Chapter 4

Forgotten Memories

*Lets start over Soyeon. I'll make you mine all over again.*

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

You starred into his brown eyes in shock. You stayed like that for a few seconds, but he still didn't take his eyes off of you. 

"Ya..y.yaah" She tried sounding serious. Your face has never been that close to a guys, not even Youngjae's. You tried getting off but he held you firmly. 

"Y-ah, Let go!" 

he ignored you and kept holding onto your arm.

"A-a-ppo..(it hurts)" You said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear. Daehyun looked at your wrist and noticed how tight he was holding onto it. He let go. *Aish. what am I doing..* You got up and held your wrist. It was red.

He sat up and saw how red your wrist was. He opened his mouth, about to say something, but you got up and left with the bowl to the kitchen. You came back with the bowl of warm water and you sat down next to him.

You dipped the towel with warm water then squeezed the water out. You continued to dab it on his bruises that were on his face. You reached his lip and starting dabbing slowly. He starred at you but you were too focused on the dabbing.

He grabbed your wrist slowly to make you stop. You looked up at him. He took the towel from you and dipped it in the warm water. You looked at him confused. He squeezed the water out of it and started dabbing it on your wrist. He stopped after a few seconds and starred at your wrist. *I'm such a bastard*. 


You looked up at him. "Wae.. a-"

"For grabbing your wrist that hard. And for argueing with you in the car.. I can act like a fool sometimes...You just.. look like someone I knew.." You kept quiet and just starred at him. He looked up at you frowning. 

"Mianhae." He said again. 

"A-a-aniya, kwenchana.." You replied. *She forgave me again, just like the old days.* His eyes started to water but he looked away from you. He put the towel on the table and walked to the kitchen. He looked up and let out a sigh. He started fanning his face with his hand to dry the tears. He was about to walk out when he stopped by the fridge. He opened it to find all the unhealthy food. *Aish this girl, again with the unhealthy food?* He chuckled.

You entered the kitchen and he looked at you. "Do you skip breakfast?" he asked. 

"Ho-w di-d you know.." You said softly.

"I can tell by looking at the things in your fridge" He smiled. *He seems like a nice person.. why did I think of him as a bad person.." He closed the fridge and walked out. He grabbed his sweater and wore it carefully, so that he wouldn't hurt his bruises. 

"You're leaving?" You said as he was putting on his sweater. 

"mm" He nodded. "Want to come?"

You looked unsure. He chuckled. "I'm not going to a club, I'm going to the super market" You let out a sigh of relief. You grabbed a sweater and wore your shoes. 

You locked the door behind and walked behind him. 


*At the hospital*

"Good rest?" You looked to your side to find the young gentle man in the blue cardigan. You blinked. 

"Who..a..are you?"

He chuckled. "Just someone." You didn't reply. 

"Jung Daehyun" he said with a cold voice.

You kept silent and walked behind him. 

"Jung Daehyun" 

He stopped in his tracks and his eyes widened. He lifted his head up but didn't turn. *She remembers?!* 

"Da--Daehyun-shi.. am I right?" 

He turned around and looked at you. "How.." 

"You took me to the hospital that day.. You told me your name.." His eyes seemed to calm down and he nodded. 

"What about you.." 

"Soyeon. Park Soyeon." *I was right.. it is her* There was a moment of silence. Daehyun drifted off in his thoughts. 

"Daehyun-shi" you broke the ice. He seemed to come back down to earth. He chuckled. "Kaja(Let's go)" He said smiling at you. He walked out of your homes gate. He then noticed that you were walking behind him. He turned around. 

"Yah" You looked up at him.


"Walk next to me, what if something happens to you again" You just starred at him. "Aish chincha" He walked up to you and grabbed your hand. He dragged you along with him until you reached the super market. He let go of your hand and grabbed a cart. "Kajaaaaa" He said in an excited tone. He was putting in all the healthy food in the cart. *Daehyun.. is back. I am back.." he smiled to himself.

"Chogi.. I don't eat those things.." 

