Chapter 4

This Love Is Infinite

The next day the newspaper was filled with headlines:KOREA'S CROWN PRINCE GETTING MARRIED TO LOTTE'S DAUGHTER

The morning for the siblings was really chaotic.Firstly their parents had to fly back to Japan to continue their conference,next the reporters were all waiting at the door,lastly,Naeun wasn't prepared to face the school at all.Kris had to ask the bodyguards to block off the reporters and Naeun had to be sent to school by their family chauffeur,she could not take the public transport anymore.

When she arrived at school the girls were all crowding around her car,luckily her brother arranged bodyguards to be around her,if not Naeun would be dead.She went to the art studio to take her brushes as she left them there yesterday.She was shocked to see Hoya in the art studio,trying to finish painting his drawing.She thought about how he looked like yesterday when her family had dinner with the royals and decided to go back to class first,until..... 

"Trying to avoid me?" the prince looked at her and smirked.


"Your brushes are at your seat." She went beside Hoya and took the brush.

She looked up to Hoya and asked,"What are you doing?Painting here early in the morning?"

"Oh sonsaengnim wanted me to quickly finish my painting as I was new so I had lesser than the rest to complete it."

"I see..."

When Naeun was about to go,Hoya suddenly held her hand and said,"Aren't you going to stay?There's still 30 minutes till the class starts?"

"I...I..." He patted her seat and signalled for her to sit.She could only sit down and look at him painting.From the sideview he looks really charming when he paints.

"I know I'm good looking,stop staring,makes me feel uncomfortable."

Naeun blushed for the first time and said,"Arasso mianhe."

It was 15 minutes before class starts and the prince and naeun was on their way down until they heard voices coming from downstairs.

"You're getting married to her?Son Naeun?"

"Krystal I....I.."

"Now I know why you proposed to didn't want to get married to her right?"


"Kwenchana,so long as we like each other,things are gonna work out for us.Son Namyun or Naeun whatever her name is not gonna interfere in our relationship."

Myungsoo hugged Krystal and said,"You know there's only you.."

"Oh yah oppa I'll be going to America for about a 4 weeks for some dance training that appa specially organised for me."

"That's gonna be long,I don't want to be with that girl.You know she's just a girl nothing compared to you."

Naeun is a human with feelings and of course she felt insulted.She wasn't just any other girl,and neither did she wanted the whole marriage to occur.

She just turned her heels and went up to the rooftop,she really needed some time alone.Hoya was worried and concerned so he followed her.

Naeun asked,"Why did you follow me?Class has already started."

"Just wanted to see if you're okay?But suprisingly you aren't breaking down or anything."

"Why should I cry because of him?"

" heard my cousin proposed to Krystal before and now he's forced to marry you and.."

"I know."


"I was there when he proposed to her,it was accidental.I just don't get it why I have to marry him.It's not like I like him or he likes me."

"Woah this is the first time I see a girl not liking the crown prince.I mean every girl would die to be in your position."


"So you okay?"

" Neh I am,life goes on anyways,no point being sad over him.Kaja,let's go back to class."

Little did Hoya knew she was a person that doesn't like to show her emotions and yes,she's hurting inside,because her future husband just compared her with Krystal,and she didn't like it,not a single bit.Even if she didn't like the crown prince,she didn't like being insulted by him.

During break time,the crown prince approached Naeun's table and said,"Let's talk." The students stopped packing their bags and was curious to see what Naeun's reaction would be.She just took out her wallet and went to the cafeteria,she just brushed pass the crown prince like that.

She went to the cafeteria and bought a bowl of kimchi noodles.Suddenly she felt a cold substance being splashed on her face.She prepared herself,ready to hear the lecture from the crown prince's fans in her wet uniform.

"Oops,I'm sorry,the water just slipped out of my hand."

"You better be." Naeun just said that and was about to left until they pulled her back and shouted,"Yah you !Don't you think just because the boys love you doesn't mean you can act so almighty.Let me warn you,don't seduce our prince!"

She scoffed and said,"As if he would want you."

That student raised her hand prepared to slap her until she heard a familiar voice,"Stop it."

They were all shocked and the owner of the voice belonged to none other,the crown prince.The girls scrambled away in embarassment and then the crown prince turned to her in his icy gace and said,"Let's talk." She was going to ignore him until he dragged her out of the school cafeteria,all eyes on the both of them.

She said angrily,"What do you want?!"

"I just want to discuss the terms and condition of us getting married."

She scoffed in disbelief and said,"I don't do terms and condition."

"Whatever,firstly,you should know that I have a girlfriend,so if we get married don't act like a possessive wife.Secondly,don't you ever dare intrude my privacy.Thirdly,forget what you saw on that day.You'll be my wife,the mother of the nation.Just remember to watch out of yourself in public.Oh and just to say,you're allowed to date anybody you want,since I already have a girlfriend,just don't let the public find out."

"I'm guessing Krystal asked you to do the terms and conditions things with me?"


"You obviously dislike me being your wife.Well,the feeling is mutual.You can continue dating your girlfriend for all I care."Naeun didn't say anything and just left,fuming with anger,thinking about how a guy like him can become her husband.

On her way back to class she felt eggs being thrown at her,it continued and Naeun just stood there.Suddenly a blazer covered her and the throwing immediately stopped..."Prince hoya?!"One of the girls shouted.

"Naeun kwenchana?" Hoya asked.

She just nodded and Hoya said,"You guys should stop this immature behaviour." and dragged her away.

"Yah what were you thinking standing there accepting their bully?!"

"Why are you so angry?It's not like you're the one being the victim here!"

"Yah mianhe I didn't mean to shout at you.."

Hoya knew Naeun wasn't the type that would shout at people,and he knew there was something bothering her. "Aniya,nothing."

"Spit it out."

"I said nothing happened." She gave her famous ice glare and left.

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LuvNobles #1
I hope u still plan to continue this story!!
koala_panda #2
are u not going to continue the story?
Syuffy_Hani98 #3
Chapter 13: Im looking forward for this ~~
SamGurl #4
Chapter 13: Yea Ur Back!!!!! Totally will look forward to more updates....
YunaKim99 #5
I really like your story :) .. Update soon juseyo !!
TiaDaniela #6
Chapter 12: omg! update soon juseyooo
Syuffy_Hani98 #7
Chapter 12: New reader here ~~ update soon ^^
Chapter 11: Update soon..!!
ploykz-sunny #9
Chapter 11: krystal need to back off she is such a , myungsoo is a married man god woman!