Chapter 2

On A Rainy Days
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3 weeks passed just like that. You still not find your mom. A thousands question in your head don't have any answer. You have quit school, because you need to work to find money. You got a job at the Italian restaurant, that restaurant just 15 minute from your house if you walk. To spend money, you just walk to your work place.    You are busy do a laundry, and you wait there while look all angle of your house. You need to pay the house rent, electric bill, water bill, buy a food. You feel really terrible and confused. How can a mom leave his daughter alone without any noticed or any left money. Suddenly, your eyes captured a shirt and short pant on the table. 'Ahh... Kris...' your mind say. You still not give back the clothes that he gave you to borrowed it. 'I will sent it after I finished my job.' you said again.   You continue do laundry than you dry it. Today is Tuesday and you free day, because that restaurant closed in Tuesday. After you finished dry it, you clean your mom room and you feel your tears want to falling down, but you hold it. After that, you clean up bathroom, and whole house. After 2 hours, you finished it. You go shower and get ready to go out. You open the fridge to see what need to buy, and you pick the shirt and short pant in the bag, to give back to the owner. Then, you make sure your door is locked.   Then, you walked away to that boy house... Then, after 25 minute, you arrived in front of Kris's house. You push the button and wait for the door open. But, after 5 minute, still nothing happen. Then, suddenly, the door open and you see Kris talking to the phone and just w
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Sounds interesting, but couldn't get past the first chapter with that grammar.
Missmaya #2
adhimaluanu #3
Chapter 31: Cute story . Plz update the next chapter
lavender123 #4
Chapter 16: What I don't understand is that kris's dad passed away now he is the so of the owner of yuna's school?
Wow.......great storyline.
Chapter 32: Hmm I think you ended the story well actually >.< Making a sequel may drag it out a bit :c but well that's just my opinion '___' Instead of a sequel, maybe start a new story instead? :33
Chapter 31: Awesome story....good job
Chapter 30: Awesome story...!!!
I love it..!!
Chapter 30: awesome story....happy ending. ^^