Chapter 6

This Love Is Infinite

It was a weekend and Naeun was stuck in the palace.After her literature class she went to her quaters to rest until she received a message.

From:Kris oppa

Naeun ah!Oppa bought tickets for your favourite SHINee oppas concert,thank me next time.Take it as your leaving-home-to-palace present and in case you haven't realised,I asked my secretary to send it to the palace,it should be on your bed.Love you!

P.S there's a pair of them,I don't know who you plan to go with but I bought it in case you needed company.

She was really excited when she received the tickets "Finally I can see you SHINee!" But there was one problem,how is she going to skip her princess lessons in order to go for the concert?The only way was to ask the crown prince to come along but would he allow?So she just had to try her luck.

She meekly went into the prince's quaters and when she saw the prince practising his photography she asked,"Myungsoo..." He turned around,because it's the first time Naeun called him by his name,he was shocked,but looking at her face,he knew she has something up her sleeve. "Spit it out."

"Fine.You see I want to go for this concert really badly but.."


"I have palace lessons."

"So I'm wondering if you could go with me,so that,it would not seem like I escaped?"

"Hmmm..." The crown prince was hesitating and since Naeun wasn't really the type of person who requested things,this request makes him curious.

"Arasso.I'll go with you."

"JINJIA?!WOOOO!" Naeun was so joyful until she hugged him.After realising this awkward scenario,she pulled away and apologised.


They dressed up and got ready.He told Naeun,you wait here awhile I go get the driver,before he could even walk away Naeun held his arm and shook her head,"Nope going for concerts with drivers are weird.Let's take a public transport instead."

"Bwoh?!I've never taken a public transport before."

"You will,today."


"Kim myungsoo,aren't you ashamed of the fact that you're the next king of the nation and you've never tried a commoner lifestyle?How are you going to be good king?" He slowly absorbed what Naeun just said and sighed in defeat.He never knew a girl would like to take a public transport.When it comes to Krystal,she doesn't like the public transport and often ask him or asks for a driver to fetch her.

They went to the bus stop nearest to the palace and the palace maids and guards gave them weird looks when they were waiting for the bus.When the bus arrived everyone in the bus looked at them as if they are aliens.Some of them recognised them as a royal couple why some just thought that they looked too perfect together.Naeun paid the bus driver for the tickets for two and thanked him politely.They both found a seat in the bus and sat side by side.The atmosphere was awkward and Naeun took out her itouch and started listening to music.The crown prince plucked one side of the earpiece out and put it in his ear,Naeun looked at him and he just look straight.She started listening to the songs and the crown prince liked it too.Although there was a silence between the both of them,but it was at least comforting.

They alighted at their stop and the crown prince was suprised to see so many people queueing up already holding banners like "SHINee?!"

He asked Naeun,"Yah son naeun,what kind of concert is this?Why are there so many people?"

"Oh it's an idol concert of course there are people."

"Bwoh?!You brought me to an idol concert?!"

"Yeap,why?You thought it was those opera and boring plays?" He kept quiet and naeun smirked in victory.

She sighed and said,"Myungsoo,give me your hand."


"I'm doing this for your safety idiot." She interwined hands with his and his eyes enlarged 10xx but he felt comfortable.Her hands were really smooth and soft,it just gives him the longing to hold it forever.She squeezed in between the impatient fans and they all stared at her and quickly recognised the royal couple.The girls squirmed and then she quickly handed her pair of tickets to the security and entered the VVIP area which has a super close up to the stage and it was only for invited guests.

Soon the concert started and the crown prince was really uncomfortable with the loud music and screaming fans.When SHINee performed Naeun screamed for them,it shocked the crown prince as it was a sight he has never seen before,which makes him more curious about her.Shouldn't she be that icy cold Naeun that everyone knows.Suddenly SHINee came near their area and Taemin winked at Naeun.She just laughed and showed him a hwaiting sign.Myungsoo felt a tinge of unhappiness bubbling inside him,as if Naeun belonged to him only.He shook off that feeling and continued seeing his wife going crazy in amusement.