"I know, that's why you have to start eating them." he replied while reading a can then throwing it in the cart. You passed by the icecream freezer and stopped in your tracks. You were picking out icecream flavours.

Daehyun was walking. "Ohh this is good" He said as he turned out to show you. You were gone. "Soyeon" He left the cart and started searching for you everywhere. *Where'd she go?!* He kept looking running until he saw you picking out icecream. *Aishh.. not again*

"Yah!" he yelled out to you while walking. You turned around to find him walking up to you panting. "Don't walk away like that! When you want something just tell me! aish chincha.. I thought I lost you" You blinked at his cuteness. You chuckled.

"Do you like this one, or this one?" You said showing him the flavors. He looked down at the flavors. 

"I like... any flavor" He thought it was cute how you remembered him. He grabbed your hand and dragged you to wear the cart was. 

He payed for the groceries and walked out with the bags. He saw you carrying three bags. 

"Give them to me" He grabbed the plastic bags  from you. 

"Anya kwenchana! I can carry them, they're not heavy" You smiled. 

"Yah. Are you saying I'm not manly enough? Give them to me" You blinked at his response.

"Ah bali! (quickly!)" He grabbed the bags from you. 

"At least give me one" You begged. 

"Fine take this one." he gave you the lightest plastic bag. 

You walked together back home slowly. 

"That girl.. you used to know. Does she look like me a lot?" You asked curious. *Maybe I'm the girl he used to know..*

He looked at you as a *Why would she ask that* but then nodded. "Do you still keep in contact with her?" You asked again. "Anyo" he sighed.

"wae.. if you don't mind me asking"

"Molla (I don't know), Haven't talked to her in many years" *Did he say years?*

"How many years?" You asked out of curiosity.

"Molla.. maybe 3?" He chuckled. "She was my girlfriend" *ahh.. Can't be me. I was with Youngjae in the past* You looked down at your shoes and kicked some small rocks on the road. He looked at you and smiled. *I'm able to see her again though. She came back.* 

You unlocked the door to your house and you placed the groceries in the kitchen. Daehyun got some eggs out and put it up on the kitchens counter. He took out  a pan from the closet and placed it on the stove. You looked confused. Is he going to cook? 

"I'm making breakfast" 

"But I don't eat breakfast.."

"Yah! You have to start eating breakfast! Do you know you how unhealthy that is?!" 

You suddenly felt your brain throbbing again.


"Then we can have breakfast by the beach!" he said playfully.

"You know I don't like eating breakfast right?" You replied with a chuckle 

"Yah! Do you know how unhealthy that is?! What if I cook for you, will you eat it?" 


"YAH!" He got up and started running after you.

You dropped down to the ground and starting punching your head. 

"Waegeurae(What's wrong)? Yah kwenchana?!" He turned off the stove and ran to you. You started crying and kept punching your head. "YAH KEUMANHE! (stop it)" He yelled. He grabbed your arms but you tried to let him let go. You broke down crying. "Make... it stop. MAKE IT STOP" you yelled. "Yah do you have anything to stop the pain?!" He said as he got up looking for something in the cupboards. You sobbed as you pointed to second cupboard. 

He rushed to it and took out some pills. "This one?!" you shook your head sobbing. "This one?!" You shook your head again. You started punching your head again. He found another box and he ran to you and bent to your level. "This one?!" You nodded as you grabbed it and tried opening it with no strength.

He grabbed it and opened it quickly and gave you a pill. He ran to get a cup of water and you swallowed it. You were still sobbing so much. You lied down on the ground putting your hands on your head. He pulled you up to his lap and hugged you.

"Kwenchana, it will get better soon." He patted you but then started to worry so much. In a few minutes you stopped sobbing and calmed down. You starred blankly into space. 

"Daehyun" You said with the strength you had left. 

He looked down at you. "Take.. me to my doctor.." He carried you on his back slowly and walked out. "Stay awake arrasseo?!" He said loud enough for you to hear him. You nodded. He yelled for a Taxi and you told the driver where to go. He carried you into the hospital and the nurse guided him to the room. He entered and laid you down on the bed. 

