The red circle on a calendar.

Pure Love




'Who's the person you visited today at the hospital?'


Baekhyun occupied the last chair for his current lecture, tapping the pen nervously on the desk, watching Chanyeol five rows ahead of him. The question Chanyeol asked in their way to the college made him realize the mistake he made when he asked him to drive him to the hospital, no matter how urgent it was, he can't afford to let anyone know about the patient he is visiting even if he had to break his relationship with Chanyeol… if he ever asked again.


The fact that he had to stay quiet about it is exceptional, and it's eating him alive knowing that he is breaking a promise by not telling Yunho, he let go of the pen and took out his cell-phone; placing it under the table.

He searched for Yunho's number in the contact list and thought 'The guy didn't answer his cell-phone when I called him this morning' backing off from his decision to tell him for the thousand time, neither Yunho had his cell-phone nor didn't have it, he won't be able to tell him otherwise.


It is not a yesterday case, if he told Yunho after three to four months he sure will be mad. Their relationship started with an agreement to help each other and developed to friendship based on honesty, for the past three years all they did was helping each other, they found a way to speak up their problems to one another. It's been four months since the patient was admitted and he's been visiting him same day each week, secretly. If by any chance the words spread out by anyone, he will not have the possibility to visit him again. And he can't stop visiting him after what happened to him, his ex; the person he broke up with and had an accident the next day where doctors had to put him into comma to stop the swelling in his brain.


The dream he has every now and then of them racing to the bus station, no matter what he did he can not stop thinking about it, thinking about the last words he told him, that he doesn't want him anymore and they're better off without each other.

He pressed his lips against each other, holding the tears in his eyes, believing it was his entire fault as much as he couldn't stop visiting him as much as he needed someone to talk to about it.


"Baekhyun~" Chanyeol walked five rows to the back, uncomprehending Baekhyun's sad features, the guy looked at him forcing a smile, for the first time since 4 months he was actually considering telling someone else beside Yunho "Let's go have lunch"


"Let's go" he said, he turned off the phone ignoring Yunho's cell-phone number and collected his stuff to go with Chanyeol.

The two walked quietly next to each other, Baekhyun lied his head down and Chanyeol found no opening to begin a conversation, Baekhyun was a very honest person that let him with no many topics to talk about, no matter how much they tried to improve their relationship; it only turns to worse.


'Thank you for driving me but I would like us not to speak of this again'


He was direct and clear, he gave him no chance to impose and he knew himself that he has no right to impose.


"Don't think they've forgiven you" Baekhyun hand holding the chopsticks froze at the moment and the noise in the cafeteria vanished for a second… for Baekhyun… to process.


"Why are you telling me this?" Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol, the last thing he needed is not to trust the person he decided to share a secret with.

"The only reason they're with you is to avoid trouble and to know how much trouble you can cause" Baekhyun draw anger features on his face.

"Why are you exposing their plan?" he asked, knowing how much trouble he can cause them just by knowing this much.



"Because I hate it," Chanyeol held the spoon in his hand tighter, and kept looking at Baekhyun with his sad eyes "I never approved of it"


"Well, that doesn't give you the right to betray your friends"  Baekhyun stated, and went back to eat.

"I needed to share a secret with you, so you can share your secret with me" Baekhyun puts down his chopsticks and got ready to open a serious conversation with Chanyeol.


"First, a secret should belong to you not to your friends. Second, secret sharing should be approved by both of us before you throw all of it to the table…" he leaned on the chair "There is no need for you to know number three because I'm not agreeing on number two"


"Why…" Chanyeol insisted "Tell me number three, let us have the chance to bond" Baekhyun wore a smirk, thinking he was wrong to have the slightest thought he can trust Chanyeol. He took his chopsticks to eat again after saying.


"You should have no motivations behind your bonding excuse" Chanyeol looked down at his soup with shame.

"I'm sorry" he apologized what made Baekhyun angry enough to hit the chopsticks on the table causing Chanyeol to look at him immediately and hear him say.


"Stop acting innocent, grow up, I did not say it was wrong but that it's preferred not to have a motivation over such a matter…" and then he decided "Tell me what do you want, I'll help you have it no matter what" he crossed his heart, raising the guy's hopes, the guy who smiled and said.


"Promise…" Baekhyun nodded, so he told him "I know that we're supposed to hate each other after what we said this morning but it's been a whole year and after knowing you better I believe someone like you can do this…" Chanyeol played with his fingers speaking to Baekhyun, he knows, he has no right to talk to him about these things because their friendship is fake but he was already running out of patience.

