Long Day In The Library


Key's POV

"Key oppa, let's go borrow some books now!" Jiyeon smiled before linking arms with me.

I nodded and walked towards the door of the library, looking back every now and then at the gazebo where Tiffany noona and THAT guy were at.

"Wae? Is something wrong?" Jiyeon asked, her sharp eyes immediately spotting my frequent moves.

"Ani." I smiled to reassure her.

This is Tiffany and THAT guy's business, if Tiffany noona decides to tell Jiyeon, then she will tell her herself. It's not my secret to share with Jiyeon.

"I just saw Tiffany unnie go in there." Jiyeon pointed to the gazebo.

Trees were blocking the view of Tiffany and THAT guy.

"Yeah, she has some business to attend to." I patted Jiyeon's head before walking into the library.

I was reading some interesting books about dragons and bananas when Jiyeon suddenly asked.

"Oppa, do you like Tiffany noona?"

"Uhhhhh...............no." I replied, kind of surprised by the question.

If I was drinking something, I would have spit it all out when I heard this question.

To be honest, I still don't know who I like, Tiffany or Jiyeon.

When Tiffany met up with THAT guy, I was kind of angry and .......jealous?

And when Taemin cut Jiyeon's bacon for her, I had the same emotions.

From this, I can be sure that..........I'm born to be a player! ^^

"What's this book about? Is it fun?" Jiyeon changed subjects. Her lips turned into an extra-happy smile.


Why? Does that mean that she's happy that I don't like Tiffany?

Which means.............she likes me?

I questioned the possibility of this.

She does seem to be always sticking around me.

And yes, she does like to talk to me.

And last time, she even protected the cake made for me instead of getting her balance back!

Is this enough to say that she loves me?

But then of course she loves me! She's my dongsaeng and she's always been nice and talkative.

"Nae.....it's nice." I replied a second later, realising that I still haven't given an answer to Jiyeon.

"Ohh, can I borrow it after Oppa reads it?" Jiyeon smiled eagerly.

"Sure! You can borrow it now. Just give it to me later when you finish." I passed her the book before walking off to another section to check out other books.

Even though I'm in the library, I'm still aware that right now, Tiffany noona is talking to THAT guy.

That guy who nearly ruined her life.

That guy that made her lose all hope.

That guy who created such a big hole in Tiffany noona's heart that I will never be able to heal.

That guy with extra-ordinary charms that captured Tiffany noona's heart and attention immediately.

I still remember the times in high school when Tiffany and him used to be school leaders, always creating fundraising events and other things like school concerts. They always did everything together.

Girls and guys who stay together for a long time always end up falling in love with each other.

And that's exactly what happened to Tiffany and him.

At first, I was happy for them. I didn't have weird emotions about their close relationship like how I have it now.

However, when Tiffany noona ran to my house, crying her heart out, my feelings changed immediately.

I won't let this guy hurt her again.

She looks so strong and uncaring on the outside, but inside, she's actually really easy to get hurt.

She gave up everything for him, even making her appa disown her.

He was everything to her, but at that one day, she lost him...........

I could only imagine how painful it would be to have high hopes that your lover will take you away and then you just get the news that he has already fled by himself, leaving you behind.

And so when Tiffany noona cried in my arms, her whole body shaking with heavy sobs, I vowed that I'll protect her from all guys that are unreliable.

She.....deserves better.

But now.....he came back.

How dare him to come back as if nothing happened!

If I was Tiffany, I'd just slap him and walk away.

Someone who made you hurt so much.......isn't worth your time and love.


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congrats :)
congrats :D
congrats :)
Congrats!! :)
ilabya21 #5
ilabya20 #6
ilabya19 #7
bubbystar1 #8
Chapter 25: I read the whole fanfic for this!!!!!!!!!!!
The bright colors hurt my eyes.
please just give tiffany to yunho and make jiyeon and key together!!!!!! i cant wait for the next update!!!!