Chapter 1

This Love Is Infinite

"Oppa oppa do you know where's my pencil case?"

It was 7 in the morning and the house is chaotic all thanks to the young lady.The maids were all scrambling around,while the older brother was there sitting at the breakfast table,sipping his high class coffee elegantly.

"I think it's in your study room." Finally,a sentence came out from the older brother's mouth

The young lady scrambled up to her own personal study room which took like forever to reach.Of course,her house was really big and you could even get lost in there.

"Ahh Found It!Gumawo Oppa!" She shouted from her study room down to the living room.

The older one shouted back,"Yah hurry up get ready for school!"

She scrambled to her feet again and rushed to her room,getting ready for school.She wore her school uniform adding on with a school blazer,suiting her perfectly."I'm all ready".

She ran down the stairs and rushed for the door so that she would not miss her bus until her brother said,"Naeun!Let's go together..since my driver is off today I'll have to drive to work myself,I'll send you on the way too."

"Jinjia?!Oppa you're the best!"

Seeing how his little sister suffer taking the public bus everyday makes his heart hurt,because she was his precious little sister,and to be honest in his whole life,he has never took a public transport before.Their parents offered to give her a driver and a few bodyguards,but being the person who likes being independent and doesn't like being in the lime light,she declined the offer straight away,because that's just how Naeun was.They went on Kris' latest collection of porsche.Being the cool guy he is,he put on his shades and sped all the way to Naeun's school.

"I find those shades hilarious on you though."

"I think I look cool in it."

"Nah you don't."

"Yah stop it before I stop the car and drop you off at some road.You wouldn't want to have detention on your first day right?"

"Okay fine,just drive."

The car stopped near the school gates and the students turned their heads in curiousity wondering who would be inside the car.

"Naeun ah!Remember to eat your lunch okay?Oh yah,forgot to tell you that appa and umma will be coming home this sunday from their Japan conference meeting.And...."

"Arasso oppa,you're naggy.Bye!"

She closed the door and ran to class,the older one could only sigh and drove off to his company.Once the students saw who got off the car,they gave Naeun envious looks and simply shrugged it off,nothing suprising for the daughter of Lotte,one of Korea's most influential family,sometimes they wonder why Naeun takes the public transport to school as she could easily ask her family driver to send her to school,but clearly Naeun didn't like it.

She walked to the school gates and 4 cars drove past her,stopping at the school's entrance.Judging from the number of students waiting at the entrance,she knew exactly who was in the car.The bodyguards hopped off the car and opened the door for Korea's beloved Crown Prince,Kim Myungsoo.The crown prince stepped out of the car and the screams got louder.He walked towards the classroom block for his lessons with bodyguards surrounding him.Naeun just shrugged and rushed to class,afraid that the teacher might reach earlier than her,and if she's late she'll have detention,detention is something which she always hated.

She reached the class and went to her table looking at the amount of cards and chocolates she received.She sighed and put them carefully in her bag.She knew it was just really mean of her to throw it all away.She pulled her chair and sat down,putting on her beats headphones and started to listen to music while revising her work.

Naeun is one of the top few students in the school,she always work hard and in order to graduate with good qualification so that she can help out her brother in the company.She looked around noticing that the girls were touching up on their make up because the crown prince is in her class.She sighed and concentrated on her revision again,totally uninterested in what's happening.

The crown prince came in with his icy looks and the screams got louder the girls crowded around his table.He sighed,looking at the amount of cards and chocolates he got from the girls.He shoved them all in his bag,reminding himself to throw it away later.He went to his table at the other corner of the class,far opposite from the corner where Naeun's table was at,put on his poker face,and took out his phone typing a few words: "Morning Krystal <3" yes it was cheesy,coming from the cold crown prince,but he was just like that towards his girlfriend.

On the other hand,his girlfriend was in the school's ballet studio practising for her performance later.She received his text and smiled replied,"Morning to you to my ice prince <3".The crown prince received the message and couldn't contain his smile.The girls in the class saw his once in a blue moon smiles and swooned.Naeun meanwhile,was really absorbed in her revision,unaware that the boys in the class were all looking at her,mesmerized by her beauty.The teacher came in and the monitor led the class in greeting her.

The day passed and soon and the school bell rang,but most of the students didn't leave the school as they had their own co-curricular activities after school.Naeun is in the art club while the crown prince is in the photography club,Krystal is in ballet as expected.

Naeun went to the art studio where all the members of the club is there.The president of the art club,Lay,smiled at her and went up to her sit.

"Naeun ssi.."

"Neh sunbae?"

"Would you go out with me?"

"Bwohh....I...I..mianhe sunbae but I'm busy today."

He gave an awkward laugh and showed his dimples,"Kwenchana..."

So they had a mini conversation but it was obvious that the president liked her but Naeun rejected him.She sighed and continue to paint the artwork that was due for the school's exhibition.She was one of the best when it comes to drawing and painting,well you can say that she is good in both studies and art.Yes,she is perfect.She was sitting by the window painting,and was oblivious that directly one level below the school's art studio was the photography club.Since the crown prince is there,the girls from the art studio were all swooning over him and his chaebol friends,which were doing some photography shoots.

The crown prince and his groups of friends looked up to see where the rackus was coming from."Ahhh isn't that Naeun?The daughter of Lotte Coporations?"one of the minister's son spoke.The rest looked up at Naeun's direction and saw her painting.

"She's really pretty"the other one said.

"Of course she is,but the thing is that she's not interested in guys"

"I heard a lot of the guys have been chasing her since I don't know....even the son of the prime minister has been chasing her for 2 years,she didn't accept any of them."

After that the crown prince was interested yet curious at the same time..He looked up to the ballet studio which is located beside the art studio and said,"For me,it will always be me and my Krystal." After saying that his group of friend woo-ed at him and told him how cheezy was that.

First chapter down!Hope you enjoy it,comments are very much welcome,feedbacks makes the stories better ya know :)

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LuvNobles #1
I hope u still plan to continue this story!!
koala_panda #2
are u not going to continue the story?
Syuffy_Hani98 #3
Chapter 13: Im looking forward for this ~~
SamGurl #4
Chapter 13: Yea Ur Back!!!!! Totally will look forward to more updates....
YunaKim99 #5
I really like your story :) .. Update soon juseyo !!
TiaDaniela #6
Chapter 12: omg! update soon juseyooo
Syuffy_Hani98 #7
Chapter 12: New reader here ~~ update soon ^^
Chapter 11: Update soon..!!
ploykz-sunny #9
Chapter 11: krystal need to back off she is such a , myungsoo is a married man god woman!