Fights (Minho) Pt.2

Minho Stories



It was their 7th time rehearsing a new dance for their new song, and each time Minho messed up several times!

Minho: “Sorry”

O,J,K: “Ugh..” exhausted, they drop where they are

Taemin: Stopping the music again “Hyung, are you and… yeah still fighting?” He doesn’t bring your name up, afraid Hyung might get mad

Key: “Yeah! Why don’t you guys make up already!” Super tired, not taking any precaution when talking “It’s been 2 days already! Just kiss and make up!”

Taemin: looks at Key, surprised “Wow, Key must be really tired if he’s yelling at Minho like that..” He thinks to himself

Minho: giving Key a kind of glare look “This isn’t like the usually fights we had! This time she really looked mad” He stands there, thinking back to the scene at the park. He sits down, putting his head in his knees “Ugh… why did this happen?” he mumbles

Onew: Standing up from where he sat to sit next to Minho “It’s okay…” patting his back

Taemin: “Yeah hyung! Cheer up! I’m sure everything will go out just fine! Don’t be upset!” smiling

Jonghyun: “What was the fight about anyways?” finally joining the conversation after just listening

Minho: looking up now “I wanted to go to the Gym on my day off and she just started yelling at me because she wanted to do something!”

Key: “She just started yelling at you??”

Minho: “Yeah! She said something about Me always being busy! It’s not like I have a choice! Right?” He looks at s, hoping for some support. All of them look away, awkwardly “Hyungs??”

Onew: “Well…” awkwardly starting

Minho: “Well what??!” Not believing s weren’t on the same page as him

Onew: Kind of backing away from Minho “Maybe she just misses you???”

Minho: “Yeah but what does that have to do with the Gym??” looking at his hands, thinking

Taemin on the other hand, just watches his hyungs talk to Minho; Not really knowing any advice he could give him

Key: “Think about it Minho, You’ve been really busy this past month. Maybe she just really wanted to spend time with you on your day off? That’s why she got mad when you said you were going to the gym instead” He drinks his water as Minho looks at him

Minho: “I guess your right…. Ugh, How could I have been so selfish!” He buries his head again in his knees “What should I do…” The members look around for someone to answer him

Jonghyun: “Okay look” He gets up from sitting and stands in front of Minho, who looks up at him “I don’t want you to be like me. *Ex-Gf name* ended up being friends because we both didn’t have time to spend with each other; it ended up being impossible! But that’s because I’m an idol and she’s an actress. But _____ isn’t an actress, or a singer. She’s someone you met that you really fell in love with, even if she isn’t famous! You really have a chance to spend time with her so you shouldn’t blow it! So instead of sitting here moping around; Go to her and make it up to her!!” He offers his hand to Minho, smiling proud about what he said

Minho: Taking his hand and stands up, smiling now “Thanks Hyung” He starts going to the door, following Jonghyun’s advice

Taemin: “Go Minho!” he cheers just before he leaves

Key: “I hope he does well…”

Onew: “But isn’t it raining??” looking at Jonghyun and Key

Minho, running in the hard rain, run’s his hardest to your house, passing by everyone on the sidewalk not stopping for a break.



You’re sitting at home, working on your laptop; keeping busy from the fight. You glance at your phone, hoping he would call or maybe text you

You: shaking your head “Focus ______. You have to stop thinking about him” a little mad. You get back to work on your laptop. The only noise in the room was the rain outside and the sound of your fingers hitting the keys

*Knock, Knock*

You get up to see who it is. Opening the door

Minho: “______,” breathing heavily, soaking wet. His hair dripping water, and his clothes soaked

You: “Minho???” shocked to find him here, looking at him from head to toe. The rain gets harder and harder

Minho: “______, look, I have to talk to you about the day in the park”

You: “Well your too late” You start to close the door on him, but his hands stop you

Minho: “Wait! Let me explain!” He begs

You: looking at how cold he was in his wet clothes “Okay, go”

Minho: “I’m sorry _______. I was selfish! I should have known that you wanted to spend time together, and I was stupid for now seeing it. I’m sorry for not noticing you were missing me, I missed you too; so much! It was a dumb mistake and I understand if you don’t ever forgive me… “ He looks at you, his eyes sad, his hair dripping wet

You: staring into his eyes. You couldn’t push him away, no matter what he did “I’m sorry for yelling at you” you whisper to him, bringing your hand to his cold cheek. “I love you…” His lips turn up to a smile

Minho: grabbing you from your house and twirling you outside in the rain. “I love you ______.” He kisses you, moving slowly with yours. You feel his cold lips against your warmth, the taste of water from the rain on your tongue. Taking a breath “I really love you” He smiles at you

You: Soaking wet “I know” you and him laugh. He picks you up and starts running around in the rain “Ahhh! Minho!!” You and him end up playing in the rain, laughing.



You: “Here” you throw him a towel “Dry yourself” He catches the towel in 1hand and thanks you. He starts rubbing the towel on his head, drying his hair

You give him a pair of clothes he leaves at your house in case he stays over. After you both change to dry clothes, you snuggle close to him, drinking hot chocolate together while you watch some TV

Minho: “So, what do you want to do tomorrow?” still trying to make it up to you

You: “Ummm…. Actually…” you playfully joke as his eyes widen at you “I’m joking! I’m joking!” You laugh

Minho: “_______!” He laughs and kisses the side of your head, making you come closer to him

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always too sweet to handle <3<br />
oh how i wish this was real :)))
I love chapt 10 the moooossssttttt!!!!
Thank gosh I found this, I love this! It is so adorable :")))
b2stshocksme #4
awwh these are so cute~! keep writing please~~!
Chapter 4.. Now I'm leaving minho T.T
just finished the 1st chapter. Why is minho leaving me?!!?! :(<br />
good story btw, i love minho :D