Going Away (Minho)

Minho Stories


Saturday Afternoon—

You were on the phone with your mom, having an argument because they wanted you to return home since they really missed you.

Mom: “Honey, we want you back here! You have to return home now…”

You: “But Mom!! I can’t just pack my things and leave!?” Pacing back and forth in your living room

Mom: “Sure you can! We have everything planned already! Your flight is on Monday at 8am” You couldn’t believe what your Mom was actually saying

You: “That’s like 2 days from now! 1 day if you don’t count today!?”

Mom: “Yeah and?” Seeing no problem in that

You: “Annnd I don’t want to leave! I’m not leaving. No matter what; I’m staying!” Arguing back

Mom: “_______!  You are coming back home whether you like it or not! And that’s FINAL! You don’t want us to come there and get you ourselves would you?....” You’re Mom knew exactly what it took to get you to give it

You: Thinking about what she just said, “….. No…..” You reply softly in the phone

Mom: “Good. Then it’s set, Monday morning, 8 o’ clock” Happy she won

You: “But!” Trying to find a way to fight back

Mom: “NO BUTS! I’ll see you in a few days; Love you” You say goodbye before she hangs up the phone on you and all you hear is the dial tone.

It was no use calling your Mom back and fighting her again. You plopped yourself onto the couch, weak. How were going to break the news to Minho? You sat in silence, deep in thought. Once you thought everything through, you thought it was best to not tell him at all. You planned to leave without telling him, only until when you were on the plane already and was gone. You held the phone tightly to your chest…. “Just 1 more day left with Minho…”



You called Minho last night to see if he was busy on Sunday and luckily he didn’t have anything planned so you asked if you guys could go on a date! Of course he agreed to it; You told him to meet you at the Zoo at 9am. You had the whole day planned for your date

You look at your packed bags through the mirror. You stayed up a little late to pack some of your things so that you didn’t have to worry about packing during your date. By 8:15 you were out the door and on your way to the Zoo. Waiting at the Zoo entrance, you were a little early but around 8:55 you saw him casually walking in your direction.

You: Walking closer to him “Hi!”

Minho: “Hey” Stopping when you were with him

You: “I got the entrance tickets” holding it up

Minho: “Great! Let’s go then!” taking your hand and leading the way into the Zoo

You guys see all kinds of animals, pointing to each one and taking pictures together with each other. After the zoo you took him to the movies and then to dinner at yours and his favorite restaurant.

You: “Order anything you want, My treat” Smiling as you look through the menu

Minho: “Thanks _____, But why are you doing all this? I mean the Zoo? Movies? And now dinner? Is today something special or something? Is everything alright?”

You: “No, Today’s not anything special. And everything is fine! Nothing to worry about! I just really wanted to spend the day with you” Putting your hand on top of his hand that was on the table. He gets distracted when the waiter comes to take your orders; and when he left you quickly changer to a different topic.

After dinner you guys walk to his dorm, getting close together. Once you were in front of his dorms door,

You: “Um… Minho…” You nervously start asking, blushing a deep red and your face getting hot even though it was a cold night.. “Can I stay over tonight?”

Minho: Kind of surprised with what you said, but sees your embarrassed expression “______... are you… embarrassed?” looking at you as you try to hide your blush

“Never mind, Goodnight Minho!” You try to escape, not being able to take anymore embarrassment; but he grabs you by the hand, turning you around to face him again

Minho: “_______, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Sure you can stay the night” You look at him to see him giving you a warm smile. He opens the door for you, letting you inside first

You: “Where is everybody?” Seeing that it was quiet and empty

Minho: “Probably at a party again…” just casually coming in. You guys cuddle up together on the couch to just watch some T.V

His body warmth felt so relaxing under your touch that you fell asleep in just a matter of minutes. He was watching normally when he hears a small snore escaping your mouth. Minho slowly tries to see you face without moving too much so that he doesn’t wake you. He turns down the volume of the TV

Minho: “She looks so cute when she’s sleeping” Smiling to himself while he brushes your hair behind your ear so that he can see your sleepy face more clearly

You: “Minho..” mumbling in your sleep, clutching onto his shirt, getting closer to him. He laughs, loving you say his name in your sleep

Minho: “She’s probably dreaming of me…” enjoying himself

He turns off the TV and without any struggle; he carries you in his arms, bridal style, walking to his bed as he lays you down. When he tries to stand, your hands still holding onto his shirt, causing him to chuckle more to himself. Seeing no chance of you letting go anytime soon; he climbs into bed with you, pulling the cover over your bodies. He kisses your forehead while wrapping his hands around you, your head nestled in his chest.

