Chapter 28

Forgotten Memories

“I do” You smiled whole-heartedly at what you would call now your ‘husband’. His eyes twinkled happiness, his lips stretching, almost forming a smile but then blinking it away as if to save it for later. He says his vows with a smile that he’s trying to drag down however not being capable of doing so as happiness has taken over. You watched his lips move to the words and his eyes twinkle ‘I love you’. You were the luckiest girl in the world. You were the only girl that could have this man, there’s no man like him in the world, he was special, he was Jung Daehyun. Your beauty stunned him while you were saying the vows. He tried to concentrate on the words you were saying however he only picked up a few sentences, the rest he knew already, telling by your smile, the way you looked into his eyes, and most of all the way your kissable soft lips moved.

He felt your butter-like smooth hand as he slipped on the ring onto your finger, the twinkle still in his eyes. You then slid the ring onto his finger and look up at him with your cheeks tinted a light shade of pink. “You may kiss the bride” He leans in slowly, looking down at your lips, hungry for the soft butter-like texture it had. You felt his hot breath on your lips as he got closer and closer, slowly closing your eyes as you felt his lips land safely on yours. He finally smiles against your lips making you smile too, a slow passionate kiss that could go on forever. He slowly pulls back with his eyes opening slowly, still an inch away from your lips as he whispers the words that could be the death of you, ‘saranghae’ he said. He leans back in slowly and-



You slowly open your eyes to sound of your phone vibrating. Your eyes half open, still wondering what’s going on. You grab your phone and look at the blurry screen.

Happy Café

“mwo.. happy ca-... aishhh chincha~” You slammed the phone back on the table realizing you’ve woken up from the most perfect dream ever. You put the pillow over your head muting other sounds in the room and shutting your eyes tightly. You were too lazy to get up and accept the fact that you woke up from the best dream. You tried falling back asleep but it was no use.

“C’mon brain, give me something” You murmured frustrated. The vibrating sound of your phone was getting louder by the second. You threw the pillow on the ground and sat up messing up your hair. You looked back at your phone then answered it.

“Yobuseyo.” You said with no interest at all.

“Park Soyeon-shi?” A man in his 30’s replied.

“Nae. It’s me” You replied bluntly rolling your eyes and slowly closing them falling back asleep.

“Congradulations Ms. Park, you’ve been accepted as a waitress at Happy Café, you start at 2”

“Waitress mwoseun..” You said tiredly then gasping. Your eyes shot open as you jumped off bed. “JONGMAL?!” That’s right! You passed the test (the one Daehyun has no clue of).

“Nae, you can start today or tomorrow, today won’t be counted if you miss it”

“Anyo! I’ll start today! Kamsahmnida!” You bowed 90 degrees over and over again even though there was no one in front of you to bow to. You ended the call happily rushing to the washroom. Daehyun is going to be so proud




“What? Why not? I thought you’d be happy” You said to the man wearing the suit sitting on his chair in his office.

“It’s not safe” He said signing off a paper then stamping it and allowing it to rest on a stack of folders.

“What’s not safe? Spilling coffee on myself or-”

“Just let me deal with the manager, I’ll tell him that you don’t need the job-”

“Oppa!” You whined. “I’m sick of staying home and doing nothing! And I want to help out too!”

“I don’t want you to help out, my job is enough and I don’t need you to put yourself in danger. Who knows what could happen, someone could-”

“Stop worrying so much, you’re being way over protective. It’s starting to push my buttons” You said starting to get mad.

“Soyeon I’m just scared for you, after all what had happened-”

“So you plan on trapping me in the house like my father?” Daehyun fell silent for a second then let out a sigh. He reached for your hand across the table and gave it a tight squeeze.

“You know I’d never do that, I love you way too much to put you through that position again. I’m just scared, for both of us. Where do you think I’ll end up without you?” His words stung your heart. Maybe you were being a bit overboard by telling him that.

“Can I at least get a chance? You can come stay at the café when you’re done with your job” You replied. He looked you in the eyes. “eo?” You said, your eyes pleading. He looks away and nods.

