Chapter 29

On A Rainy Days
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You sit up at the bench under the tree. There was a river was infront of you. People were doing their evening activties, cycling, jogging, readings, and whatever ~ You just comeback from Canada with Kris, so a little tired but, both of you can't sleep for taking a nap, then, decide to hangout. It's was afternoon when you guys out from the house. Go to lunch first then, travelling the whole shopping complex but nothing to buys, just buy a simple snack. Out from the shopping complex when it's already 4 pm. Then, you come here with Kris. The park.   Kris was buying the ice-cream, while you wait for him at the bench near the ice-cream seller. "Nah..." he say and give to you the ice-cream, "Thank you..." you say and take the ice-cream. Wow ! Kris know your favourite. Strawberry flavour. You see his, hmmm, vanilla flavour.   "I can't wait to married with you." He say suddenly, you were shock send him a glare, "Why with you this day lately ?" you ask him,   "Why ?"   "Keep talking to married with me."   "Why ? You don't like it, huh ?"   "It's not that I'm not like it. Yes ! I like it very much. Thank you because want to spending your whole life with me, but you have to wait over 2 years, you know ?" you explain to him.   "Yeah... I know. I don't care."   "Oppa... That's 2 years is only after I finished my study, then, what about my dream ? I want to build up my own studio."   He look at you deeply, "That's also I can wait." he say and continue the ice-cream.   "I bet it's almost 5 years to you wai
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Sounds interesting, but couldn't get past the first chapter with that grammar.
Missmaya #2
adhimaluanu #3
Chapter 31: Cute story . Plz update the next chapter
lavender123 #4
Chapter 16: What I don't understand is that kris's dad passed away now he is the so of the owner of yuna's school?
Wow.......great storyline.
Chapter 32: Hmm I think you ended the story well actually >.< Making a sequel may drag it out a bit :c but well that's just my opinion '___' Instead of a sequel, maybe start a new story instead? :33
Chapter 31: Awesome story....good job
Chapter 30: Awesome story...!!!
I love it..!!
Chapter 30: awesome story....happy ending. ^^