
Minho Stories



You run to open the door while trying to put on your last earing, “Coming, coming!” You say as you reach for the knob and pull it open

Minho: “Wow…” Taking you in, in a glance “You look… Wow...” speechless for words as he looks at you.

Today was a little party for SHINee and it was the first formal party you were attending. Usual the parties you went to were just SHINee and a few other idols but this time was different. There was going to be big names in the Music business attending the party, so that meant there was going to be paparazzi. You were wearing an elegant but comfortable red dress. Even though you were against it, Key had insisted on buying you it because; Tonight was the day your relationship and Minho will fully be revealed to the public.

 ~Key: “You have to look spectacular! Everyone will be looking at the 2 of you” he said to you as he delivered the dress that afternoon.~

You: “Is it too much?” Really counting on his opinion the most as you twirl around in front of him so that he could see the back too

Minho: “No, No it’s perfect.” Smiling and taking your hand, “You look beautiful ____, as you always do”

You blushed at his compliment while you slipped on your heels. He helped you into the car, following in after you.

You: “Where is everyone?” Seeing that it was only you and Minho in the back and the driver in the front

Minho signaled the driver to go and the car pulled out and started driving. The street lights were passing by quickly, leaving little gleams of light in the car as you passed. You felt Minho take your hand that was resting on the seat

Minho: “The said it would be better if we arrived separate from them…. Something about showing you off?” his voice got a little nervous towards the end, “Are you okay?” looking at you

You: Meeting his eyes “A little, just a little nervous” admitting the truth. You didn’t know how everyone will accept you. Your relationship with Minho was exactly secret, but it wasn’t really public either. You both kept to yourself and hardly went out together due to his busy schedule and yours. You kept contact through texts, phone calls, and of course video chatting with each other. Only a few people knew you were dating and that was SHINee, their manager, and a few idols that met you.

Minho: “Don’t worry. I’ll be right next to you the whole night” giving you a reassuring smile and squeezing your hand.

The rest of the ride was quiet. Both of you were looking out the window, letting your thoughts wonder. Soon enough, you arrived.

Minho: “Ready?”

You looked at him with worried eyes before nodding. He opened the door to the car and got out. You could see flashes of light already coming in your direction as Minho’s hand reaches inside for yours to help you get out. There were faint screams as people were cheering for Minho and always voices of questions as they wondered who you were. You were crowded by tons of people with cameras, pens and paper, all wanting your picture and Minho’s autograph. You wrapped your hand around Minho as he wraps his around your waist.

Minho: “Just smile and walk” he whispered in your ear. Really nervous, you walked alongside him.

Please don’t trip, Pleeease don’t trip! You thought to yourself. You smiled and walked, just like you were told. You felt better in seconds, knowing that Minho was right next to you, squeezing your hand for comfort. Before you knew it, Minho was opening the door to the celebration.

The inside was elegant, filled with softly played classical music. Everyone was talking and laughing with each other, congratulating others for their success, asking about their lives and just catching up. You swallowed loudly, tightening your grip on Minho’s arm.

“________!!! Minho!!” Your names were screamed from the right of the room

It was the other SHINee members that had called you. They were all dressed just like Minho; A black and white suit. All of them looked extraordinary as they came towards you

Onew: “You made it!” Onew Cheered

Jonghyun: “You look great ____” He complimented as he looked over your dress

Key: “Told you that dress would fit you perfectly” Key added while  he laid his arm over Jonghyun’s shoulder

You: “Thanks everyone; you guys look really cool to me too” shyly saying as you could feel your cheeks going a little warm.

Taemin: “What do you think of the party?” Taemin asked

You: “It’s…. Different…” looking around the room again

It was so different from the parties you go too, it was just like a whole different world. You were finally seeing Minho’s real world now.

The 6 of you talked in your own little area in the party until their manager came and whispered something to Onew. Onew nodded his head a couple of times before his manager finally walked away.

Onew: “Guys, Manager wants us to go speak to the head of the music industry” Everyone nodded and followed Onew who was walking towards their manager. You turned your eyes to their manager who was standing to a man that he was talking too. The man looked like a really old successful man.

Minho: Touching your arm, he pulled you from where you were looking to him “I’ll be back,” he said, unwrapping your hand from his and following behind s.

You: “No!” you raised you voice in panic as you reached your grasp for his hand again “You promised you wouldn’t leave me side tonight” pouting while you looked up at him

Minho: Laughing at your cute reaction, “______, It’s only for a little while okay?” taking off your hand “I promise, I’ll be back before you know it” he placed both hands on your shoulder and lightly kissed your forehead.

Minho turned and half jogged to his hyungs to catch up, leaving you standing in the party all alone. You nervously looked at the other people talking and started walking around the room. You headed towards the table with food, not really sure why but who cared? You were looking at the food when a sudden tap on the shoulder caused you to almost fall when you turned around too fast.

Guy: “Whoa, I’m sorry” chuckling a little as he catches you with your right hand. You looked up at him, surprised to see a man you don’t know “You looked a little lonely over here and I thought you were too beautiful to be alone” giving you a bright smile.

You didn’t know what to do; Happy with what he said about calling you beautiful, but at the same time nervous.

You: “Um, Thanks…” pulling your hand away from him

Guy: Still smiling at you “So, what are you doing all alone at a party like this?”

You opened your mouth to respond when someone took the words right out of you from behind

Minho: “She’s not alone; She’s with her boyfriend.” Coming to you and placing his hand around your waist. You nervously look down, but you could feel Minho’s arm pulling you closer to him. It seemed like he didn’t like the sight of you talking to someone else. Minho looked down to you “Sorry I made you wait ______,” he pulled you away and you both walked towards the other SHINee members.

Minho: “I leave you alone for a few minutes and there’s already a guy hitting on you.” His whispered as you walked

You: His voice sounded irritated, “Minho…” hesitating on your question “Are you jealous?”

Minho: He didn’t answer for a while, “And if I am?”

You: Shocked “Then don’t be” you stopped him in his tracks and turned to face him “You know I’ll only love you. So there’s no reason to be jealous okay?”  Giving him a reassuring smile

Minho: Calm and smiling at you “I really love you ______” leaning forward and giving you a kiss on the lips

You: “I know” smirking a little when his lips parted for yours for a breath. You wrapped your hands around his neck and pulled him closer again for another kiss


Next Day-

You and Minho were cuddled up in your bed in the early morning, just watching the news. You were lying on his chest when a various pictures of you and Minho from the party last night were showing. You opened your eyes big when you saw it. The captions under the pictures were “Who is Minho dating?”

You grabbed another pillow and plopped it on top of your face

Minho: Seeing you hiding “What’s wrong _____?” taking off the pillow

You: “I don’t know… Just seeing me and you on the news and magazines makes me a little embarrassed” blushing a light shade of red

Minho: “I like it. I’m glad that everyone knows you’re my girlfriend” smiling down at you. You look up at him curious about his happiness “I really like it because now every guy knows you’re taken by me” you and he laugh together about his silliness

You: “I will always be taken by you; no one can compare to you, Minho” propping yourself up and kissing him on the lips. He pulls you closer and deepens the kiss, wrapping his hands around you so that there’s no space in between.

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always too sweet to handle <3<br />
oh how i wish this was real :)))
I love chapt 10 the moooossssttttt!!!!
Thank gosh I found this, I love this! It is so adorable :")))
b2stshocksme #4
awwh these are so cute~! keep writing please~~!
Chapter 4.. Now I'm leaving minho T.T
just finished the 1st chapter. Why is minho leaving me?!!?! :(<br />
good story btw, i love minho :D