The Bet

Cat and Mouse


Ha Ni enters her room feeling tired from her class. Her Monday is always the worst day ever, full with classes for the whole day. She doesn’t even have the energy to help her mother with the coffee shop. She lies on her bed and stare at her ceiling, she thinks of random things on her mind to make herself fall asleep.


No matter how tired she is, sleeping is always the hardest thing for her to do. She always feels uneasy, that there’s something she hasn’t finished yet. She sits up and took her laptop and put it on her bed. If she can’t sleep, it would be better if she finish up her script. She already sent part of her script to some drama publishing company and she really hopes someone can reply her.


She enters the university with the money saved by her parents but now that she’s living in Seoul, she feels guilty to let her mom work in the hometown alone. She wants to work hard and get a scholarship so that her mom doesn’t have to work so hard anymore. It’s time her mom gets some rest and just enjoy her life. She really hope to bring her mom to Seoul and live with her adopted mother.


Ha Ni reaches her phone to switch it on silence when suddenly it rings and the number displayed on the screen belongs to Jay’s number. She picks up her phone and discovers that Jay is in a very noisy place. She tried so hard to make him listen to the words she’s saying but he can’t and she can’t hear him that well.


“Ok sorry for just now. Ha Ni, I’m at my music video recording but I really want to meet with you later, can you not sleep early today? I don’t know when the filming will finish but they all said it will finish by today.” Jay said to Ha Ni. Ha Ni said yes to Jay and continue with her writing. It doesn’t even occur to her that Jay is acting weird by the way he’s asking to meet up with her because Jay had always been like this. He likes to meet with her jut because he wants to talk with her.


In almost all of Ha Ni’s story, there is always a male best friend and the character is always so similar to Jay’s character. Ha Ni have fun writing about Jay in her stories, because she feels really happy to have him by her side. They become friends not because he’s a celebrity, but more like he was there when he is sad. They know each other because of Ju Ri and he had always been besides her whenever she need someone by her side. All her laughter and cries had been shared with Ju Ri and Jay more than she ever did with anyone else. Ha Ni always thinks that because she’s an only child, God granted her two great friends who are like her own siblings.


“Please don’t sleep and wait for me. I might just spend my whole night or morning at your house later if it’s too late.” Ha Ni just smile reading Jay’s text message and told him that she’s busy writing her script, so she won’t be sleeping until he arrives.


At around 4 o’clock in the morning, Jay finally came while wearing a sunglass. The day is dark and he just decide to wear one because he thinks he looks cool wearing it. Ha Ni went to the kitchen to prepare some drinks for Jay while Jay wait for her in the living room.


“What’s up?” Ha Ni asks Jay after making a smoothie specially for him, that’s why Jay likes coming to Ha Ni’s house, because she knows how to make a smoothie for him.


“Well, Ha Ni, since you’re such a great friend, I’m sure you can help me with something, right? I mean if I lost a bet to someone and that bet involves you, you can help me, right?” Jay said avoiding eye contact with Ha Ni.


“Jay! I’m asking you what kind of bet did you make with your friends?” Ha Ni said trying so hard not to scream at Jay for making a bet that involves her without even telling her about it.


“Ok wait, first I need to know who? Is he our friend? From the university?” Ha Ni asks again.


“Well, he is from our university, my friend alright… but he’s not your friend.” Jay said avoiding the eye contact all along.


“Please don’t tell me it’s…”


“Ok Taecyeon ok. I made a bet with Ok Taecyeon and I lose the bet. Gosh! Don’t give me that look, you’re scaring me to death!” Jay said cutting off Ha Ni’s words.


“What the hell Jay? What is it about?”


“He said that in my next interview, people will ask me about 2PM and I told him that they won’t, we made a bet about it and the reporter ask about 2PM. Ha Ni, how would I know the reporter would be such a clingy reporter??”




“Yeah clingy, she’s clinging to our past!” Ha Ni just look at Jay amuse by his word choice. Knowing Jay and how he bet, she ask him how many days does she have to spend with Taecyeon because usually Jay would bet for a whole day to spend with.


“Well, the thing is, if you compare Taec to me, Taec is a hard-core at betting while I’m in the middle? Or maybe soft, so according to the bet…” Jay moves far away from Ha Ni while Ha Ni remains at the same spot, “both of you are going to spend a week, a week dating each other.” Jay finish his words, holding the smoothies tightly in his hands, ready to run for his life. Ha Ni just look at Jay and drag him outside her house, near their university and start screaming at him.


“What the hell Jay? Why are you involving me in this bet? WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE ME? TAKE JURI INSTEAD!! WHY ME WITH THAT PSYCHO??” Ha Ni said referring Taecyeon as a psycho.


“I’m sorry Ha Ni but he’s just so interested in knowing you. I tried winning the bet. I prayed!! I prayed really hard!”, “guess it wasn’t hard enough! Come here Jay, you need to send me back!” Ha Ni said since Jay was standing so far from her and she need to go back to her home and it’s still dark and it’s kind of dangerous if she walk home alone right now.


“No one can harm you at this stage, you’re worse than any psycho or serial killer right now.” Jay said jokingly earning a death stare from Ha Ni. Both of them walk quietly to her home while he still happily drinks his smoothie.


“He knows your schedule so he’ll decide the date, but I didn’t give him your number, so he’ll come to the coffee shop k? Bye!!” Jay run out of her home, straight to his car scared of his life.

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2100gv #1
LELS! ahahahahahha!!!<br />
"open relationship" it's the first time i'm hearing that!!!!<br />
haahhaahhahha!!!<br />
and the part of swear on their mother's life bwahahahha that's funny!!!!<br />
i love this!!!!<br />
taecyeon is into her!!!!!<br />
updateee! :D
FlorrieJ #2
Hohoho...Taec Taec...Don't deny the feeling of love...<br />
lol I can imagine the way that Jay said the word ALMOST...<br />
and dude u drank 7 cups of coffee & still able to fall asleep *salutes*<br />
This fanfic is really good...<br />
Updates~~~<br />
<br />
P/S:- Umma...I've alr subscribed ngehehe
2100gv #3
Aigoo! Taecyeon! you're being so self-denial!!!!<br />
c'mmon earth to Taecyeon!!!!<br />
hahahahahahaahhaah<br />
he's very interested!!!<br />
i thought he weill get jealous when jaebeom told him that they almost dated!!ahahahha<br />
updateeeeeeeeeeee!!<br />
love this!!! :D
2100gv #4
wihiihihhiiiih!!!!<br />
lol!!! lucky girl!!!!<br />
he couldn't forget her!!!!!!!<br />
she even meet up with tiffany because of her!!!<br />
aigh! envy her!!! haahahah<br />
gonna read the next!!
2100gv #5
lol!!!! he even stalked her!!!!!<br />
hahahahhahhh..what kind of idol is that!!???<br />
i prefer if he's the one who stalking meee!!!<br />
hahahahahah *kidding!!! :P<br />
hahahahaha//love thisssss!!!<br />
FlorrieJ #7
The title of the fanfic has reli drawn my attention...<br />
This is seriously cute~~~awww<br />
I can't imagine TaecYeon oppa being a stalker xDD haha <br />
Can't wait for the next update~~~<br />
2100gv #8
i'm a new reader here!!!<br />
and i'm loving this!! seriously!!! :D<br />
updateee! :))
Aww cute! Upadate!! < 3 x