Chapter 9

Love Cook

“Why…?” Jonghyun asked.

“Well, shouldn’t I live with my wife?” Onew questioned. The members yelled in surprise, Minho even fell out of the chair he was sitting in. “We talked it over, it’s for the best.”

“Also, I won’t be the maknae once the child is born.” Taemin laughed.

*              *              *              *

You and Onew were planning the wedding ceremony, where it would be, who was invited. You decided to invite most of the SM staff, mostly which helped Shinee, and the idols that Onew was close to. The wedding was two weeks from the current date.

The two weeks went by quickly, the wedding finally came. You happily wore the dress that Onew picked out for you.

“Jagiya~! I’m going out now~!” Onew called.

“Okay!” You called back. You’re father came in the room. “Appa!” You greeted him with a hug.

“Wa~, my little Diyeon is getting married… Be sure to treat Jinki well.” Your dad joked.

You nodded. “Don’t worry, I will!”

“Since you are all ready, shall we go out now?” You father offered you his arm. You gently held it, walking carefully out of the room. When your father reached the front of the hall, he stopped. “Diyeon-ah, be brave. You can do it.” Your dad whispered to you. You smiled in reply. The doors opened in front of you, you and your dad walked down the carpet, you saw Onew smiling brightly at you. Calmly, you walked down the aisle.

When the wedding was over, you and Onew went straight to your apartment, since he was now living there with you.

“Diyeon, you should tell me the pass code to get in.” Onew suggested when you were unlocking the door.

“It’s one-two-one-four.” You replied as you walked into the apartment.

“You also know that we should go to a doctor soon.”

“Arayo… I already made an appointment of tomorrow.”

“You did? Wow, you’re on top of things. What do you want to eat?”

“You know that I’m a chef, and that we just ate about twenty minutes ago.” You complained. You plopped onto the couch.

*              *              *              *

“Yo! Bonito with onion!” Seowan called. You quickly made the dish for the table. You started sniffling like crazy, you went to the bathroom, on your way there, something dropped, it was red, blood. As quick as you could, you ran to the bathroom, taking care of the nosebleed.

“Diyeon, are you okay?” Eunjo asked you from the doorway.

“Yeah, I’m fine, the air is a bit dry today, don’t you think?”

“It is, but I’ve wanted to ask you, why did you marry Onew so suddenly?” She didn’t know you were pregnant.

“Um, we were planning it, it wasn’t sudden for us.” You lied.

“Diyeon, I know you’re lying. Why did you marry him so sudden?” Eunjo insisted.

“The truth is…”

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Chapter 12: Diyeon is so so so stupid tbh! >< Why did she yelled at onew? Why why why?!?!!?? I cant.. Pls .. Onew :( Onew ily nyahah -___-
Chapter 8: yaa whats that whatss thatttt i wanna know.

update soon :D
Chapter 6: Hello, author-nim~ I just read this story, and I think it's quite interesting. Please update soon^^