chap 11

Our life
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(A/N : there is some mistake, half of this chapiter had been removed, i don't know why, so i reuplod it ) 



after Donghae had return in the evening, he saw the presence of chocolate in some dish and ask Hyukjae what happened. But even with Hyukjae's silence, he knew that his daughter has done something, so after knowing all the truth he rebuked her.  

"Eat your dinner and then you go directly to your room" eyebrows puckered, he placed the dish before Minhyun who sulked in her chair.

"Donghae ..." Hyukjae tried to intervene.

"No, she must learn to obey, Hyukjae, she is growing up now and must mind the prohibitions!" Donghae got mad. While he carried on with Hyukjae, Minhyun got up and ran to her room without eating.

"Minhyun come back here right now!" he cried verbally but a door slammed in the distance. Donghae exhale, and then sat back in his chair to eat as if nothing had happened. Seeing the scene, Hyukjae stood up from his chair to join Minhyun in her room but before leaving Donghae stopped him by calling his name.

"Brings her the plate, so she will not sleep on an empty stomach," he said, pretending that the situation didn’t affect him at all. Hyukjae smiled, it was always like that.

In the house, everyone had their own character, Donghae was the serious mom who always wanted his daughter to obey the rules and do not hesitate to shout if necessary, but he also loved his daughter very much and would do anything for her. From his part, Hyukjae was the kind of dad who left all pass and was madly in love with his daughter, so he spent his time helping Minhyun to hide her mistakes and comfort her when she was scold.

So Hyukjae took the plate and walked to the room that last.

As soon as the red head was out of the dining room, Donghae dropped his cold mask and became anxious face. He hoped that his daughter wouldn’t play the stubborn card and eat her dish. After all it was Hyukjae who was taking it to her. Because their daughter loved more Hyukjae as he thought, so there was no reason ... right?

Into the chamber, the young father put the dish on the small desk and walked over to the bed where his daughter was hiding under her duvet.

"Baby, will you come out of your quilt so I can see your pretty face?" He asked gently as always. "Go out there and just eat your meal, it will get cold." He continued.

A small hand came out of the quilt, then a whole arm, and finally a head. Hyukjae found the act so graceful he wanted to take her in his arms and cover her little hairy head with small kiss.

She finally turned to him and showed him her big watery eyes.

"Daddy, do you think mommy hates me?" She asked with difficulty.

"No!" Retorted the older, sitting on the bed and took her in his arms, "of course not, mommy does not hate you, he ... he just wants you to not do more careless thing because he is afraid that you’ll hurt yourself or you hurt someone," he wiped her tears and continued, "you know mommy loves you very much and wanting to cook can put yourself in danger if you had turned the gas or worse, and you gave lots of chocolate to Amber as she cannot eat too much sugar, she becomes hyper and it is bad for her heart , you know that right? " Minhyun nodded in response and listened to her father, "so now you're going to eat off your plate and then we'll go apologize to mommy ok?" He asked with a grin that even his daughter could not avoid being captivated.

Sooner said, sooner done, then they go to put the dish in the kitchen. They saw Donghae sat on the couch reading his book, with his glasses. But he did not look up from his book even knowing they had entered in the room.

Hyukjae went into the kitchen and pushed his daughter to her mother to apologize.

"Mommy?" He heard, reassuring, he looked casually.

"I'm sorry." She said, and Donghae did not fail even his eyes fill with tears choking big. "Don’t hate me please ..." and some ugly intruders who had occupied the eyes of his daughter fell afloat.

He dropped his books and crossed his legs, his daughter looked up, he patted his lap.

After receiving the message, the girl went hurriedly on the lap and clung to him, hiding her face on his chest.

"Baby, I'm your mommy so I do not hate you," his arms closed stronger on her little frail and delicate body. "I was just really worried; I don’t want you to hurt yourself." He breathed the delicious smell of his shampoo hair covering Minhyun, the same shampoo he had told her not to use but he smiled at his defeat.

"I love you mommy." It was the best words a parent wants to hear from the mouth of her child. So of course, this little phrase made ​​the day of Donghae.

"I love you my baby" he replied, kissing her head indefinitely.

Donghae then threw his glance towards the door of the kitche

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Update maybe?
Miss this story ~
NeMonkey #3
Chapter 17: Woahhhhhhhh
Hyukjae fighting!!!!!!
Good luck to start over again!!!!

I don't know all this time hyukjae already have a feeling to donghae

Hope donghae will give hyukjae a chance and build their little family with mina
Cant get enough of this story so deep!
thanku for update ^^
Chapter 16: Hyukjae's stupidity when it comes to love..

Hope he'll learn already about his growing love for Donghae!!

Sharpeh #6
Chapter 16: You dont know? U like him stupid... hahaha!
Can't wait to read the next update
EunhyuradeLuffy #7
Chapter 16: Its so nice, thanks for update (*^▽^*)
NeMonkey #8
Chapter 16: omg
i love the moment at the morning
its a good start for them
i hope they will doing well ^___^
and they should realize that its the best for them and also for minhyun later
i anticipate for the next chapter..i hope they will getting more closer >___<