"Make it short Chanyeol" Baekhyun wanted him to rush to his request.


"I want you to fix me up with Kris" and Chanyeol could easily make Baekhyun regret his offer.







Yunho entered the half empty office to take his backpack and leave before the end of the day. He was teaching English for his forth class of the day when he'd been call up by the history teacher; his office phone range again and he is wanted by Ji-hu's school at the principall office.


"Says I get no calls my " he said, entering his car, mimicking himself this morning when he said with full confidents that ' I don't usually get calls, or call anyone myself' this morning, hoping that he did not cause him troubles.

To organize his thoughts in his way to Ji-hu's school, he realized how messed his mind was to begin with. Baekhyun is no longer at school with him and it's something he'll have to deal with eventually, they call each other almost everyday and that's something he has to remember so he won't give away his vell-phone, Baekhyun still makes trouble even at college and that's something he needs to put an eye on, another reason to keep his cell-phone besides him.

He spent so much time with Ji-hu that as he grew older he can feel the time moves rapidly, Jaejoong is already back from the United state, ever since he faced him; he was expecting a call from him, even when their gaze told the other that it wasn't time to meet again, or call again.

Focusing on stuff like getting Sehun's help or spoiling Ji-hu would not solve anything and he knew he had to take this step as he arrived to Ji-hu's school.


"Mr. Principal…" Yunho knocked the door, and entered without waiting an answer, sneaking his face first "Wow!" he entered with shock, after seeing Mrs. Lee along with her son and the principal holding his cell-phone.


"Hello Mr. Rocket" Yunho chuckled as he moved forward to take his phone back before he sits down.


"If that's the begging I would like to state…" he singled at Ji-hu "He is the one who picked that name"


"Hyung~" Ji-hu said, feeling betrayed but Yunho stopped him by saying.


"Knock it off you won't get detention over this" the principal cleared his throat, asking for attention that Yunho decided to give it to him at last.


"You've been called here because the phone that you gave Ji-hu was ringing during class…" Yunho nodded understanding, and took a piece of candy from the bowl in front of him "While he was using it…" Yunho kept nodding, agreeing to each sentence the principal was saying "Looking at inappropriate pictures…" Yunho stopped and widen his eyes "Of you and what seems to be…" and before the principal complete.


"Alright," Yunho stopped him "We get it," he looked at Mrs. Lee angry face as he giggled with nervousness "There is no need for you to say it" and lied his head down.

"Mr. Joung I appreciate your concern but please don't give your cell-phone to him again" Mrs. Lee said, holding her son's arms with worry.

"You haven't seen the picture, have you?" Yunho asked.

"No, and I don't want to look at pictures of you and your girlfriend" she said, and her kid could barely hold a laugh…


"Shut up Ji-hu…" Yunho throw the candy on his face to make him stop and looked at his mother to tell her "I promise you I won't give him anything unless it was by your approval"


"And that's including everything…" she said "No more video games no more things like Wii or taking him to a game center or even ice-cream before dinner"


"But mom" Ji-hu disagreed immediately.


"Your mother is right Ji-hu we need to stop this, I'll confiscate all these stuff and you can visit to play once a week at my apartment, if that's O.K by your mother"


They reached an agreement and walked out of the principal office with an awkward atmosphere and before they head to the gate Yunho made an offer.


"Would you like me to drive you home Mrs. Lee?" Mrs. Lee wore a smile walking first, so Yunho followed her as he was heading to the exit anyway.


"No, thank you and I don't want you to get me the wrong way because I really appreciate your concern and I trust you" she gave him a quick look; Yunho smirked and placed his hand on his chest.


"Well, it’s been ever since I moved to the building, it's either that or I'm really shocked" he said, and she giggled.


"But you really need to stop buying him expensive stuff, he has plenty of them now" Yunho arrived to his car and opened the driver door before he makes a promise again.


"I promise not to buy him anything except for his birthday…" and then tagged another sentence happily "Which is few days away, I need to go shopping" he entered the car; skipping Mrs. Lee sigh to head to Baekhyun's college to have him along for shopping, stopping in the first red-light he realized that he hasn't checked his cell-phone yet.


"It's not Baekhyun's habit to call more than once," he saw that there was ten missed calls, one from Baekhyun and the other nine "Oh, " he checked the messages immediately when the horns spread behind Yunho's car who was reading a message from Mrs. Rocket that says 'Let's meet at the coffee shop behind the college' and he throw the phone on the passenger seat to drive as fast as he could to the meeting place, keeping in mind it's been an hour since he received this message.


