chap 3

Our life
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Despite their disagreement, Eunhyuk and Donghae often spent all their time in the married couple’s house. They dine there most of the time, and of course its didn’t miss being animated. 
Days passed and Donghae was more familiar with the city, he makes new friends exercising their occupational in the same building, like a young doctor who immediately hit him in the eye named Choi Siwon or Park Jungsu a very kind dentist.

As a psychologist, he is well known in the neighborhood but not only because of work, but also for his beauty that doesn't leave without emotion.                                           

And on one morning of December, after nine months of waiting Kyuhyun and Sungmin brought back home a cute baby, a pretty little girl named Minhyun,Cho Minhyun. 


"Hyukjae can’t you helps us with the garlands!" Donghae cried from the top of the ladder to decorate the top of the tree. 

"Excuse me honey but you see I'm busy, I’m playing with Mina, for once we can have her with us and not with the grandmother next door." says Eunhyuk quietly while Minhyun cradled in his arms. "And stop calling me Hyukjae!" 

"Stop calling me honey in this case!" Wiggled the designer. And she keeps Mina only when hyung is occupied, so stop drooling. 
"Donghae stop fidgeting on the ladder you're going to fall." said Kyuhyun behind his camera, "Darling say something."

he turned to Sungmin who had finished decorating the bottom of the Christmas tree.

"Kyu, I’m working ..." he said simply to avoid the camera. 

"come on, say something ... this is our daughter’s first Christmas." Kyuhyun said with a fun but serious air... 

"Ok..... Minhyun-ah, umma is very proud to have you as a daughter, you still have 12 months and yet I feel like you grow up too fast, my baby." could be seen from the camera tears coming from the mother’s eyes. 

"Honey why are you crying, hey." the camera

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Update maybe?
Miss this story ~
NeMonkey #3
Chapter 17: Woahhhhhhhh
Hyukjae fighting!!!!!!
Good luck to start over again!!!!

I don't know all this time hyukjae already have a feeling to donghae

Hope donghae will give hyukjae a chance and build their little family with mina
Cant get enough of this story so deep!
thanku for update ^^
Chapter 16: Hyukjae's stupidity when it comes to love..

Hope he'll learn already about his growing love for Donghae!!

Sharpeh #6
Chapter 16: You dont know? U like him stupid... hahaha!
Can't wait to read the next update
EunhyuradeLuffy #7
Chapter 16: Its so nice, thanks for update (*^▽^*)
NeMonkey #8
Chapter 16: omg
i love the moment at the morning
its a good start for them
i hope they will doing well ^___^
and they should realize that its the best for them and also for minhyun later
i anticipate for the next chapter..i hope they will getting more closer >___<