A Loving Defeat.

Minho Stories




Minho: “Want any help?” sitting at the table with an empty plate in front of him.

You: “No, I got it.” Washing the dishes

Minho: “Here,” placing his dish inside the sink.

You: “Thank you,” placing more soap on the sponge.

Minho: “Mmmmm,” wrapping his hands around your waist from the back, “That was a great lunch _____” Whispering into your ear. He pulled you closer to him, leaving no gap between you two

You: “I’m glad you liked it” smiling as you soap another dish

Minho: “You know, you take care of me so well” kissing your neck, “I don’t know what I’d do without you” nibbling on your ear. You wash off the last dish and turned around, wrapping your hands around his waist

You: “I can’t imagine myself without you” smiling up at him

Minho: “I love you.” He whispers

You: “I love you too,” giving him a soft peck on the lips

It was Christmas day, and you were spending it together. Just finished with lunch, you both decide to play some games since it was just too cold to do anything else. You sat across the coffee table from Minho next to the warmth of the fire he made.

Minho: “I win” he smiles, “again.” It was the 5th time he won at this game. But it was the 3rd game you played.

You: “Rematch.” Peeved that he won every single game and you lost every single game.

Minho: “Again? That’s the 5th time we played?” surprised as he was reshuffling the deck

You: “I was just warming up! I’m determined to beat you!”

Minho: “Okay fine. But let’s make this game a little but more interesting…” his eyebrow lifts as he shuffles one last time.

You: “I’m listening….” You reply, curious at what he has to say

Minho: “Loser has to…” thinking to himself for a punishment, “Do something in public! So you have to do something embarrassing.”

You: “Ha, you mean YOU have to do something embarrassing, because I am not losing” smiling confidently as Minho chuckles at you as he deals the cards.

Silence took over the atmosphere as you both concentrated on your cards. The game felt like forever, but you placed your last cards down.

You: “I-I win? I WIN!” you jump up celebrating with a dance

Minho slams his cards down in defeat.

Minho: “Aish, I want a rematch…” complaining while he gathers the cards again and shuffles

You: “No, no! A deal is a deal. You lost fair and square so now you have to take on the punishment!” teasing him.

Minho: “Fine, fine” admitting defeat

You: “So what are you going to do?” placing your elbows on the table and holding your head in your hands.

Minho: “I have something planned….” He smirks

You tilt your head to the side confused.

A few hours later, and a few games later, it was already 5 o’ clock. You and Minho were getting your coats on since he wanted to do his punishment around this time. You were fine with it since the streets were going to be busy since this was the time people were going home to their families for Christmas. You guys took a taxi to Main Street and walked to the central fountain in town.

You: “Well?” waiting for Minho to hurry up

Minho: “Look around…” he says, smiling

You follow his directions and see your parents waving at you.

You: “Mom? Dad?!” surprised to see them

You look around and see familiar faces around you. Friends and Family Members were all around you

You: “B-But?” You turn to Minho for your answer but don’t see him. You look down and there he was

Down on 1 knee was Minho. He was holding out his hand for yours. You were speechless…

He grabbed your hand and held it in his.

Minho: “_______, I’ll love you for eternity. I invited everyone here to witness my love for you. On this day, I want to call you forever mine. And with this,” pulling out a simple diamond ring from his coat pocket, “I’ll make it official. So how about it? Will you please be mine?” looking up at you.

You didn’t even have to think, you replied yes. He stood up and slipped the ring on your finger. You hugged him, tears of joy coming out. You were surrounded by applause and congratulations.

You: “You planned all of this?” looking at him. “You lost on purpose?” he nodded his head. “I love you too much…” you smiled.

Minho: Chuckling, “I love you more” kissing you deeply, “And I always will…”

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always too sweet to handle <3<br />
oh how i wish this was real :)))
I love chapt 10 the moooossssttttt!!!!
Thank gosh I found this, I love this! It is so adorable :")))
b2stshocksme #4
awwh these are so cute~! keep writing please~~!
Chapter 4.. Now I'm leaving minho T.T
just finished the 1st chapter. Why is minho leaving me?!!?! :(<br />
good story btw, i love minho :D