Captain Korea

Cat and Mouse


[Ha Ni’s P.O.V]


I am in such a good mood today! After the date last night, I couldn’t sleep at all because of all the ideas running through my head for my script! Taecyeon really helps me a lot with my story. Even though I am not writing anything about idols at the moment but somehow my brain that had been resting a lot these days keep on coming up with great ideas after the date. I’m not even tired right now, or probably I’m this hyper because I haven’t slept and keep on drinking coffee. Oh there’s my lucky boy!


He choked on his food when I said hi to him, well not really say hi but approach him. Jay told me almost everything about this Ok Taecyeon guy and Jay said he eats more than what he shows me, so I told him to grab more food if he wants to. I don’t like people being fake around me, so if he wants to eat a lot, he can just do it, I’m not going to judge him at all.


After breakfast, I went to the coffee shop to help mother with the café as Taecyeon told me that we won’t be having a date today. I guess he does miss school a lot. I thought idols have fun by skipping classes with ‘busy’ as an excuse, turns out he’s not one of those idols who enrol in a university or college for the sake of their reputation. Jay once told me that he was among the cleverest person in Boston before, I guess that’s true?


“Where’s that boy you went out with yesterday dear?” Mother asks me right when I enter the cafe.


“He have classes to attend mother,” My mother is going to talk about Ok Taecyeon as if he’s some kind of angel or something right now. Mother always love whatever boys that comes to the café and hang out with me, because she assume all of them are my boyfriend. She really wants me to go and date someone and somehow in mother’s eye, Taecyeon is this hot stuff that I can never dream of having, though mother doesn’t really know about what he does since Jay only told mother that Taecyeon works in the same field with Jay.


“You know, I really like that boy, he’s nice, manly, and he have wide shoulders, and he’s tall too, very tall actually if we compare him to Jay.” Told ya so.


“Mother, you like every guy that goes out with me. You don’t even care if they’re really dating me or not.” I said to my mother.


“Come on, when I was your age, I can go out with 5 guys in a week. You on the other hand young lady, leads a very boring life!” Mother said. I know mother is what we call the woman version of Taecyeon because whenever her friends come to visit, the only story I heard of is about how pretty and popular mother used to be. Though I haven’t live with her for so long but I know quite a lot about mother since her friends like coming to the café.


“She’s really boring, aunty. Her best friend is her books, and her boyfriend is the laptop. I don’t think she ever interacts with humans at all.” I turn around to see Juri wiping off the table. Wow, this is a surprise. Ju Ri would usually be out with some boys when there’s no class.


“If you’re a book, then yes, my best friend is a book,” I said to Ju Ri.


“I’m your best friend? Honestly Ha Ni, you never really go out with me that often!” Ju Ri said.


“That’s because you’re always going out!” I said defending myself.


“Well, what am I supposed to do besides that? I’m only 20 years old, I need to have fun at this age and you need to do the same thing to! I’m so glad that bloke asked you out on a date and I hope you’ll get to go to clubs to enjoy yourself. Socialize a bit, woman!! You’re not supposed to live in a box!” Ju Ri said to me shaking my body so hard that I’m getting dizzy. Right when she let go of me, I fall on the floor.


“Ha Ni, are you ok?” I can’t even open my eyes. I thought coffee would help me survive this day without sleeping but I’m feeling very dizzy right now to even know who’s the one asking that question. It doesn’t sound like Jay at all.


“Did I shook you too hard just now?” That’s Ju Ri’s voice but no it’s not because of that Ju Ri, I’m just… wow, that’s dark!


[2 hours later]


I open my eyes with my head feeling as if it’s being hammered so hard right now. I sit up and I see this freakishly tall giant observing every single thing I have in my room as if it’s so amusing to him. Wait, that’s Ok Taecyeon and what is he doing in my room!


“What are you doing here?” I ask putting on my spectacles that somehow is on the drawer besides my bed. What exactly happened?


“Oh you’re awake. The doctor came just now when you fainted, and he told us that your blood pressure is low and he asks us if you take care of your sleeping hours well. You didn’t sleep last night, didn’t you? That’s why you were so jumpy this morning.” I fainted? That’s a first.


“Wait, but why are you here? You said you have classes for the whole day?” I ask Taecyeon.


“There’s some kind of meetings between lecturers today, so my classes are cancelled. I thought of asking you out on a date today but right when I enter the café, I see Ju Ri shaking you hardly and when she let go of you, you fainted. I didn’t know she’s a superwoman.” Taecyeon said jokingly and I laughed at it.


“Is Ju Ri ok? She must have been so shocked just now.” I said to Taecyeon.


“She cried when you fainted but when the doctor talk about your sleep, she punch you on your arm, and it’s really amazing how you didn’t wake up from it because she punch you really hard. She said you don’t like sleeping that much, because you’re always trying to finish up your scripts or something like that,” Taecyeon explained everything to me and I just nod my head. What am I supposed to say to him. He came when I fainted, is he some kind of a superhero or something? Like my personal super hero? Is he Captain Korea? You know, like Captain America, oh my Chris Evans is so dreamy. Wait, I’m not supposed to think about that right now.


“Thank you Ok Taecyeon!” He stop saying whatever he said and just smile at me as I go back to sleep. 

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2100gv #1
LELS! ahahahahahha!!!<br />
"open relationship" it's the first time i'm hearing that!!!!<br />
haahhaahhahha!!!<br />
and the part of swear on their mother's life bwahahahha that's funny!!!!<br />
i love this!!!!<br />
taecyeon is into her!!!!!<br />
updateee! :D
FlorrieJ #2
Hohoho...Taec Taec...Don't deny the feeling of love...<br />
lol I can imagine the way that Jay said the word ALMOST...<br />
and dude u drank 7 cups of coffee & still able to fall asleep *salutes*<br />
This fanfic is really good...<br />
Updates~~~<br />
<br />
P/S:- Umma...I've alr subscribed ngehehe
2100gv #3
Aigoo! Taecyeon! you're being so self-denial!!!!<br />
c'mmon earth to Taecyeon!!!!<br />
hahahahahahaahhaah<br />
he's very interested!!!<br />
i thought he weill get jealous when jaebeom told him that they almost dated!!ahahahha<br />
updateeeeeeeeeeee!!<br />
love this!!! :D
2100gv #4
wihiihihhiiiih!!!!<br />
lol!!! lucky girl!!!!<br />
he couldn't forget her!!!!!!!<br />
she even meet up with tiffany because of her!!!<br />
aigh! envy her!!! haahahah<br />
gonna read the next!!
2100gv #5
lol!!!! he even stalked her!!!!!<br />
hahahahhahhh..what kind of idol is that!!???<br />
i prefer if he's the one who stalking meee!!!<br />
hahahahahah *kidding!!! :P<br />
hahahahaha//love thisssss!!!<br />
FlorrieJ #7
The title of the fanfic has reli drawn my attention...<br />
This is seriously cute~~~awww<br />
I can't imagine TaecYeon oppa being a stalker xDD haha <br />
Can't wait for the next update~~~<br />
2100gv #8
i'm a new reader here!!!<br />
and i'm loving this!! seriously!!! :D<br />
updateee! :))
Aww cute! Upadate!! < 3 x