
Minho Stories


You: "Thanks again for coming with me Minho." looking behind you, "I know your schedule is busy and all..." feeling a little guilty to pull Minho from his busy schedule.

Minho: "Don't worry about it _______, anything for you." Giving you a small smile. A very special party for SHINee was coming up and since Minho planned on bringing you, you had to go shopping for a new dress. Not sure what you should get, you asked Minho to come with you.

You: "I'm going to try these on," showing him the 4 dresses you had, "I'll come out to ask for you opinion okay?" looking up at Minho for a reply

Minho: His hands in his pockets, "Okay, I'll miss you," he chuckled, giving you a kiss on the cheek

You: "I'm not leaving to another country Minho," seeing his over exaggeration. You walked to the dressing room, leaving Minho outside, waiting.

It took you a few minutes to get the first dress on. After looking at yourself in the dress, you opened the door and walked outside to show Minho for his opinion.

You: "What do you think?" You asked, spinning around to show Minho the full view of the dress. You stopped on the 2nd spin seeing that Minho was signing a girls book instead of looking at you

Minho: Noticing you, "Oh, uh, It looks nice ________!" Giving you a smile while handing the girl her pen back as she thanked him for his autograph

You turned around and went back into the dressing room, changing into the next dress. When you came out,you found Minho around  3 girls this time, all holding out a piece of paper. When you went to try on the third dress, 5 girls crowded around Minho.

You: "Minho?" you yelled, trying to get his attention. "Hello??" you yelled. He gave you a quick glance and turned back to the girls, smiling for pictures and signing their papers nervously. "tsk." you walked back into the room. As you put on the 4th dress, you took a while to look at yourself in the mirror. Spinning, smiling to yourself. You found the perfect dress, and was do sure that Minho would love it. You walked out eager to show Minho.

You: "Mi-" stopping to see a huge crowd of girls this time. He was smiling, not even noticing you once. You knew Minho was popular because of SHINee, and that always made you Conscious about other girls. Disappointed, you try to call him again, but 3 girls came from behind you, almost causing you to fall over. That was it, you reached the point when you didn't care anymore. You changed out of the dress and walked to the cashier.

Cashier: "Will that be all?" asking you as he bags the 4th dress. You looked at Minho, not even noticing you leaving

You: "Yeah that's all...." The cashier smiled and handed you your bag. You walked out of the store, Minho not even noticing you being in distress, too busy with the other girls. You started to wander around the mall, head down, quiet, letting your feet take you farther away from Minho.  

You didn't know what to do. You walked out of the store out of impulse, tired of seeing Minho always around other girls and not you. Fighting the urge to go back to him, telling yourself that he probably doesn't even notice you left. You finally sat down at a bench in the vacant side of the mall. Biting your lip, replaying the scene at the store in your head over and over again.



At the store-

Minho: "Uh your welcome" signing another girls paper. I looked at the dressing room, starting to get worried on where ________ was. Being polite, I smiled and made my way to the lady working in the dressing room. "Uhm excuse me, is the girl I came here with still in there?" wondering what's taking you soon to change

Lady: "Oh her? She left about 30 minutes ago after buying a dress" I looked at her shocked, _________ left?

Minho: Chuckles, "Your kidding right? She couldn't have left?" shocked, not knowing that to do. Did you really leave Me without saying anything??

Lady: "Mmm nope. I'm pretty sure she left. She kind of looked sad before she left though..."

Minho: "Thank you...uhm, can I get a little help?" pointing  at the groups of girls. The lady got my hint and gave me a hat and sunglasses, helping Me out of the store without being recognized. I probably ran a mile looking for _______ around the mall. I searched different stores, looked outside, the food court, nothing. "Where is she??" I panted, my hands on my hips, breathing heavily.

I was going crazy looking for her, worried. Something in my gut said something was wrong, it only caused me to worry more. You weren't picking up your phone, answering my text messages?? I took out my phone again, calling you. It rang a few times. A noise nearby caught my attention, it was your ringtone for me.

Minho: "_________!" I yelled.


Your POV-

Minho: "__________!" he yelled. You looked up and saw Minho jogging towards you. You quickly wiped your eyes, clearing the few tears on your cheek and stood up, walking in the opposite direction of Minho. "_________," he yells your name again, hearing it closer as he catches up to you and takes your hand. "________, why'd you leave?" trying to catch his breath. You looked down at your feet, not sure what to say. He brought your chin up so he could look at you, "________?" his voice soft, calm.

You: You took a deep breath, "I-I don't know.. You seemed busy with all of them and.... And..." your voice going soft

Minho: "And?" looking in your eyes, trying to figure out what's wrong

You: "Tch, and I guess I got a little jealous." looking down again,

Minho: "________," pulling you to his chest, his hands wrapping around you, pulling you closer. You could feel his warmth.

You: Hugging him back, burying your face in his chest, "I'm sorry, it's stupid I know. I shouldn't be jealous"

Minho: he pulled you away to look at you. He took a long look in your eyes before he sighed, "Tch. No... Don't say sorry. I should've payed more attention to you _________, I wasn't aware that you would feel jealous with me being around other girls" your cheek softly with his thumb, he kissed he top of your head lightly.

You: "I love you Minho...." wrapping your hands around him.

Minho: "I love you too __________" kissing your lips softly. He smiled at you, "Come on, let's go home..." he grabs your hand and gave it a little squeeze as you guys made your way back to the car. Both of you guys spent the day cuddling in bed, watching movies together until you fell asleep in his arms.

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always too sweet to handle <3<br />
oh how i wish this was real :)))
I love chapt 10 the moooossssttttt!!!!
Thank gosh I found this, I love this! It is so adorable :")))
b2stshocksme #4
awwh these are so cute~! keep writing please~~!
Chapter 4.. Now I'm leaving minho T.T
just finished the 1st chapter. Why is minho leaving me?!!?! :(<br />
good story btw, i love minho :D