"What happened?" the doctor said as he got up and wore his glasses. 

"I don't know, but she dropped down and started giving punches to her head. She said it was painful." The doctor walked up to you and checked your heart rate. 

"kwenchana?" the doctor asked. You nodded as you sat up. 

"What do you think caused the pain?" You looked at the doctor than at Daehyun. Then back at the doctor. 

"Sonsengnim.. it's been 3 years right?" The doctor nodded. 

"I .. remembered something.." You said. Daehyun's eyes widened. The doctor nodded. 

"When did you get some of your memories back? were you possibly with someone who said they knew you?" 

"The first time was when I was at the mall with my friend Youngjae.." Daehyun clutched onto his heart. 

"And the second.. was a while ago.. When I was with Daehyun.." You said as you looked at him. Daehyun looked back at you praying that she remembered him. 

"Do you still remember those memories?" The doctor asked. You nodded. 

"For the first one, I think I was shopping with someone. I asked him if the tiara looked pretty on me, and he said no at first, but then he called me a Goongjoo and said he was joking and then he .." You gave the doctor an unsure look. He nodded. "he put his arms.. around my waist.." You said as you looked down rather embarrassed. Daehyun's eyes widen and looked up at you. *Does she possibly.. know..*

"He might've been a lover. Do you perhaps remember how he looked like?" You shook your head, that broke Daehyuns heart. 

"I couldn't see his face.."

"Do you remember the second memory?"

"We were in the kitchen a while ago, and Daehyun was nagging about how I shouldn't skip breakfast, and I suddenly remembered a conversation that was similar, I think it was the same person. He asked if he made the breakfast if I'd eat it, then he ran after me playfully."

"And you said you got these memories when you were with Daehyun and?" 


The doctor turned to Daehyun "Did you know Soyeon in the past?" Daehyun was about to answer until his eyes drifted to you. 

"Anyo... but she looks familiar.." He said with a sigh. 

"Well even if you didn't know her back then, I recommend that you spend time around her. From what I heard, you seem to talk the same way as the person in her memories." Daehyun kept looking at you. You looked back at him then down at your fingers. 

"She'll be able to remember things quicker if she spends time around you and Youngjae." The doctor said. He walked back up to you.

"Soyeon-ah. Don't be afraid of those memories. Just accept them."

"But sonsengnim.. I don't want to remember things anymore.. It hurts.." You said slightly afraid.

"It does hurt, but it's for your own good. Just accept them and always try to pick up whatever you can to remember something. Even if it's a simple 'come here' sentence. It can help you." The doctor smiled at you and gave you some other pills that you had to carry around all the time. 

You both walked out of the hospital. Daehyun still in shock *She remembered the things we did.. just not me* He looked at your pitiful face. 

"Let's go on a date" He said as he stood in front of you. You're eyes widen. "I know we just got to know eachother but give it a try" He said smiling.


"Now" He smiled.  You're eyes widen.

"N-now?" he nodded. *Well I'm not with Youngjae yet.. and I suppose I need something to make me feel better.* 

"Arasseo.." He smiled his signature eye smile and dragged you down the street. 



YAY fourth chapter! So she remembered something else! And they're going on a date! Ahh this was so hard to think of. Hope this chapter is long enough for you guys and I hope you enjoyed it T_T stay tuned! I'll be updating soon! 

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Chapter 39: This is too cute omg
sapphire11 #2
Chapter 39: omo.....both of them are just too adorable.....
exoticshawol101 #3
Chapter 39: AHHHHH Daehyun is soooo sweet to her, I hope I can find someone like him...
Chapter 38: this chapter is totally my fav!! hopefully they'll sort things out lol i'll wait for ur another updates :-)
JaeIn_Cheers #5
Chapter 37: OMG... AHHHHH.. My head is thinking about this fanfic all day!!!!
sapphire11 #6
Chapter 37: omo....sweet....
JaeIn_Cheers #7
khmersisters #9
Chapter 36: Awe so chessy i loved it :')