I saw.I opened the basement door and saw Eli aiming his gun on my head."Jehyun,"he panted out."Kiseop and Dongho are injured,"he told me."Go to Shadow's mansion.I will cover you guys here,"i ordered.Kiseop was panting,heavily,while Hoon was unconcious.

"Eli,Soo hyun,carry them,we are going to the garage,"I informed.I took out my phone."Hello?""Sungyeol,my friends are coming over,tell Jb to open the gate,""How did you get my number?""*BANG*HYUN!!ARE YOU OK?I am fine.Go to the garage,now!""Jehyun-""Open the gate,alright?"I said,before hanging up.I covered my leg.I panted and tore a cloth.I tied it on my bleeding leg,hard.It should stop the bleeding for awhile."Where is Big bang?""The training room,"Kevin answered my question.

I nod and closed the van's door and went to the training room.Big bang stood there,panting.They were hurt and tired."Ji yong,"I called out.He grinned at me and limped towards me."garage,now,"I ordered."Big Bang!Garage!"jiyong shouted.The others still could manage to walk so I helped Seungri,who was badly injured.I helped them to the van and took the wheel.I quickly drove off.

"They are following us,"Jiyong told me.I cursed when tried to shot the van.I drove over the speed limit and enter a forest.I was used to training in the forest so I drove faster to lose the guys who were chasing us.Those who are not used to the forest will get lost,easily.I quickly drove out of the forest and sped to the mansion.The gate was opened and I drove in stopping behind the mansion.

Big bang and I limped into the house."Jehyun,"I turned to see Sungyeol,with a horrified face.I smiled and chuckled.



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