Chapter 2

This Love Is Infinite

After Naeun's art club activities ended she went to the classroom block to take her math book that she forgot to pack in her bag.She knew that the place would be deserted but she heard voices coming from the classroom.

"Krystal Jung,will you be my wife?" Naeun peeped in and was shocked by the owner of the voice.

"Ani I can't...I still have my dreams to fufil.I can't just be the mother of the nation just like that."

"Why Krystal?I thought we love each other?We've been dating each other for freaking 3 years!And you know there's no other girls except for you right?"

"I'm sorry,I can't accept this proposal...I have a dream I want to fufiI Myungsoo....I have a performance later and I'm running late,I'll make a move first."

Naeun saw that Krystal leaving the class and then suddenly she heard the crown prince throwing the box of ring on the floor.

"Damn it!If I don't make you my wife,appa and umma is going to make me marry a random girl which they claim is in the will of harabeoji..Aish!"

Naeun went into her class and packed her bag.The crown prince was startled by her presence afraid that she knew that he proposed to Krystal.

"What are you doing here?!"Myungsoo shouted.

It shocked Naeun but she kept a calm face.She knew why the crown prince was acting this way but she just kept it all inside.

She replied using her poker face,"It's my classroom,why can't I get my bag from here?"

This left the crown prince speechless as he thought she was one of his fans in schools,but she just gave him a cold reply."Did you by any chance see what happen just now?"

Being the straightforward person Naeun is,she said,"You mean you proposing to Krystal?Neh I did." Afterwards she left and walked to the school bus stop.

Myungsoo on the other hand was shocked by Naeun's behaviour and was worried that she'll be one of the big mouths who would tell the whole world that he proposed to his girlfriend.Of course he had to find a way to stop the girl he just met to say anything.

The crown prince rushed out from the school in the car he asked the bodyguards to bring Naeun into his car no matter what when he saw her waiting at the bus stop.

Naeun was waiting at the bus stop listening to her music and was totally unaware of the situation.Until a bodyguard went up to her and said,"The crown prince wants to talk to you."

She sighed and said,"Tell him I'm not interested in talking to him."

"I'm sorry miss but I'll have to do this."

The bodyguard dragged her to the car while she kept on struggling.She was pushed into the car and the crown prince just said,"Tell me how much you want in order to stop you from telling people what you saw."

She scoffed and said,"I cant believe you just did that!Don't worry I won't tell anybody about this and crown prince,money is not everything,do I look like those type of girls who are after money?!"

"Well you might be a fan of mine..just had to make sure."

"You're unbelievable!" Afterwards she stomped out of the car and just at that time her bus came and she boarded the bus.Her head was fuming mad.

The crown prince was once left speechless and he told his personal bodyguard,"Find out about the girl who came in the car just now." He was curious and at the same time he wanted to make sure that she wasn't lying.

The next morning,Naeun entered the class and saw that the crown prince was also inside the class waiting for the teacher to arrive.When Myungsoo saw Naeun walking into class he just started staring at her,there was something about her..Naeun was again oblivious to everything and started with her revision.The girls as usual,crowded around the crown prince.

-----Meanwhile in Incheon Airport--------

"You're back prince Hoya."

"Ohh isn't that Lee Ahjusshi?"

"Yah ahjusshi long time no see!" The overly excited prince hugged the head butler with the 4 bodyguards behind.

The head butler cleared his throat and smiled,"Long time no see prince Hoya,allow me to you to the palace.Your majesties and your parents are waiting for you in the palace."

"Jinjia,ahjusshi kaja!" and he went on talking about his experience in America to the head butler who was smiling away,happy that the prince he saw growing up since young was back.


In the palace the royal family gathered at a luxurious hall,all the royal members were present.Everybody was happy that the prince is back especially the crown prince.

After greetings and presents were given the king annouced,"I have an annoucement to make,the crown prince will be getting married."

The crown prince shot up from his seat and said,"Andwae!I'm not going to agree to the marriage."

The queen said,"Crown prince!Go back to your seat."

The king said,"You will and this is final,we're going to meet the family tomorrow.Make sure you behave,and the marriage is in your grandfather's will you can't disobey it." The crown prince stomped out of the hall and the other prince followed him,wanting to consol the other one.

"Ya!Kim Myungsoo,stop acting like a child."

"My parents are making me marry a girl which I don't even know,how can I not be angry?"

"Maybe it's not a bad thing,having a wife by your side."

"Remember Krystal?"

"Neh..your girlfriend right?"

"I proposed to her and she rejected me."

"You what?!!This is not funny Kim Myungsoo."

"Hyung!You know I only love her right?"

"Neh neh neh I know."

"Just forget about everything and you know what I'll be going to the same school as you starting from tomorrow"

"Woohoo!Daebak!" So the two prince chat on everything under the sky,because they were close cousins,who were always there for each other.

On the other hand Naeun arrived home and was greeted by her parents."Umma appa!"She went up to them and hugged each of them.

"I thought you guys will be home only on Sunday?"

"Ahh there were some things,so we had to rush home..and we have something to tell you.Naeun ah.Listen'll be getting married to the crown prince."


"Apparently your grandfather were good friends with the previous kings and they arranged for you guys to get married."

"This is a joke right?"

"Ani naeun ah,it isn't.."

"But...But...I don't want to get married to the crown prince!He's just so urgh!!"

"You'll have to alright?It's you grandfather's dying wish.We'll be going to the palace tomorrow and be sure to behave yourself."


Kris just sniggered and Naeun said,"Oppa!Why are you even laughing!"


"This is going to be an interesting one."Kris thought.

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LuvNobles #1
I hope u still plan to continue this story!!
koala_panda #2
are u not going to continue the story?
Syuffy_Hani98 #3
Chapter 13: Im looking forward for this ~~
SamGurl #4
Chapter 13: Yea Ur Back!!!!! Totally will look forward to more updates....
YunaKim99 #5
I really like your story :) .. Update soon juseyo !!
TiaDaniela #6
Chapter 12: omg! update soon juseyooo
Syuffy_Hani98 #7
Chapter 12: New reader here ~~ update soon ^^
Chapter 11: Update soon..!!
ploykz-sunny #9
Chapter 11: krystal need to back off she is such a , myungsoo is a married man god woman!