chap 15

Our life
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Five years earlier...

It was a morning like no other; Heechul had just waked up when he saw that his husband was not in bed with him.

Then he rose and put his slippers to start looking for his companion. After leaving the room, the familiar voice rang from the living room.

Arriving at the living room, Heechul was surprised to see that Han Geng on phone so early in the morning, but what intrigued him most was that he spokes in mandarin.

Han Geng has the combined glued to his ear, his head low as if the person was scolding him.

After a while, the husband hung up the phone and inhaled profoundly.

"Honey? Who was it?" Had asked Heechul, and startled Han Geng from where he was.

"It was nothing Heechul-ah, uh ... you're awake?" He asked and changed the subject. The husband approached and took his wife in his arms; the Chinese breathed deeply immersing his face in Heechul’s neck.

This action alarmed the Korean one, which eventually made him take a step back from his companion, his eyes set one his lover’s.

"What's going on, and what happen?" He insisted again.

"Heechul-ah ..." Han Geng sighed. "You must prepare yourself to go to work, or you'll be late ..."

Seeing that his husband always changed the subject, Heechul decided to be stubborn and pull out the words of his mouth.

"I will stay here, until you tell me what going on..." he said then sat on the couch, legs and arms crossed. "I repeat, what's happening?" He uttered word by word that time.

"Darling, I ..." Han Geng sat nearly at Heechul on the couch, his back curved; arms attached and supported his chin. "It was a call from China, it was my mother..."

The new chilled Heechul like a cold shower, Han Geng did not failed to notice.

Since they were married, no member of the Chinese’s family has deigned to appear in their lives.

The call was the first.

Except that instead of being overjoyed, Heechul was terrified. Many questions trotted in his head, 'Why now?' 'What for?'.

"Honey, you're going to be late for works... go and we'll talk tonight..." too shocked by the news he lets himself convinced and leaved, he went to work with a heavy heart.

It was not that he didn’t likes to hear about his in-laws but the expression that his partner had on that morning did not really reassure him.

That day Heechul was a ghost around his workers.

Late at night, when the young Korean was back home, he saw with surprise Han Geng sitting on the chair aside of the large sofa, his working clothes still on.

Intrigued by the behavior of Chinese, Heechul put his backpack and jacket on the couch and without saying a word, he went to sit on the lap of his companion.

In contrary to his blank expression, Han Geng pulled the body of his wife and let him put his head on his still dressed chest.

"What's wrong?" Heechul asked again, it was as if that was the only kind of conversation they could have since the morning. "Is it the phone call of this morning?" He asked again, his right hand tenderly the chest of his husband.

Despite his attempts, the brunette did not succeed in making him talk. But nevertheless, he did not rush him.

After ten minutes, always in the same position, Han Geng finally deigned to open his mouth.

"This ... this morning, I told you that my mother had called ..." He said softly as if it was a secret revelation.

"Um ..." Hummed Heechul, nodding his head to show that he was listening.

"They ... they want me to… to go back to China..." Just as he finished his sentence, the head on his chest rose suddenly.

"What!" Asked the brunette horrify by the new.

What was his horror when seeing nothing but regret in Han Geng‘s eyes.

"No, reassures me... you do not intend to go?" He claimed.

"I ... Heechul ..." This time, it was not just his head that he raised but his entire body to stand before the tall man sitting on the chair.

"No, you always do that when you've already made ​​up your minds ... tell me..." He further deepened.

"Heechul ... I thought about it all day and I ... I do not have choice." Han Geng finished, head low.

"Do you realize what you say?" Heechul asked dismay, "You realize that you are talking about leaving me?" He added, as his eyes began to shine.

 And what was even more exasperated him was that his partner decided to keep his eyes on the ground instead of looking at him.

"Look at me!" His voice had increased and had the effect of raising Han Geng’s head, his eyes showing his regret.

"Have you thought of me when you made ​​your choice?" He said, pressing the last word of the sentence. "Why don’t you say anything?!!" He shouted at him.

"Of course I thought of you!" The tall brunette shouted back making Heechul swallow his tears, " but I told you I had no choice ... I 'm going but I ... I’ll come back as soon as I settled everything..." He explained more gently this time.

The husband got up from his chair and approached his wife, a hand raised up to touch the tearful face but his hand was rejected.

"I 'm not stupid, your family didn’t give any sign of life since you announced our wedding and now they tell you to go back as if you were traveling or on vacation and that you had already abusing your holiday! Which mean that for them, I 'm just a hobby for you... our marriage is nothing for them! And with your action I just wondering if this is not how you see me too ..." His teeth clenched and feline eyes river on his husband, he continued.

"You do not contradict me because you know I 'm right ..." And a new wave of salty liquid flooded his face.

"Do ... do not say that ... you ... you know I love you Heechul."

"Well, it is not the best way to show it." At these words, the little brunette went to treir shared room where he shut himself up all the night despite the insisting voice of his companion.

The morning he left home for work sharply, ignoring the Han Geng’s pleas who still wanted to talk to him.

Only if he had known that when he returned home in the evening, he would be alone. He would not have gone to work that day.

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Update maybe?
Miss this story ~
NeMonkey #3
Chapter 17: Woahhhhhhhh
Hyukjae fighting!!!!!!
Good luck to start over again!!!!

I don't know all this time hyukjae already have a feeling to donghae

Hope donghae will give hyukjae a chance and build their little family with mina
Cant get enough of this story so deep!
thanku for update ^^
Chapter 16: Hyukjae's stupidity when it comes to love..

Hope he'll learn already about his growing love for Donghae!!

Sharpeh #6
Chapter 16: You dont know? U like him stupid... hahaha!
Can't wait to read the next update
EunhyuradeLuffy #7
Chapter 16: Its so nice, thanks for update (*^▽^*)
NeMonkey #8
Chapter 16: omg
i love the moment at the morning
its a good start for them
i hope they will doing well ^___^
and they should realize that its the best for them and also for minhyun later
i anticipate for the next chapter..i hope they will getting more closer >___<