Chapter 36

Forgotten Memories

You entered the house and walked upstairs, Dae walking behind you. You slammed the bedroom door leaving Dae outside. He sighs then takes off his blazer. He walks downstairs and throws his blazer on the couch. He loosens his tie and throws himself on the couch, throwing his head back. He furrowed his eyebrows trying to think of what he did wrong. Was it because the waitor said she looked like his younger sister? Or maybe because he was surprised by what she called him? He didn't see it coming though. He let out another sigh. 

"I'm so confused" He said closing his eyes. 


You took out most of your clothes from the closet and started trying them all on. None of them looked woman-ish. They were just.. pretty. You scoffed when you saw your-self in one of the dresses. 

"And Daehyun said this would blind everyone if I wore it out, chsh. I look like a kid" You grabbed some shorts and Daehyun's shirt for a quick change. You took out all the romantic books you had and started flipping through the pages. Babe You read most of the time. You highlighted the words, and anything that you thought would be important and should be considered in your relationship. ''Honey? How about some chinese take out?'  'She came out wearing the red tight bandage dress


It's been hours and you still haven't come out. Dae left you because he felt like you needed sometime alone every now and then. That was until he realised you had barely ate anything in the restaurant, which was 4 hours ago. Daehyun himself was starting to get hungry. He turned off the T.V and walked into the kitchen, taking out some ingredients and started following a recipe you had written in one of the books. He pretty much , he was only good with simple things like breakfast meals. He placed the food on the plate with a cup of water and some chopsticks. He had made, well attempted to make, some beef with vegetables because he knew that beef was one of your favorite things in the world. 

He walked upstairs with the tray in his hands and looked at the door. He knocked three knocks. 

"Soyeon-ah" He called quietly and knocked again. There was no response. "Ja..J-agiya?" He hesistated and knocked. He waited for you response but didn't get anything. "Mianhae for.. what I've done, I didn't mean it" He said even though he wasn't really sure what made you react that way. "I'm coming in okay?" waited for about five seconds but then turned the door knob slowly. He opened the door and walked in to find a huge mess, and you sleeping in the middle of it. There were clothes everywhere, a bunch of books open to random pages, and Daehyun's laptop was on with so many tabs open. He set the tray on the table. He took off his tie and untucked his shirt, rolling up his sleeves, and started to pick up the pens on the ground. He put the pens on the desk then looked at you sleeping. He moved a few hairstrands from you face and sighed. He untied your hand from the pen and put it away. He then tried to untie your hand from the book you were holding and noticed all the highlights on the page. He read the highlighted words and sentence and he was left confused. He grabbed the other books, same thing. He moved the mouse on his laptop to get rid of the screensaver and read all the tabs. 

How to have a successful relationship..

Not a normal couple? Tips on how to be.. 

Get a taste of 'sweet' in relationships..

How to dress to impress your boyfriend..

He was started to get even more confused. Were you not satisfied with your relationship? Were you thinking of finding someone else? Was he too harsh on you? Your relationship isn't successful in your eyes? Daehyun started getting all these weird thoughts and he looked at you still sleeping. He looked around and picked up some clothes. He looked back at the screen and saw that you had already started ordering new clothes online. Your cart was filled with tight, ier dresses. Most were red and blue. You had even started ordering more makeup, and heels, and cluctches, and handbags. He shut his laptop slowly and put it on the desk. He moved all the books and clothes off the bed and fixed your sleeping position, putting your head on the pillow and the blanket over you. He started folding back the clothes and hung all your dresses. Daeyhyun organised the books and pens and then sat on the floor punched his shoulders lightly. He totally understood how hard it was to clean now.

"Oppa..?" You said tiredly as you sat up waking up from your nap. Daehyun turned and looked up at you, he immedietly stood up and sat on the edge of the bed. 

"Hey" he said grabbing your hand slowly. "You okay?" You nodded slowly. You looked around the room and noticed that the noise had come from Daehyun cleaning. Your eyes stopped at the food on the desk. He followed your gaze and saw the food that he made. "Ah" he got up and walked to the tray. "This is cold now" He chuckled. You just smiled. He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "I'll go re-heat it" He said then walked out. You looked around and everything was in place again. Daehyun came back a few minutes later and placed the tray on the bed. You looked down at the food and noticed his attempt on making the food. Some of the meat was burned but you put one in your mouth anyway. You started chewing.. and chewing.. and chewing. "So?" Daehyun looked at you. You chewed harder and tried swallowing, it was so chewy. 

