One week later

Age differences don't matter


(Prt 2)
      One week later: 
" Please don't go we will runaway" 
      AHH no not that dream again!! Ever since that night with Taemin I been having bad dreams that he is going to leave me.
-"Ugg I'm soo stupid to think I have a chance with him" 
 -"Have a chance with who Marissa?" My friend Elibeth asked
- "Taemin! He so famous he could have anyone I have no chance with him." 
-"Why do you say that love comes and many-" 
-"Forms I know but this one seems so wrong!" 
-"Your giving up to early on him just when you see him again let him know he IS the one for you."          
      And right at that moment I got a call it was Taemin! 
-"OH MY GOSH it is him" I say very scared to answer.
- "We'll answer it Marissa!" Elibeth says in amazement. -"Hello?"
- "Marissa is this you?" Taemin asked carefully.
- " Yes this is me I mean I think so?" I laugh.
- "Ah-yah you always have jokes don't you?" He laugh too. "Well  I called to see if you wanted to come with me to the mall?" 
-"Umm sure what time should I be ready by?"
- "Umm say 11:30 am." "Ok I will see you then." I say 
-"ok uhh... Bye"
- "bye" 
     It was already 10:01 I needed to hurry up and get dressed. In my mind I was freaking out that I might say or do something stupid. Also what was I going to talk about not about him of course but that's all I really did talk about. I just said to myself to go with the flow see his likes and dislikes. But I can't just do that what else would we do ugh this was probably going to be the worst date ever. No I can't let it be it must be one of the best. 
      So it gets around 11:30 and I here a knock at the door and all of sudden I drop my things and hid in the bathroom. 
- "Elibeth! Answer the door please!" 
- "No! He is your date you answer it." 
- " Elibeth I would do it for you if it were Minho!" 
-" Fine! " 
      But Elibeth got a little surprise of her own it was not just Taemin it was also Minho too. Elibeth stood there in a stage of shock because well she didn't even have her hair up! 
-"Is Marissa here?" Asked Taemin 
-"Umm... Yeah I will get her... MARISSA!" 
-" What?!" I ask 
- "You know Minho is here too right?" While closing the bathroom door behind her.
-" No I had no idea."
- "Well luckily I'm dressed but my hair is nasty!" 
-" Well let me ask what's going on while you do your hair."
     As I walk out the bathroom I could see Taemin and Minho looking at our softball pictures. 
-"Hey Taemin and Minho." I say calmly 
-"Hey! Umm I had to bring Minho along my manger siad I needed to." 
-" Oh that's ok." 
-" Um I thought maybe Elibeth would like to keep Minho company?" 
-" Like a double date?" 
-" Yeah! Do u think she would do it?"
-" Of course she would let me tell her and we can go"
    So I find Elibeth in the bathroom finishing her hair and I asked if she wanted to come and she hesitated a little but she siad yes. After that we all left and went to the mall.      
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shineeinfinite123 #1
Chapter 13: Keep doing this story. It's really great!
my feelings <3 i enjoyed this!