Dress up like Minho

Minho Stories


Minho –

You were on your way to SHINee’s dorm. You swung your arms back and forth as you walked down the sidewalk. You couldn’t wait to hang out with Minho today so you woke up extra early today to make a little lunch for him and you.

As you got to the door, you pressed the doorbell, waiting for an answer. After waiting a couple of minutes with nothing happening, you decided to knock instead

You: “Hello?” you called as you knocked on the door a couple of times. With still no answer, you pouted as you stood at the closed door. You took out your phone to call him

Minho: “Annyong?” answering the phone after just a few rings

You: “Minho; Where are you?” looking around as you stood there

Minho: “Oh, I forgot; We had an emergency on the recording so we had to redo all the recordings we did. Sorry ______, I don’t know what time I’ll be back but I’ll try to be done soon” his voice feeling guilty for not telling you

You: “Aw” disappointed from the news. “But we were supposed to hang out today!” pouting through the phone

Minho: He could tell you were sad that you guys couldn’t hang out today, “I’ll tell you what, why not you wait in the dorm for us until we get back? Okay? Then when I get back we can watch a movie together or something”

You: “Okay…. but the door’s lock?” trying to turn the knob. In order to get into SHINee’s dorm you needed a code, not a key. You looked at the code lock, and stared at it, trying to think what the numbers would be

Minho: “Here, I’ll tell you the code. It’s 7,4,4,6,3,3. Did you get that?” You type in the numbers, and hit the enter button. Then you heard the door unlock, opening the door

You: “Yeah I got in” Closing the door behind you

Minho: “Okay good. Wait for me until I get back _____, I’ll try to finish soon. Love you”

You: “Love you too, bye” hanging up the phone. You put your phone back into your pocket then put the bag with the food on the kitchen table. You looked around the place and noticed it was a little messy, “They probably was in a rush to get to the studio” looking at the small mess they left. You exhaled a deep breath, wondering what you could.

Since you had nothing else to do; You ended up cleaning the place a little for them, making sure everything was neat and clean. After finishing, you took a break, and went to watch some TV on the couch. The place was so quiet with only you in there, it felt empty. You had never been in the dorm before without Minho or the other members there with you. You stored the food in the fridge, going to eat it when he comes back. You watched TV, channel surfing, trying to find something good to watch.

You looked at the time. It was already 2pm and he still wasn’t home. You had gotten a text from him saying that their almost done but that was over an hour ago! You sat on the couch, watching the boring show you got stuck watching.

You: “Ugh, this is boring.” Grabbing the remote and turning off the TV. Without the TV on the place went quiet again. You got up from the couch and went exploring around the place. You opened the doors to all the different rooms in the hallway, opening it and then closing it “Onew’s room… Jonghyun’s room… Bathroom… Key’s room… Taemin’s room” You closed the door to Taemi’s room and went to the door across from it. “Minho’s room” Opening the door and walking inside

The room was simple and neat. His bed was made up already and everything was closed. You had been in his room before but only for a short while and it was only to watch a movie on his bed. You walked to his bed, feeling his soft covers as you sat down.

Your eye’s wandered around the room until it met the doors to the closet. Getting off the bed, you made your way towards the closed doors. You opened the 2 doors to his closet and saw his neat clothes hanging, and then his drawer all closed with nicely folded clothes.

Just for fun, you went through his clothes, taking them off the rack and holding it in front of you in the mirror. You even took out his old school uniform and put on yourself. The jacket was too big for you and your small arms couldn’t even fit all the way through. You looked at your reflection, looking very small with his uniform all.

You: Smiling at your reflection, you put your hands on your hips and pursed your lips “I am Choi Minho” you joked. You laughed at your comment and was having fun playing a little dress up with his clothes, trying on his different t-shirts. The AC was on in the room and you felt a little cold.

Looking for something for the cold, you found one of his sweatshirts and put it on, feeling all warm inside with it on. You breathed into his clothes

You: “It smells just like him” smiling to yourself. His clothes smelt so much like him, it reminded you off him. After playing a little you soon drifted to his bed, falling asleep in his sweatshirt and clutching on to his blanket.



The front door opens as SHINee come’s in after a long day of work

Taemin: “We’re finally home” jumping on the couch, laying down on it

Key: “Where’s _____? Didn’t you say she was going to be waiting for us?” looking around and seeing no sign of you

Minho: “I don’t know? She said she was going to wait”

Jonghyun: “Well she’s still here; her bags and everything are still here”

Onew: “Look, she made some food” showing the food you left in the fridge

Minho walks around, checking the bathroom, looking for you. As he opened the door to his room, it was dark. He walked into the dark room and saw a figure on his bed. Approaching you, he lays 1 hand on your waist

Minho: “Aw, you fell asleep.” Brushing the hair out of your face “You must have waited long” He kisses your forehead, and sees you wearing his sweatshirt close to you

He smiles at the sight and removes the blanket underneath you then tucks you inside. He looks at around his room and sees his clothes a little scattered.

Minho: “Aish _____, you made a little mess” laughing quietly as he starts picking up the fallen clothing and neatly putting it away. After cleaning up, he leaves the room, closing the door slowly and quietly so that he doesn’t wake you.


Middle of the Night-

You feel a grasp around you, and kind of wake up. You half open your eyes, your vision a little blurry, and see a dark figure right next to you. You mumble a little in your sleep and kind of move

Minho: “Shh ____, It’s only me” whispering to you

You: You open your eyes fully now, looking up at his face as he smiles at you. “Minho… when did you get here?”

Minho: “We came back a little late and I found you asleep on the bed. I didn’t want to wake you so I let you continue sleeping” drawing little circles on your back

You: “Oh, Well welcome home” smiling as you hug his chest, bringing you closer to him

Minho: “Thank you… oh and _____?”

You: “Yeah?”

Minho: “Why are you wearing my clothes?” his smile getting bigger as you blush into his chest

You: “I kind of played dress up with them” >.<

Minho: “Oh… Well you’ll have to model for me next time okay?” He jokes as he kisses the top of your head “It really suits you” tugging on the sweatshirt. You blush even more as he hugs you tighter “Are you blushing?” feeling your hot face against him

You: Embarrassed “Yes….” You whisper hiding your face with your hands

He looks down at you as you cover your face

Minho: “Why are you hiding?” laughing, grabbing your wrists and pulling them away so that he could see you face

You: “Because…. You always make me blush” pouting a little

Minho: “Haha… you look so cute when you’re like this,” bringing your face up to his as he kisses your lips softly before you and him fall asleep in each other’s arms ^-^

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always too sweet to handle <3<br />
oh how i wish this was real :)))
I love chapt 10 the moooossssttttt!!!!
Thank gosh I found this, I love this! It is so adorable :")))
b2stshocksme #4
awwh these are so cute~! keep writing please~~!
Chapter 4.. Now I'm leaving minho T.T
just finished the 1st chapter. Why is minho leaving me?!!?! :(<br />
good story btw, i love minho :D