chap 5

Our life
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It been almost one hour that she cries and walks seeking none halt. He tried to take her in his arms and calmed her but in vain, she squirmed and cried harder, wanting to get out of his come he can not handle his own niece? he thought.

Suddenly three knock from the door was heard, that release him from his thought. He walked to the door wondered if it was already Hyukjae.

What was his surprise to see that it was his neighbor next door.

"Excused me Donghae-shi, but I heard a child crying and ... unh, I wondered if it came from here?" Asked the person. It was quite obvious that the cries came from his home but he knew that his neighbor just wanted to be polite as always.

"Yes, I 'm really sorry Heechul-shi but I have my niece with me... I ... her mother" mumbled Donghae.

"I just wanted to know if you want help to calm her, I work in a leisure center for children so I am used to be in your situation." replied Heechul. 

He did not think longer and with a hand gesture, he invited his neighbor to enter.

Heechul lived with his husband, a tall and charming young man. For him, the two made ​​the perfect couple, the charming handsome man with the beautiful one, all around them cried perfect. Upon arriving in the building he had seen the husband no more than twice, it is probable that this latter spends his time outside of the house or he never comes out. He also remembered that the couple had an agitate argument two or three weeks ago. He still remembered the teary face and cries of the person next to him. He wondered if everything was okay now, not wanting to interfere, he decided to shut up and enjoy Heechul’s care provided to his niece.


He had not even noticed Heechul crouch down to take the child and rocked her for a moment.

When he finally turned his attention to them, he sees his neighbor whispered something in the ears of the little girl, which seems to work because she stop stirred slowly in the arms around her.

"What is her name?" Interrupted the other.

"Huh.. ? Oh unh, Minhyun, her name is Minhyun." he finish, then Heechul smiled kindly and then turned to the girl who sniffed in his lap

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Update maybe?
Miss this story ~
NeMonkey #3
Chapter 17: Woahhhhhhhh
Hyukjae fighting!!!!!!
Good luck to start over again!!!!

I don't know all this time hyukjae already have a feeling to donghae

Hope donghae will give hyukjae a chance and build their little family with mina
Cant get enough of this story so deep!
thanku for update ^^
Chapter 16: Hyukjae's stupidity when it comes to love..

Hope he'll learn already about his growing love for Donghae!!

Sharpeh #6
Chapter 16: You dont know? U like him stupid... hahaha!
Can't wait to read the next update
EunhyuradeLuffy #7
Chapter 16: Its so nice, thanks for update (*^▽^*)
NeMonkey #8
Chapter 16: omg
i love the moment at the morning
its a good start for them
i hope they will doing well ^___^
and they should realize that its the best for them and also for minhyun later
i anticipate for the next chapter..i hope they will getting more closer >___<