chap 16

Our life
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The body slightly heavy and tired, Donghae woke up in the morning. Hair cleared up by the light crossing the wooden pleating curtain of the glaze window. In spite of the weak light which touched him and his tiredness, Donghae felt curiously comfortable and especially, in his place. Maybe it was because of the sweet smell in the air, the softness of the mattress or perhaps because of the warm body snuggling against him.

Donghae managed to open his eyes painfully, which allowed him to see difficult his environment.

His eyes scanned the room that had changed since his last time there; its wall was repainted in white marrying perfectly with the cream-colored furniture and sheets covering his body and according to him, Hyukjae’s too.

With some movements, he changed position and put his back flat on the mattress. These movements had for consequence to make move his bed-fellow who pushed a long wake up sigh. The blond passed a hand in his hair then opened finally his small eyes out of deadened almonds and posed them on those already well awaked of Donghae.  After seeing that none of them ran as the last time they were in the same position, the two young people had as a kind of insurance that maybe that time, things were going to be different.

Donghae’s brown eyes were lost in the blonde’s face and seem thoughtful and unreadable.

Hand sometimes lost in his hair, Hyukjae carried it to Donghae’s smooth and expressionless face, caressing slowly and gently the slight pink cheeks. The brunet leaned toward the pleasant warmth and soft caresses on his left cheek, slightly closing his eyes to savor the moment.

"What are you thinking?" Asked the blond in an abnormally pleasant whisper to Donghae’s unaccustomed ears.

"Nothing special, I just feel a little tired and weak." He commented.

"It's normal, I think you have a fever, plus you talk in your nose." Hyukjae gently mocked making Donghae smiled.

"You are mean." Donghae murmured, turning his back to Hyukjae despite the smile that graced his face.

"Come on." whined the older surrounding his arms around the younger to pull him closer, sticking him to his well build chest thanks to all his dancing time. But despite his gesture the younger has made no movement showing his defeat.

Then Hyukjae advanced his head until his nose touch the brunet’s neck, and then buries it in the undulate black hair while filling his lungs with his odor mix with the shampoo which Donghae had used the day before. He continues his traverses by running his small nose on the tended neck, providing Donghae some shivers with the tickling effect. Soon soft and pulpy lips joined settling on the way some pleasant kisses went up until 

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Update maybe?
Miss this story ~
NeMonkey #3
Chapter 17: Woahhhhhhhh
Hyukjae fighting!!!!!!
Good luck to start over again!!!!

I don't know all this time hyukjae already have a feeling to donghae

Hope donghae will give hyukjae a chance and build their little family with mina
Cant get enough of this story so deep!
thanku for update ^^
Chapter 16: Hyukjae's stupidity when it comes to love..

Hope he'll learn already about his growing love for Donghae!!

Sharpeh #6
Chapter 16: You dont know? U like him stupid... hahaha!
Can't wait to read the next update
EunhyuradeLuffy #7
Chapter 16: Its so nice, thanks for update (*^▽^*)
NeMonkey #8
Chapter 16: omg
i love the moment at the morning
its a good start for them
i hope they will doing well ^___^
and they should realize that its the best for them and also for minhyun later
i anticipate for the next chapter..i hope they will getting more closer >___<