You open 1 eye to see if he fell asleep yet; When you know for sure he was asleep, you looked up at his sleeping figure, running your hands down his cheek to his chest. You really couldn’t tell him in the end…



Minho wakes up, the bed messy, the blanket no longer covering him. He rubs his eyes and pats his hand around the bed, feeling nothing. He fully wakes up now trying to see where you were. You were gone. Minho looks around the room and sees a little note on the night stand, addressed to him;

Sorry to leave like this, but after yesterday I just really couldn’t tell you that I’m leaving. I love you; I really do…. With all my heart…. But because I love you so much, I just couldn’t find myself to face you when I leave. I’m sorry that this is all I could do for you, and that it has to end like this… Love _________

Minho: “What is she thinking???” Getting out of bed. Luckily he fell asleep with the clothes he wore last night and didn’t have to worry about getting dressed

He runs out of the room in a rush. The members who were going on with their day look at Minho who loudly came out

Minho: “Have you see ______?” his voice in a panic now

Jonghyun: “Yeah, she left about half an hour ago without saying a word…. Why is something wrong?” Seeing Minho’s face getting more worried. The time now was 7:45

Minho: “I have to get to the airport” running pas everyone

Jonghyun: “The airport??” he screams back, confused. Not even stopping to answer him back, Minho makes his way to the road, holding his hand out for a Taxi

Minho: “Aish, This is taking too long” impatient

He gives up on getting a Taxi and starts sprinting to the airport which was only a couple blocks away. When he gets there, he runs to the nearest board to see what time your flight number was

Minho: “Leaving at 8…. Its 7:55 now” looking up at the scream, breathing heavily. He pushes his way through everyone, trying to get there before you board. “________!!!” seeing you walking into the tunnel

You: Turning around, “Min-“ Your lips were stopped by his, crashing on top of them. His hands holds your face to them, pulling you closer to his lips. They move with your, kissing you harder, not getting enough of you. His soft lips caressing yours in a way words couldn’t describe.

He finally breaks away for a breath

You: “M-Minho” Finally getting it out “What are you doing here?”

Minho: “I wasn’t going to let you leave just like that. No” Still holding your head in his hands “What were you thinking!? Just leaving me a note! That’s all?! After all we’ve been though??”

You: “I-I’m sorry! I just didn’t think I could leave with you here. I didn’t know how you would react to everything! I’m sorry…”

Minho: Shaking his head “______, I love you… don’t ever forget that okay…No matter what happens, no matter how far apart we are, I will always love you.” looking deep into your eyes. You look into his eyes, just falling in love with them. You nod your head, placing your hands on top of his “Now go… You’re going to miss your flight…”dropping his hands. He bites his bottom lip…

You start walking backwards, getting closer to the plane door… you give him a small wave which he returns as you climb through the door, no longer in his view. He sighs and sits down in 1 of the airport chairs, looking out the big window where he could see your plane. He watches the plane back out and get ready for takeoff. After 3 hours, he still sits in the chair, just watching the window.

Key: “Minho! There you are!” tired from looking for you “We’ve looking all over for you!” He sees Minho’s blank expression…. “Did something happen?”

Minho: Finally speaking after 3 hours “She… left…”

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always too sweet to handle <3<br />
oh how i wish this was real :)))
I love chapt 10 the moooossssttttt!!!!
Thank gosh I found this, I love this! It is so adorable :")))
b2stshocksme #4
awwh these are so cute~! keep writing please~~!
Chapter 4.. Now I'm leaving minho T.T
just finished the 1st chapter. Why is minho leaving me?!!?! :(<br />
good story btw, i love minho :D