“Arrasseo” You clasp your hands together smiling and raising your shoulders up. “But.” Your shoulders sink back down and your smile slightly turns into a frown. “If one thing goes wrong, you’re done”

“But that’s not-” He gave you a look that made you go silent. Your hands dropped to your lap and your eyelids drooped over your eyes half way. “Fine..” Daehyun smiles and sits back on his chair.

“Get going” You looked up confused at what he was saying. He let out a chuckle. “It’s almost 2” He said cocking his head over to the clock on the wall. You look at the clock and gasped. You got up hurriedly and ran to the door blabbing your goodbyes.

“Yah!” Daehyun yells. You stopped in your tracks before opening up the door and look back at him slowly. He stays silent. “Where’s my kiss on the cheek” Your eyes widen. You step a bit closer.

“Your working oppa” You whisper.

“Guess you’re staying at home then” He says picking up his pen. He suddenly felt your soft lips land on his cheek, stamping him as your property. He froze and drops his pen after a while. You smile then skip to the door of his office.

“Saranghae” You turn back and then leave his office closing the door behind you. He sits back on his chair and loosens up his tie a bit.

“Her cuteness is killing me” He says then chuckles after a few seconds. 


“Annyonghaseyo! Welcome to Happy Ca-”

“I’ll have the iced espresso.. two.” The woman said cutting you off with not a care in the world.

“Ah.. nae” You punch in her order and accept the money. She walks away and puts back on her sunglasses as she judges everyone around her.

“Chsh. Happy Café my .” You murmured. Most people that came here were rude, and judgmental. You sure chose the wrong place. You walked around and wiped tables, took and gave orders to people, swept the floor and the windows. This was more like a depressing café instead. If you only you stayed home and forced yourself to go back to sleep to continue that dream. You smiled while replaying the whole scenario over and over again. Raindrops start to slide down the windows.

“Looks like it’s going to rain hard today” Said the manager while passing by. You plugged in your headphones and listened to music while waiting for customers to come to the café.



Daehyun signed the form and gave it to the man and smiled. “Is that the last one?”

“For today, yes sir” Daehyun chuckled bowing his head to the man as he bowed back. He looked at his watch and he stretched his arms.

“Finally” He said getting up and packing his stuff. He held his business bag and ran through the ran getting into his car as quick as possible. He brushes off the raindrops and checks his hair in the mirror. He starts the car and drives heading home. He was thinking of you all this time. Were you tired? He knew your back would hurt easily when you worked a lot. Did you make new friends? He knows you have a hard time being social with new people. Did you eat lunch? Did you get screamed at on your first day? The people you’re serving? Did you spot a better-looking guy? Was he working with you? He was getting anxious and he wanted to see you this second. He dialed your number as he entered the house throwing his bag on the couch and now changing into his casual clothes while he put the phone on speaker. You didn’t answer. He started to get worried and he dialed your number again.

“Yobuseyo?” You answered after a while.

“What took you so long? I was about to come running over to the café” He said trying not to sound mad.

“Mianhae, I was washing the dishes and I couldn’t answer my phone” You chuckled. He couldn’t help but smile too, hearing your voice, knowing your okay.

“Did you eat?” He asked ever so sweetly.

“Ani, I didn’t have time since I woke up” You said.

“Till when are you going to keep skipping your meals?”

“When did I?! I always eat!” He holds back his laughter and clears his throat.

“I’ll go out and get some food, anything specific you want?” He asked.

“mm..Kimbap!” You said excitedly.

“Joah, I’ll go get it now” You said your goodbyes and ended the call.

“Soyeon-shi” You turned around.

“You worked well today, you may go back now” Your manager said giving you a pat. You smile and bow.


Daehyun waits for his order as he flips through selfies that you took on his phone. “This girl..” He laughs, smiling widely at your silly faces. He puts his phone back into his pocket then it vibrates. He takes it out again annoyed.

Blocked ID

He furrows his eyebrows and opens the text from the unknown number. He accepts the photos and then clicks on them. His eyes widen as his heart starts beating fast. They were photos of you working in the café, and walking out of it. His phone vibrates again as he received another photo of you getting off a bus at a bus stop near your house. He stands up and runs out of the restaurant. The number suddenly calls him and he answers as quick as possible.

