Goodbyes.... (Minho)

Minho Stories


Minho: “______, wake up… It’s morning” he whispers into your ear

You: “Huh?” you start waking up, and find him right next to you, kneeling by your bed.

Minho: “I made you breakfast” As he removes your blanket

You: Rubbing your eyes “Minho? What are you doing here?”

Minho: “I thought today, we could do something” You and him walk to the kitchen were you find your favorite breakfast, all laid out for you.

You: “Wow!” he sits you down at a chair and starts feeding you bite by bite

Minho: “Is it good?” You nod your head, since your mouth was too full to respond

After breakfast he cleaned up while you went upstairs to get ready.

You: “What do you want to do today?” you ask, as he links his fingers with yours as you walk down the street

Minho: “Anything you want to do” smiling at you

You: “Hmm, Should we go watch that movie we were talking about?” He agrees with you and start heading to the Theater.

By the time it was 7:00pm, you guys had finished the movie, and finished having dinner at one of your favorite places. You were now at the front of your house, saying goodbye

You: “Today was fun Minho” ^-^

Minho: “I’ll come over again tomorrow, Good Night _____” He grabs your face and starts giving you a deep kiss. The kiss, almost made you faint and just when you were about to become light headed, he stopped. “I’ll always love you…” he whispers before walking away.

You put your finger’s to your lips, feeling them. That kiss was… odd. It wasn’t like any other kiss he gave you? Something was behind that kiss. Something he’s not telling you…

The next day was almost like yesterday. He cooked another 1 of your favorite breakfast, and did something you wanted to do. And just when he said Goodbye, he gave you that deep kiss, making you lightheaded again, and whispering “I’ll always love you…” before leaving. That night, you sat there in your bed thinking, What could be wrong?


The next day-

He woke you up again, and fed you breakfast, just like the last 2 days, but this time, when he asked what you want to do, you decided to stay home.

It was 3:00pm, and you guys were cuddled next to each other, watching a movie when he starts to get up and use the bathroom. Your sitting on the couch watching the movie when his phone starts to ring. You look at it for a couple of seconds before answering it for him

You: “Annyong?”

Taemin: “Minho!”

You: “No Taemin, It’s ______”

Taemin: “Oh Hi ______, Can you ask Minho if he finished packing yet?”

You: You thought you misheard what he said, “Um Finish packing?”

Taemin: “Yeah? We’re leaving tomorrow and He needs to finish packing his stuff”

You: Shocked “Where are you guys going?” your voice worried now

Taemin: “Didn’t he tell you? We’re going to be overseas for a couple of years.”

You: “No… He didn’t tell me” Your voice sounds sad. You hang up the phone on Taemin before he can say anything else. Minho’s leaving… Tomorrow…

Minho: Suddenly walking into the room, “Who was that?” You stand up from the sound of his voice and face him with his phone still in your hand. You don’t say anything, you just look at him… He doesn’t move closer, and just stands where he is, “Who called?”

You: “T-Taemin” Your voice cracks from talking, You put your head down, and look at his phone in your hand “He called to ask if you finished packing for your trip tomorrow.” You look back at him with watery eyes

Minho: His eyes open wide, “______...” he stretches his hand towards you

You: “Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving!” you walk up to him and start punching his chest, crying now. You were mad, not because he was leaving, but because he kept something as big as this and hid it from you.

Minho: Not bothering to stop you “I’m sorry” he whispers

You stop punching him and start hugging his chest, crying into it. He picks you up and carries you to your bed. He lays there with you, not saying a word, just your hair while you cry. You cried all night, until you finally fell asleep.



You wake up, your pillow wet, from your tears. You sit up and look around the room, you find a folded note on your desk saying, “For_______” You walk to your desk, and pick up the note. You read:

Dear ______,

By the time your reading this, I probably already left. I know I should have told you about me leaving, but I just couldn’t gather the strength to tell you. The last 3 days were the best days of my life, and I hope we will see again in the future. I’m sorry for making you cry and causing you pain but I want you to know that I will always be thinking of you, and I will never forget you. You are truly, the one I love. Please wear this ring I give you, so that you know, I’ll always be with you. I love you always… -Minho

You look down at your desk and find a silver ring. You pick it up in your hands, and see that it’s engraved “Forever in my heart” You wrap your fingers around the ring, holding it tightly. You read the letter over and over until your tears began to blur your vision. The room was still, quiet. It felt empty. You couldn’t believe it, He… was gone.

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always too sweet to handle <3<br />
oh how i wish this was real :)))
I love chapt 10 the moooossssttttt!!!!
Thank gosh I found this, I love this! It is so adorable :")))
b2stshocksme #4
awwh these are so cute~! keep writing please~~!
Chapter 4.. Now I'm leaving minho T.T
just finished the 1st chapter. Why is minho leaving me?!!?! :(<br />
good story btw, i love minho :D