
Cat and Mouse


After getting kicked out of the coffee shop, I went back to the dorm, and Khun was on the couch eating Chansung’s food. I ignore him and went straight to my room. I climb up my bed and just lay there staring at the ceiling.


“Are you sleeping?” Khun came to my room and ask me. I know I can tell him everything now though.


“I can’t sleep, I just drank seven cup of coffee.” I said to Khun and keep on staring at the ceiling. He lay down on Junsu’s smelly bed.


“What’s up with you? Do you think you can tell me now?” He asks me.


“I drank the coffee at the shop where this girl is working.”


“Don’t tell me you’re into another girl?” Khun asks as if I’d been some kind of a playboy.


“NO! She made a speech about our song being an insult for women, and after that I become so interested in her. You see, she don’t know anything about our group, and she prefers 2AM. But, she told me she know Jaebum hyung.” I said to Khun.


“That mean she’s still a fan, right?” Khun asks.


“No, I forgot to tell you that she goes to the same school with me. Maybe she’s Jaebum’s friend.” I said to Khun.


“So… what’s troubling you?” Ok that’s a question I can’t answer. She is surely not our anti fan, just not interested in us. But why am I like this?


“That’s what I wanted to know. After her speech, I’m suddenly so interested to know more about her.” I said.


“I don’t have any answer for you. Maybe you want to be her friend or you just suddenly like her?” Khun said to me giving me suggestion on what is wrong with me. But I really don’t think his answer is the real answer.


“Just get out!” I said to Nichkhun as he’s not helping at all. I turn around a few times to make myself sleep, but I can’t. I drank 7 cup of coffee, and I don’t even know why I choose that number, instead of just drinking 10 instead. Why did I work that hard to get that girl attention?


I smile thinking how nice her mother was. I didn’t really pay her mother at all, I only asked her to help me and make her daughter talk to me in private, and she did that. I know that Ha Ni is not her real daughter but they really have good relationship. I wish my mom is with me as well when we were at the coffee shop.




I guess people can sleep even after drinking 7 cup of coffee. Is the theory wrong or was I too bored and fell asleep because of it? I took my phone and realizes that it’s already 8pm. Just how long did I sleep then? I jump off my bed and take my phone with me.


“I’m back in Korea, if you want to meet up and talk, tell me.” I remember receiving a message from Tiffany before I sleep. It must be Nichkhun who told her that I’m troubled by some things, that’s why she texted me these kind of thing. Khun is a great friend really, but he’s a guy, what can he do to comfort people?


Suddenly it hits my mind that if she can’t comfort me or give me the answer to the question I need, she can help me get in contact with someone. I quickly reach back the phone that I put in my hoodie pocket and replied her, “I need to meet you up tonight, very urgent!” and as a nice friend, Tiffany replied sure.


Around 10pm, I went out and met Tiffany at a restaurant where we always went out to have some meet up. The restaurant owner is Tiffany’s friend, so we always get to spend our time there without paparazzi taking pictures of us hanging around and make it like we’re dating each other. I even told Tiffany to bring Jessica around as I know among SNSD members, Jessica will be the only one with Jaebum’s number.


A lot of our fans and their fans seems to think that we first met each other through Idol’s Army but actually most trainees know each other even though they’re from different companies. The entertainment industries have people connected to each other in many ways that it’s impossible for those in the industry to not know each other.


JaySica was not brought up suddenly by me, it was being planned way ahead, all the email, and everything was planned even before SNSD was confirmed to be on our show. When 2PM and SNSD would have meet up at some places, we would talk about pairing each other up if we ever come out on any show together. Since Jaebum and Jessica are the two people that are always missing up on meetings with their work and etc, we decided to pair them up together, and also because they’re close with each other just like how Tiffany and I are.


The right pairing was Jay with Jessica, Junho and Hyoyeon, Wooyoung with Tiffany, Sunny with me, Yoona and Nichkhun. At first we thought Tiffany and me would be a nice pairing, but she said it would be a bit too suspicious to have 2 pair of fluent English speaker in the group to have a scandal together, so we changed it to Wooyoung with Tiffany and Sunny with me. Yoona and Nichkhun were paired up together because both of them are consider as the most beautiful person in the group. That really explains why Nichkhun and Yoona scandal started way before mine with her started.


The rumor between Yoona and me started because of Cabi CF. It was just CF, but it took a wrong turn. They pair us with the different partners and end up making up new scandal. Both group laughed a lot at the rumors. In the end, our company who doesn’t have any idea about the pairing we made, decide to use and spread the rumors and scandal even more to cover up 2PM scandal about Jay. At every single variety show, I was instructed to say that Yoona is my ideal type of girl.


“So what’s up?” Tiffany bring me back to the real world. I keep on wandering in my thoughts these days, is it also because of Ha Ni? I see Jessica behind her smiling towards me.


“There’s this girl…” I said and Tiffany got excited.



Thank you to my 3 subscribers, you three are so adorable!!

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2100gv #1
LELS! ahahahahahha!!!<br />
"open relationship" it's the first time i'm hearing that!!!!<br />
haahhaahhahha!!!<br />
and the part of swear on their mother's life bwahahahha that's funny!!!!<br />
i love this!!!!<br />
taecyeon is into her!!!!!<br />
updateee! :D
FlorrieJ #2
Hohoho...Taec Taec...Don't deny the feeling of love...<br />
lol I can imagine the way that Jay said the word ALMOST...<br />
and dude u drank 7 cups of coffee & still able to fall asleep *salutes*<br />
This fanfic is really good...<br />
Updates~~~<br />
<br />
P/S:- Umma...I've alr subscribed ngehehe
2100gv #3
Aigoo! Taecyeon! you're being so self-denial!!!!<br />
c'mmon earth to Taecyeon!!!!<br />
hahahahahahaahhaah<br />
he's very interested!!!<br />
i thought he weill get jealous when jaebeom told him that they almost dated!!ahahahha<br />
updateeeeeeeeeeee!!<br />
love this!!! :D
2100gv #4
wihiihihhiiiih!!!!<br />
lol!!! lucky girl!!!!<br />
he couldn't forget her!!!!!!!<br />
she even meet up with tiffany because of her!!!<br />
aigh! envy her!!! haahahah<br />
gonna read the next!!
2100gv #5
lol!!!! he even stalked her!!!!!<br />
hahahahhahhh..what kind of idol is that!!???<br />
i prefer if he's the one who stalking meee!!!<br />
hahahahahah *kidding!!! :P<br />
hahahahaha//love thisssss!!!<br />
FlorrieJ #7
The title of the fanfic has reli drawn my attention...<br />
This is seriously cute~~~awww<br />
I can't imagine TaecYeon oppa being a stalker xDD haha <br />
Can't wait for the next update~~~<br />
2100gv #8
i'm a new reader here!!!<br />
and i'm loving this!! seriously!!! :D<br />
updateee! :))
Aww cute! Upadate!! < 3 x