"Can I have another cup of coffee, please" he smiled gently, raising his forefinger to make a third order after checking his watch and the waiter left passing a new customer who held his arm to tell him.

"Make that two" keeping his eyes on the person who was looking through the window, with his black hair and long haircut, fair face and red pair of lips that was keeping the smile he was lingering for all these years.

He held a pile of nerves to walk toward him but he stopped in the second step, he remembered Jaejoong's walking away after they finally met in Baekhyun's first day of college and it was one of the things that made him hesitate.


He was about to take a step back when the waiter passed him by with two cups of coffee.

"Oh, " he cursed again and before Jaejoong wear question marks for receiving two cups of coffee, he took all the steps to the chair against him and sat there with embarrassment.


"What's wrong?" Jaejoong chuckled from Yunho's expressions, so he asked after the waiter left.

"I was supposed to arrive before the coffee" Yunho scratched his hair trying to skip the topic someway after Jaejoong gave a silly laugh.


"You still you" Jaejoong said, he looked at the coffee and before he has the desire to drink it, he held his stomach "I need to go to the restroom" he said and left to empty his bladder quickly.

"You haven't changed a bit, too" Yunho smiled firmly, waiting to hear what Jaejoong has to say and to give him the chance to make a say in this relationship instead of always him making the choices.







"Is he gay?" Baekhyun asked, walking with Chanyeol to the bus station when the others took the car, deciding to speak, when he thought it through after lunch period.


"No," Chanyeol slouched "I hate to say this but he never acknowledged me until now," he looked at Baekhyun to tell him "I've been his third wheel for 2 years in high school"

"And the pants he gave you?" Baekhyun looked sadly at him after he knew the truth, Chanyeol looked at the front.

"I stole it when I got invited to one of his parties"


"Why did he invite you if he was thinking of you as a third wheel?"


"At high school I was the nerd who solved his home works, my parents are angry at me because I've chosen this college when my grades could qualify me to any place" Baekhyun chuckled in shock to say.


"You damn sure you are, wasting your future for this guy"


"He is not any guy," Chanyeol said strictly, defending his opinion for the first time since he met Baekhyun "I told you I was the nerd, he was the one helping me if I get harassed by anyone, I owe him" the two stopped against each other, and Baekhyun tried to make some sense out of this.


"Owe him what? Your heart? If the reason you love him is for being Krisman then mind me if I say you're the stupid nerd I've ever met"


"You don't get it; I bet someone like you didn't have to go through this" Chanyeol played on the wrong cord what made Baekhyun furious.


"You don't have the right to judge me based on what 3 days?" he singled at him and said "You know nothing about me"

"Because you're not telling me, maybe I wanted you to help me with Kris but I really wanted to bond with you, because unlike others who play behind your back you're facing them"


"Oh, please, don't start rewarding me" Baekhyun said, and continued walking to the bus station.

"It was the first time I felt close to someone the first time I met him and I was flattered that you liked me and that you're wasting your time over me…" Chanyeol said, he held Baekhyun's arm to stop him and when he pushed him again to face him "Let us be real friends"


"Now you want to be friends with the one who bullies you! Geez, where is Krisman when you need him" Baekhyun made another sarcastic point of view when he still did not want to bond with someone from his enemies group.

"You admit you were bullying me? That it is bad enough that I look stupid just wanting it"


"You know nothing about bullying," Baekhyun said, deciding on his second option after four months, to talk to Chanyeol about what he wanted to tell Yunho all along, angrily and loudly.

"You think you were bullied all this time when you get out of high school scar free and I'm standing here alone with my ex-boyfriend lying in the hospital in the verge of death…" he singled at him and said "I'm going to give you Kris but don't you think what you said was an excuse to have him"






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Given that my last update was in 2015, I think it's clear but I would like to both note and apologize that I will not be finishing this story and will delete it later on.


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lee-chan #1
Chapter 7: OMG !!! who is this "ex-boyfriend" guy ? can' wait for the next chapter , good work *claps*
Kyung1Ari #2
Chapter 5: Hahahaha, it looks like things has progress very between Baekhyun and Chanyeol. I hope Yun and Jae can meet up and talk again.
lee-chan #3
i just hope exo will make it to the last chapter alive xD
lee-chan #4
Chapter 2: O.O ? , is it cuz of the abs ? xD , i guess he wont be getting in chanyeol pants anytime sooner xDD
lee-chan #5
Chapter 1: .... oh my GOD !!! a baekhyun , a hot doctor AND chanyeol all in one chapter !!! i cant wait for the next one xDD
lee-chan #6
i love it already , waiting for the new chapter <3