
Minho Stories



You: “Minho, you don’t have to carry all those bags!” you complained. Today you and Minho went to the store to buy a few groceries. Even though it was only a few, you knew it was heavy and Minho, being the kind person he is, took all the bags from your hands and insisted to carry them himself

Minho: “______, It’s heavy. I don’t want you to carry anything this heavy” Giving you a smile

You: Pouting “I can do it myself. I’m not that fragile” looking at him

It’s been this way ever since you were together. At first you thought it was sweet, that he cared so much about your safety and health but after time, it became a bother. He was treating you like a bubble! 1 touch and it’ll break.

Minho: “I know you can, but let me just carry this for you once okay?” giving you that 1 smile where you can’t turn him down.

You: “Fine, just this once.” Giving into him

You walked together down the side walk as you held hands, just talking about everyday things with him. The 2 of you stopped at the curb, waiting for the light to turn green so that it was safe to cross. Cars, busses, and trucks passed by an instant. It was a busy road, and also a dangerous one. You looked across the street while Minho was pressing the button. Still holding Minho’s hand, you could see a little boy, about 4 years old, holding onto his mother’s hand. The next thing you knew it, the little boy had let go of his mother’s hand and was walking towards the road.

Your eyes widen as you see the boy step onto the pavement into the busy road. Everything then turned slow as you looked to your left and saw a bus coming towards the child.

Minho: “______!!” You hear his voice shout but it already sounded far away from you. You had let go of his hand and ran into the street for the little boy.

The bus honks his horn at the little boy; you could hear the boy’s mom shouting from the other side of the street. The kid looked at the bus, not moving an inch, but just standing there. You could feel your heart beating inside of you as you quickly grab the little boy and jump out of the way of the bus.

You tumble on the road, holding the boy in your hands, making sure he doesn’t get hurt. Time began to go back to normal as everything didn’t seem slow anymore

You: “Are you okay?” looking at the little boy in your hands. He didn’t get any cuts or anything and seemed okay. You and him were on the ground, dirty.

The Boy nods his head, not saying another word

Mother: “*Boy’s Name*! Are you okay!!? Thank you! Thank you so much!” she says to you, holding her child close to her. You smile and just simply say it’s okay. The Lady thanks you again multiple times before she walks away.

You turn around smiling and see Minho right behind you

Minho: “Are you stupid? You could have killed yourself?!” his eyes wide, chest moving heavily as you can hear his uneven breath from his mouth

You: “Minho, Relax! I’m okay” looking up at him and slightly laughing like it was nothing

Minho: “_____!” running his hands through his hair. He had dropped the groceries the moment you let go of his hand to run on to the street. He tried to grab your hand again and pull you back but missed it. He had watched, wide eye, as you jump in front of a bus for that little boy “Don’t you see how dangerous that was!?” grabbing your shoulders and looking at you intently

You: “I know it was dangerous but what else could I have done? Let that boy get hit?!” yelling at him. He was over reacting over a pointless fact

Minho: “No!” yelling back “But, when are you going to think about your safety for once!? What if you got hit! What would you do then?!”

You: “I didn’t do anything wrong so why am I getting yelled at!?” you shot back, angry

Minho: “You don’t get it do you?? You’re a girl _____! You have to stop doing things by impulse and think a little!”

You: “So what if I’m a girl?? Just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean I can’t do things you can! Stop trying to do everything for me Minho!” you shout and shrugged his hands off. You stomped away from him.

You angrily walked towards the SHINee dorm out of impulse. You knocked on the door and saw Onew open it.

Onew: “Whoa, what happened?” seeing you covered in dirt

You: “Nothing, just a little accident” you snap under your breath

Taemin: “Where’s Minho?” Seeing you as you walk into the living room

You: “I don’t know, and I don’t want to know” your voice cold

Jonghyun: “What happened between you guys? You were both happy when you left?” coming into the room, followed by Key

Key: “What happened to you??” looking at your clothes

You: “There was a little boy that walked into the road” you say, the SHINee faces all look astonished at the news and become to worry “The little boy is alright. I ran onto the road and got him before a bus hit him.”

Everyone: “ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!” They all say, looking at you.

You: “I’m alright. But Minho made a big deal out of it! I swear! Sometimes he’s too protective of me!” Your anger coming back

Onew: “Well it is Minho. He cares about you. He doesn’t want you to get hurt”

You: “I know but-”

Jonghyun: “He just wants you safe, that’s all”

You: “I know bu-“

Key: “But what?! There are no buts! What you did was a good thing but it was too reckless! What if you had gotten hurt?”

You: “You sound like Minho” annoyed with Key

Taemin: “_______, Minho’s right. I think he just said those things because he was really worried about you. What if that had happened to Minho?”

You: thinking deeply about Taemin’s words “Well, I would be devastated…”

Taemin: “Exactly, the same way Minho would feel if that had happened to you”

Once again, the members had proved you wrong and you ran out the door to find Minho. It didn’t take long to find him in the park, his head down”

You walked towards him, your hands in your pockets

You: “Hey?” He looks up and slowly stands up at the sight of you

Minho: “_____…” he starts, shaking his head. He looked sorry,

You: “Save it. I’m at fault. I should have thought things through before I did something so reckless. I’m sorry” Minho slowly smiles. His hand reaches out towards you and pulls you into a hug

Minho: “I’m sorry. I guess I can be a bit to protective of you” laughing a little “Forgive me?” pulling apart so he could see your face

You: “As long as you forgive me” smiling. You reach up and give him a small kiss on the lips,

Minho: “I’ll take that as a yes” his smile growing bigger as he pulls you towards him again for another kiss

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always too sweet to handle <3<br />
oh how i wish this was real :)))
I love chapt 10 the moooossssttttt!!!!
Thank gosh I found this, I love this! It is so adorable :")))
b2stshocksme #4
awwh these are so cute~! keep writing please~~!
Chapter 4.. Now I'm leaving minho T.T
just finished the 1st chapter. Why is minho leaving me?!!?! :(<br />
good story btw, i love minho :D