Mistake - The Incident

Evensong - The Noble

   The phone call ended, leaving Kai listening to the empty dialing tone. One side of Kai’s mouth curved up, ‘Guys…’ his voice caught his gang’s member’s attention. ‘We have something to do, which will definitely pissed of the Noble clans….’

   ‘Stop worrying stuff that you aren’t supposed to be worrying!’ TOP kept on repeating the same thing to Ariel. Ariel rolled her eyes again, ‘I am NOT thinking about it. You are reminding me…..’ TOP hasn’t stop talking since what happened just now. Well, Ariel lied about not thinking about it, she could forget how Kai’s face was after he sniffed her, it was like he was surprised? Happy? Hungry? TOP patted his friend’s head, ‘Did you know that you are a really bad liar?’ ‘Ah, I forgotten, you can SENSE that I am lying….’ In the whole world, only TOP and her grandma could sense that Ariel was lying.

   ‘So what are you going to do after school?’ Ariel tried to change the topic, which was successful. ‘Erm, actually I was thinking of going to the library to get information for the nest class in History, but I think I will accompany you back to your house safely.’ TOP scratched his head while answering Ariel’s question. Ariel only laughed at her best friend, ‘If you are going to accompany me home just because you promised my grandma for my safety or whatever, you don’t have to. Because is any danger happens, I think you will be the one needing any protection.’  ‘Aish, you can’t say like that! No matter how strong you are, you are still a girl….’ TOP argued with Ariel. Now that he took off his spectacles, he looks much more charming then this morning.

   Ariel waved her hands at TOP, ‘Don’t talk anymore. Just go, otherwise I will get angry, T-O-P’ ‘Okay, fine. Be sure to look after yourself. Text me when you reached home….’ TOP knew it was useless to argue with the stubborn Ariel. ‘You really nag a lot like my grandmother. You could totally be my god-grandmother.’ Ariel laughed at the thought having TOP as her grandmother. Both of them hugged each other and said their goodbyes. It was after school, there are not much students left in the school. After bidding goodbye to Ariel, TOP headed to the library, but he dint know what and who was waiting for him there……

   ‘That’s weird, I remembered he told me to text him but I am not getting any replies.’ Ariel kept on checking her phone, in case TOP messaged her back. She texted him two hours ago but he haven’t reply yet. ‘Maybe he is still busy?’ her grandma was washing the plate in the kitchen. ‘No, TOP won’t ignore the messages I sent, he knew I hate people ignoring my messages. Something doesn’t feel right grandma.’ Ariel was walking back and forth, she was getting impatient. She asked both CL and Leeteuk but neither of them seen TOP.

‘Wait a little longer, maybe he will phone you.’ Granma assured Ariel. But Ariel has waited for hours. She looked outside the window, the day was getting dark, and her weird feelings about something bad was going to happened became stronger and stronger. ‘Grandma, I’ll go and find TOP, don’t wait for me.’ Ariel shouted from the living room and left her house in a hurry. Her footsteps quickened when images of TOP in trouble kept on appearing in her mind.

Finally, when she reached her school, it was late evening, the skies was dark, only streetlights shone brightly. The whole place was so dark which made Ariel’s skin crawled. Suddenly, someone touched her from beside, Ariel screamed and tried to hit the person behind but the person only grabbed her harder. ‘Ariel, Ariel. It’s me! Stop hitting me!’ Ariel stopped hitting when she recognized that voice, ‘Xiu Min? Is it you? Why are you here?’ Xiu Min looked away from Ariel, he could dare to tell her that his leader told him to keep an eye on her every moves. ‘Nothing, I just saw you walking towards to school in a hurry so I followed you.’ Ariel eyed Xiu Min suspiciously.

Suddenly, Xiu Min turn to look at the school’s compound, he was sure that he saw a shadow moving inside the school. ‘Hey, you stay here, I am going in. I think someone is still in the school.’ Ariel stopped Xiu Min from entering the school ‘I’m following you. I am here to find my friend and I am not leaving without him. Besides, I rather follow you then being alone outside.’ Ariel was right, it wasn’t safe for a girl to be alone outside the building. Xiu Min had no choice but to bring her with him, he hoped that Leader won’t know about this and he hope that he wasn’t making a big mistake…..

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Sorry about the late update~ was kinda busy with student exchange program thingy!! XOXO
Nice description & story! Keep it up - Yuki
SehunXOXOwolf #3
OMG! I love the latest chapter! Plz plz plz upload more!
Please feel free to comment~ Hope you guys like my first fanfic~