After the concert ended a security guard went up to the royal couple and bowed.He said,"SHINee would like to meet you." So they were being escorted to their waiting room.

When the door opened Taemin immediately hugged Naeun "My naeunnie!"

"Oppa!It's been a long time." Everybody smiled except for the crown prince.

Naeun introduced the crown prince to the SHINee memebers,"Oppas this is the crown prince and Myungsoo meet SHINee."

They introduced themselves one by one and Taemin said,"Annyeonghasaeyo,Lee Taemin imnida,I'm Naeun's beloved.....cousin." After hearing the word "cousin" the crown prince unknowingly heaved a sigh of relief.

Afterwards they left the place and it was already 10pm.Naeun asked the crown prince,"Want to know how it's like staying out?"


"Follow me" So firstly they went to those tent set up stored and ate spicy rice cakes and pigs intestine with a refreshing drink."Ahh what's this?It's so red."

"It's ddeobokki you idiot.I'm sure the palace has it."

"I know but it isn't so red."

"It's suppose to be red."


"Fine I'll be your food tester."

Naeuns eats it."See I'm okay"

"Fine." He ate it and then gobbled down alot more.

"It's good right?" the crown prince didn't say anything and continued eating.They went to those night markets which sold accessories and went for a mini shopping.A hairpin caught the prince's eyes and thought that it would suit Naeun.Suprisingly,he didn't think of Krystal.When Naeun was looking at caps he went to buy it secretly.When he came back Naeun asked,"Want to get caps?" "I don't mind."Naeun got a "Geek" "Prince sickness" caps for herself and him.When Myungsoo was about to pay,Naeun went ahead to pay first.The crown prince said,"Shouldn't a guy be the one buying?"

"That's your problem,I believe in gender equality."


She gave him the prince sickness cap and she wore the geek one. "Yah!Why do I get this cap?"

"Because you have prince sickness?"

"No I don't!"

"Yes you do!"

The couple boarded the bus back.It was a tiring day and Naeun listens to her music once again.As if music was everything she lived for,actually music is the only thing that can temporarily help her to escape from reality.She took out a side and put it in his ear,which took him by surprise.Naeun didn't say anything and just stared out the window.The lethargy was kicking in and soon she was under the sleeping spell.From her side,the crown prince could see her head thumping against the window.Unknowingly,he took her head and placed it on his shoulder.He smiled gently and listened to the music they're sharing together.

When they arrived to the palace,the maids were all waiting for them.As they were responsible for presenting the royal couple tomorrow at their wedding.Hoya was also waiting for them anxiously,as he knows that if the elderlies found out that they were out this late,they would get into trouble.Actually,he was more worried about Naeun.When they arrived a wave of relief hit him and at the same time his heart was hit by a pang of jealousy.He hid all these behind a smile and asked,"Where did you guys go?"

"We went for SHINee's concert and had a little touring in the outside palace world."

"Bwoh?Myungsoo I didn't know you like SHINee."

"Not me,it's her."

Naeun smiled and said,"I'll go back to my room first."

"Hoya hyung,me too.Good night." Myungsoo patted Hoya's shoulder and the royal couple went back to their respective rooms.

Hoya went back to his quarters and stared at the wall.Unknowingly he started having flashbacks on how Naeun met him and the times that they spent together.Suddenly he thought of Myungsoo and her together,and he crushed the can of drink in his hand.

"Myungsoo,mianhe,I can't help it." 

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LuvNobles #1
I hope u still plan to continue this story!!
koala_panda #2
are u not going to continue the story?
Syuffy_Hani98 #3
Chapter 13: Im looking forward for this ~~
SamGurl #4
Chapter 13: Yea Ur Back!!!!! Totally will look forward to more updates....
YunaKim99 #5
I really like your story :) .. Update soon juseyo !!
TiaDaniela #6
Chapter 12: omg! update soon juseyooo
Syuffy_Hani98 #7
Chapter 12: New reader here ~~ update soon ^^
Chapter 11: Update soon..!!
ploykz-sunny #9
Chapter 11: krystal need to back off she is such a , myungsoo is a married man god woman!