"It's good" You said. Daehyun flashed you his famous all-white smile then it slowly faded. 

"Soyeon" He said seriously making you look up at him. "Are you .. not satisfied with our relationship?" You looked away avoiding eye contact. "If there's anything you want to change just tell me! I-I'll do anything, just tell me" He said quickly, he seemed nervous. You looked up at him and shook your head.

"Anya, it's not major" You put your chopsticks down. "I was being childish I guess" You said. 

"Didn't seem like it, what's up with all the books and researching then?" Your eyes widened. 

"You read that?" You stuttered. 

"What do you think" You went quiet. 

"I'm full" you said as you got off bed and carried the tray downstairs. Daehyun followed you. 

"You know I hate it when you act like everything is okay" 

"Because it is" You reply. 

"No. It isn't, I know it's not" You went quiet again and just looked at him. 

"I was jealous.. of other girls. That's it, happy?" You said then put the plates in the sink. 

"Of what?" He walked up to you and helped you start washing the dishes. You shrugged. 

"I don't know.. just.. Back at the restaurant I realised that I looked like a kid, and that I dressed like one. And .. yeah"

"And what" Daehyun said. 

"nothing" you grabbed the sponge and started cleaning the plate. Daehyun took the sponge away from you. "yah, you have your own!" You reached for it but Daehyun held it up. 

"Tell me" you sighed. 

"And I felt like our relationship was different." You said. Daehyun slowly put his arm down and looked at you. You bit your lip and took the sponge away from him and continued. Daehyun kept looking at you. 

"What's so different?"  

"It's just.. we don't act like the others" Daehyun gave you a confused look. "Like we don't say stuff like you know the stuff." 


"Stuff Dae! Stuff! Like Jagiyah that stuff" You opened the waters tab and washed the dishes. It all made sense now and things were finally clicking in Daehyun's brain. 

"Ahh that's why earlier you.. yeah I get it" You just nodded. "We are different." You looked up at him, he still continued cleaning. "We are prettier, well I'm more handsome in my case. We are more inlove, and we've been through hell together" He washed his soapy hands and saw that you had stopped doing what you were doing. He grabbed your plate and washed it fully then out it to the side. He then grabbed your hands and started washing them for you. "We've experienced life at it's worst. What do they know?" You looked down at his hands washing yours. He closed the tab then grabbed the towel and starting drying your hands. "True, we don't call eachother jagiya and all that.. we call eachother 'yah'.. but we still love eachother right? I mean, the things we've done for our love to stay strong is unbelievable, I know I sound cheesy but it's the truth." he put the towel away "We've been through a lot" He looked at you for a few seconds. He then flicked your forehead making you wince. "And you're the one that turned red everytime I said those words! So I figured I was embarrassing you so I stopped, babo" he chuckled. He looked at your clothes and chuckled. "And this" he pointed to his shirt on you. "It' y" he said. You sighed. "Trust me, take it from a man" 

"Psh" You said and he pulled you into hug and kissed your head. 

"I'm giving you my love, what more do you want" He whined.

"A prada bag" You said. 

"Arrasseo, we'll go shopping tomorrow and get you what you want" He chuckled and kissed your head again and tightened the hug. 

"After you're done with work" you looked up at him. He just planted a kiss on your nose. 




Thankyou for reading! Stay tuned for updates^^


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Chapter 39: This is too cute omg
sapphire11 #2
Chapter 39: omo.....both of them are just too adorable.....
exoticshawol101 #3
Chapter 39: AHHHHH Daehyun is soooo sweet to her, I hope I can find someone like him...
Chapter 38: this chapter is totally my fav!! hopefully they'll sort things out lol i'll wait for ur another updates :-)
JaeIn_Cheers #5
Chapter 37: OMG... AHHHHH.. My head is thinking about this fanfic all day!!!!
sapphire11 #6
Chapter 37: omo....sweet....
JaeIn_Cheers #7
khmersisters #9
Chapter 36: Awe so chessy i loved it :')