When You're Sick (Minho)

Minho Stories


It was November and it was cold but not cold enough that it would snow. You were planning on going running with Minho today so you got up and put on a track suit and went to go join him at the park.

It was only 9 in the morning and the park wasn’t that crowded or busy. You found him stretching on the bench, getting ready for the run

You: “Hey, did you wait long?” coming up to him in a jog

Minho: Finishing his stretches “Nope, just got here. Are you ready?”

You: “Yep, let’s go” he jogs beside you and both of you talk about SHINee and just a lot of other stuff.

Only running 5 blocks you started to feel tired which was really strange. You also noticed that you were sweating more than often and your hands felt really weak.

You: “Can we take a break?” breathing hard after the 8th block

Minho: “Yeah sure” Letting you stop and drink some water “What’s wrong? This is only the 8th block?” wondering why you’re so tired. When you first started running with him, you always took a break after just 5 blocks but got used to running after doing it with him so many times; that’s why it was strange that you got tired only after the 8th

You: “It’s nothing. I just feel a little weak today”

Minho: “What time did you go to sleep last night?”

You: “Um 2am? And then I woke up at 7?” trying to remember what time you fell asleep

Minho: Surprised “You only slept for 5 hours! ______, you’re supposed to sleep 8 hours a day!”

You: “It’s only 5 hours. That’s enough sleep for me” You were used to late nights and little sleep so it didn’t bother you much

Minho: “Well did you at least sleep with your blanket on last night? You know you sometimes forget to do that!” Putting his hands on his hips now. He knew something was wrong with you and wasn’t going to stop trying to find out until he comes to a conclusion

You: Thinking back to when you woke up “I don’t think I had it on?” You remembered that it was really cold at night and you forgot your blanket

Minho: “Aish” He walks in front of you and touches your forehead with the back of his hand “Look, your warm!” taking your hand so that you can feel the temperature too

You: “It wasn’t like that this morning?” Feeling the Hot touch of your forehead

Minho: “Your sick ______! You must have made it worse by coming to jog with me in this cold weather!!” Crossing his arms around his chest

You: “I’m not sick! I hardly get sick! I can’t be sick!” It was true, sickness doesn’t really come to you a lot. You would get sick like once a year, but even then it wouldn’t be this bad.

Minho: “Yes you are; and I’m taking you back home right now! You need rest” Taking your hand in his, he starts dragging you home, ignoring your protests and your trials to make him let go. By the time you guys got home you had given up trying to fight him since he was so strong. You gave him the keys and entered before him. “Go take a shower first, you’re really sweating. I’m going to make you something to eat” You follow his orders and head straight to the bathroom

After 20 minutes later he had finished cooking and was waiting for you to be done taking a shower

Minho: “Aish this girl” looking at the time “It takes her 20 minutes to take a quick shower??” He decides to knock on the door to see how you were doing “______, are you done yet?” He leans his ear against the door to listen for your response. Nothing. “______? ______!?” Still nothing. He hears the water running but nothing from you. He tries to turn the knob which was surprisingly open. “______, I’m coming inside” he warns. He sees the mirror covered in steam and also notices your dirty clothes in the hamper. He makes his way to the shower “_______....” Suspicious now. He opens the shower and finds you passed out “______!” He turns off the shower and tries slapping your face a little to get you conscious. When you don’t respond he quickly gets the towel from the rack and wraps it around you, carrying you to your bedroom. He lays you on the bed and uses another towel to dry your face “______, ______!”



You: “Mmmm” waking up a little “M-Minho?” You ask. You start to remember where you are and suddenly sit up “Minho!” You kind of shout

Minho: “____!” Coming into the room “You’re awake!” He comes to you and hugs you tightly “You had me so worried! Don’t ever do that again! You scared the hell out of me!” squeezing your cheeks in between his hands

You nod your head, not being able to speak because of his hands. You remember the last place you were, taking a shower and push him away, covering your body.

Minho: “______? What’s wrong?” Kind of surprised that you pushed him away

You: “I was taking a shower and…” your hands feel clothes on you. You look confused

Minho: He notices what you were talking about and starts scratching the back of his head, trying to hide his deep red blush “Um, I-I just found any comfortable clothes for you” You look at him speechless, starting to blush hard too.

He saw you… ?! And he even changed you! You cover your face in embarrassment, the atmosphere going awkward

Minho: looking away, embarrassed as well “I-I didn’t do anything if that’s what you’re wondering…” he sits next to you on the bed “I was just so worried when I found you passed out that I didn’t know what to do. So I just automatically picked you up and brought you here” blushing more, his cheek getting hot

You watched him as he tries to act cool and hide his red face. You smiled sweetly at him. He was just too cute when he gets embarrassed

You: Kissing his cheek “Thank you” He looks at you surprised from the kiss “I’m really lucky to have you, you know that?” you smile at him and he smiles back, no longer feeling embarrassed “I love you Minho”

Minho: “I love you too _____” You come closer and kiss him softly on the lips. When you pull away he leans forward, wanting more; continuing the kiss, causing you to lay down on the bed with him on top of you, your hands on his chest and his hands on each side of you, holding himself up.

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always too sweet to handle <3<br />
oh how i wish this was real :)))
I love chapt 10 the moooossssttttt!!!!
Thank gosh I found this, I love this! It is so adorable :")))
b2stshocksme #4
awwh these are so cute~! keep writing please~~!
Chapter 4.. Now I'm leaving minho T.T
just finished the 1st chapter. Why is minho leaving me?!!?! :(<br />
good story btw, i love minho :D