Chapter 10

Love Cook

“… I’m pregnant with his child.” You mumbled.

“No wonder you looked like you put on a few pounds!” Eunjo exclaimed.

“Please don’t tell the boss, he’ll fire me if he finds out!” you begged.

“Girl, it’s will be obvious one day, and once you give birth, just reapply for the job!” Eunjo claimed. She walked out of the bathroom.

When it was closing time, the boss called you over to see him.

“What did you want to see me for?” You asked him.

“Eunjo told me quite a story today,” You gulped. “She told me that you are pregnant, is that true?” Your boss asked you. You nodded. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I was afraid that I would be fired.” You confessed.

“Well, you should be fired, you are married now. I can have a married woman working in my restaurant. I would have fired you earlier, but I couldn’t find someone good to replace the sous chef, but I found one. Thank you for working for me, Diyeon.”

“Please don’t, I’ll get an abortion and get divorced!” You cried.

“Diyeon, that’s your decision, not mine.” You boss said.

*              *              *              *

“You want an abortion?” The doctor asked you.

“Yes, and soon.” You replied

“There is someone who canceled an appointment for is available. If you like, you can have that spot.”


“Okay, it’s at noon tomorrow.”

“Thank you, thank you so much.”

The next morning you were bored without Onew home. You did all the chores needed that needed to be done. Before you knew it, it reached eleven, the perfect time to leave for your appointment. You arrived at the hospital with ten minutes to spare, you signed in and filed out all the paperwork needed.

“Miss Go Diyeon.” A nurse called. You walked over to her. “Please follow me.” The nurse led you to a little changing room, you changed into what they gave you, putting your clothes you came in into a little locker. “Have you eaten anything today?” the nurse asked you, you shook your head. She then led you to the operation room.

*              *              *              *              *

“Yeobu~!” Onew sang as he entered the apartment, it was already seven. You came out of the bedroom, you were still sore from the operation. “Yeobu, yeobu, yeobu~!” He greeted you with a hug. “How are you this glorious day?” He sang as he let go of you and spun around. “And our little Diyeon?” he asked putting his gently on your stomach.

“Have you eaten yet?” You asked him. He shook his head. “What would you like?”

“I’ll eat anything our little Diyeon would like.” He smiled.

“Please stop calling it ‘our little Diyeon’!” You shouted.

“W- Why?”

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Chapter 12: Diyeon is so so so stupid tbh! >< Why did she yelled at onew? Why why why?!?!!?? I cant.. Pls .. Onew :( Onew ily nyahah -___-
Chapter 8: yaa whats that whatss thatttt i wanna know.

update soon :D
Chapter 6: Hello, author-nim~ I just read this story, and I think it's quite interesting. Please update soon^^