Night Sky (Minho)

Minho Stories


You were riding the elevator up to his room. He wanted you to meet him there after the concert, so he slipped you a piece of paper of what room he was during the performance. *Ding* Getting out of the elevator, you looked down the hall; Empty. You start looking at the doors numbrs…

You: “363…364….365!” Hesitantly knocking, he opened the door in a matter of seconds

Minho: “_______, you made it!” welcoming you in

You: Putting your bag down on the bed, “Yeah, I finally got through your fans without being noticed”

Minho: closing the door, “Oh yeah sorry about that…”

Yome time with youu: “So where is everybody? Taemin, Onew, Jonghyun, and Key?” sitting down on the bed

Minho: Coming to sit down next to you “Oh they all went to the after party”

You: facing him, “How come you didn’t go?” curious

Minho: Bringing you to him, “Because I wanted to spend some time with you. With the concert going on, and fan meetings and signings I hardly have time to see you!”

You: “So what shall we do?” looking around the room

Minho: “hmmm, should we watch a movie?”

You: “Ohkay”

He picks a movie from the TV and clicks play. He joins you on the bed again, cuddling close to you. You wrap your hands around him, and lay your head on his chest while he puts an arm around you. The movie was an action movie, so of course that didn’t catch your attention much. And it didn’t help much that Minho was tracing his finger up and down your back. Minho on the other hand, was really into the movie. Watching it, without taking his eyes off.

You: *Yawwwning*

Minho: Taking notice of you, “Is the movie to boring for you?”

You: “… Kind of…?”

Minho: He switches the movie to something more or your interest “Sorry, I didn’t know. Are you hungry?” without even waiting for your answer, he calls room service “Can I have some ice cream sent to room 365? Okay Thank you” hanging up

You: “Ice cream?” raising an eyebrow

Minho: “A little sweet treat”

Both into the movie, you get back into cuddling close and start watching the movie. After just a few minute, room service knocks on the door. He removes your hands around him and gets up to the door. He brings in a banana split sundae enough for 2. He picks up the spoon and scoops a bite for you, feeding you himself.

Minho: “I’m so happy you came tonight _______” holding the spoon in front of you

You: Opening your mouth and taking a bite, “Me too. I was getting a little lonely without you.” Blushing, admitting it to him

Minho: “If you ever need me, just call and I’ll come to you” (: taking a bite for himself

Finished with the ice cream and the movie, your foot starts to get numb from sitting on the bed. You get up and start walking around, exploring the hotel room. He watches you, laughing at how you look like a child that’s trying to look for a place to hide.

You open the curtains of the windows and notice there’s a balcony! You open the door and start walking out. You didn’t notice but he followed you out. You climb out to the edge and look down over the railing to see how far you are from the ground.

Minho: “Nice view huh?” He suddenly said to you so close that it almost made you jump off over the balcony.

You: Calming your heart that ended up beating fast, “You scared me!” slapping his shoulder lightly

Minho: “Haha,” he cradles you in his arms as you look out into the city. You can hear cars honking from down below. His room was so up high that you were able to look down upon the city and admire the city lights from the view.

You: “The lights….”

Minho: Whispering into your ear “It’s a full moon tonight”

You: “It’s beautiful” moving your eyes from the lights to the moon

Minho: “You know… A full moon can cause people to do… crazy things…” (; Deviously smiling to himself, he pulls you back into the room, caressing your neck.

When the members came home, Taemin (Who was sharing the room with Minho) ended up sleeping with Jonghyun and Key. You and Minho were fast asleep in each other’s arms, and stayed like that until morning,

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always too sweet to handle <3<br />
oh how i wish this was real :)))
I love chapt 10 the moooossssttttt!!!!
Thank gosh I found this, I love this! It is so adorable :")))
b2stshocksme #4
awwh these are so cute~! keep writing please~~!
Chapter 4.. Now I'm leaving minho T.T
just finished the 1st chapter. Why is minho leaving me?!!?! :(<br />
good story btw, i love minho :D