Fights (Minho) Pt.1

Minho Stories


You haven’t seen Minho for the longest time, his busy schedule, practice, concerts, recording. All of them got in the way of dates and even just seeing each other! Not to mention, whenever he has time for you, you have to do something important! You pretty much had it! You were about to tell him, but when you went to the dorm Key told you he had been pretty stressed lately, so you decided to keep it to yourself.

Even though it’s only for a little while, You’re strolling in the park, just enjoying each other’s presence.

You: “So? What should we do tomorrow?”

Minho: “Huh? What’s tomorrow?” looking at you for the answer

You: “Your day off? You don’t have any things to do tomorrow right?”

Minho: “Yeah…”

You: “So what should we do?” Wrapping your hands around his waist from the side

Minho: “Umm, actually….” You look at him now, hoping he was joking when he said that. “I kind of was planning to go to the gym tomorrow…” He looks at you, and you looked mad.

You: “The gym!?” You drop your hands from him and stop walking to face him

Minho: “Yeah???”

You: “Minho! This is probably your first day off you had in a month! And you want to spend it in the gym! Ugh! I can’t believe you!” You walk away, stomping your feet

Minho: Running to you “_____, wait!” He grabs your arm to turn you around. Your face, not happy.  “________, why are you mad? What’s the problem??” looking at you confused but tries anyway to fix the problem

You: Crossing your arms “Minho, I hardly get to see you now! That’s the problem!” you shout

Minho: “It’s not my fault that whenever I get a free day, your busy!?” he shouts back

You: “That was only once! And you’re the one that’s always busy! If it isn’t a concert then it’s a Taping! If it isn’t that then it’s practice!! You never spend time with me anymore!” arguing

Minho: “Well what do you want me to do?! Drop everything about SHINee and spend every minute with you!?”

You: “No! That’s not what I want!!” on the verge of tears. This wasn’t like the little fights you guys would have. This was bigger… It was your first argument, and it was tearing you apart

Minho: “Gosh, I can’t believe I can’t even go to the Gym without you yelling at me” running his hand through his hair.

You: Not believing what he just said “Excuse me? Fine then! Go to the gym for all I care!!!”

Minho: “Fine I will!” he yells

You: “FINE!” You walk away, mad

Minho stands there breathing heavily, his anger, rising. He walks in the other direction pissed

When you get closer to your house, your anger had turned to tears… You walk mindlessly to your house, replaying everything that just happened. “It’s not my fault whenever I’m free, your busy!!” His words echo in your head. Reaching home, you get inside and just crawl into bed, crying into your pillow.



Minho walks angrily into the dorm,

Taemin: “Hey Hyung! How was your walk with….” He stares at Minho as he just walks past Taemin,m ignoring him and slams his door shut “What’s his problem??” Sitting down on the couch, joining the other 3

Onew: looking at the door, worried a little “What do you think happened?” looking at anyone for answers

Key: “Probably just a little fight with _______” turning to the next page in the magazine he was reading “Don’t worry, They’ll probably be back together again in 1 hour, 2 hours tops. Then he’ll be back to the happy Minho again” Everyone agrees with Key and just goes on with their daily routine

But since this fight was different, he didn’t let it go. The whole day he was mad, not talking to anyone.

Jonghyun: “Minho, dinner” knocking on the door, calling him. No response

He missed dinner and ignored anyone who knocked or called him

Taemin: “It looks like your sleeping on the couch hyung” nudging his shoulder to Jonghyun



That night, you stayed in bed. Not caring about dinner, just sitting there, hugging your pillow. Dried tears on your face, as you listen to the hard rain hit against your window. Tears come down again as You think back to the fun times you had with him. His warmth, his smile, his laugh… His kiss…

(Pt.2 in the Next Chapter)

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always too sweet to handle <3<br />
oh how i wish this was real :)))
I love chapt 10 the moooossssttttt!!!!
Thank gosh I found this, I love this! It is so adorable :")))
b2stshocksme #4
awwh these are so cute~! keep writing please~~!
Chapter 4.. Now I'm leaving minho T.T
just finished the 1st chapter. Why is minho leaving me?!!?! :(<br />
good story btw, i love minho :D