“I warned you, didn’t I tell you that if you didn’t leave her I would hurt her before I hurt you?” Says the very familiar voice.

“What else do you want. I paid you the amount you asked of, Soyeon doesn’t even know about this, she’s forgotten everything and moved on, what else do you want?!” He screamed. The voice laughed.

“Ahh you really shouldn’t raise your tone in that way, it hurts my feelings.”

“Feelings? Are you even human?” Daehyun scoffed.

“I sent a guy over to take back Soyeon, he’ll be there in a few minutes so-”

“If you dare touch one hair strand of hers, I won’t hesitate to kill you” Daehyun threatens. The voice laughs again.

“I’m afraid Soyeon will be gone before you can get to me” And he ends the call with that.

“Yobuseyo? Yubuseyo?! YAH” Daehyun screams. He tries redialing the number but its not use. He runs in the rain as he dials your number. Your phone was off.

“At a time like this?! Aish!” he screams while running.


“aigoo chincha.. why does it take so long for Samsung phones to turn on after they die? It’s been charging for 10 minutes now.. ai-oh! It !” You beamed happily. Suddenly your phone started vibrating like crazy.

24 missed calls from Prince

You looked confused. Is he okay?


“I swear I am going to-”

“Yobuseyo?” You answered.

“Why didn’t you answer?! At a time like this why?!”

“Mian, my phone ran out of charge.. Daehyun are you o-”

“Listen to me, I am like 40 meters away from the house, don’t open the door for anyone arrasseo?!”

“Oppa what’s wro-”

“I’ll explain later just do what I say! Go hide in the basement or in the backyard! Just go-” He stopped talking when he saw a man in a black hoodie walking up to the house slowly. Daehyun ran as fast as he could through the rain and he jumped on the guys back making them both fall to the ground. They both screamed and punched eachother in the wet rain. The guy threw a punch across Daehyun’s face making him stumble back. Daehyun walked up to the man while stumbling but the man kicked him in the stomach making him fall flat on the ground. Daehyun pulls himself up but then gets hit real hard on his head with an object making him slowly lose sight and fall to the ground.


“Yobuseyo? Daehyun?” The call ended so suddenly. You kept calling over and over again as you ran down the stairs. You dialed his number on repeat until you heard a faint ringtone. You stopped running around and followed the sound. You put your ear against the door and heard it come from outside. Was he pranking you?

“Oppa?” You called out scared to open the door. There was no reply. You opened the door slowly and walked outside in the dark. It was cold and wet. You saw a phone ringing and lit up on the ground about 30 meters away from you. You walked up slowly to it then realized there was a figure laying down on the ground. You ran to the body and turned the head to face you. It was Daehyun with his eyes closed.

“No no.. no” You said slapping his face on both cheeks gently.

“Daehyun-ah, Daehyun-ah!” You shook him slightly and slapped his cheeks gently trying to wake him up. You pulled him up onto your lap and sobbed sreaming. “Daehyun-ah! Daehyun say something!!” You put back your hands on his cheeks after moving him up to your lap. A red substance. What? You felt the back of his head and lifted up your hand to see it. He was bleeding. You looked on the ground and noticed the dark puddle getting mixed with the puddle of rain. Your eyes widened and you couldn’t believe it. You’ve got to do something before its too late. Daehyun.. might be gone forever. 



This was hard to write, especially after all what's been going on. 



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Chapter 39: This is too cute omg
sapphire11 #2
Chapter 39: omo.....both of them are just too adorable.....
exoticshawol101 #3
Chapter 39: AHHHHH Daehyun is soooo sweet to her, I hope I can find someone like him...
Chapter 38: this chapter is totally my fav!! hopefully they'll sort things out lol i'll wait for ur another updates :-)
JaeIn_Cheers #5
Chapter 37: OMG... AHHHHH.. My head is thinking about this fanfic all day!!!!
sapphire11 #6
Chapter 37: omo....sweet....
JaeIn_Cheers #7
khmersisters #9
Chapter 36: Awe so chessy i loved it :')