Before the Storm Hits

Age differences don't matter

(Prt. 11)
         Before the Storm Hits

            Marissa's POV
   I hear Clarissa tell Tony (my lawyer) to go get Elibeth. Tony of course obligates because I can tell by the look on his face that he is probably ting his pants right now. I see him leave then I look down and pull my hands from Clarissa. 
-"Marissa you need to calm down breath." Clarissa says
-"Clarissa..." that's all I mange to get out before my body is filled with anger. I clench my fist trying not to let this stupid curse ahold of me. I can hear the things around me begin to raddle and at the corner of my eye I start to see something into the air.
-"Ma...Ma...Marissa what are you doing??" Clarissa asked frighten and seems to be looking at something. I can't turn my head so I just move my eyes and see a knife lift from a tray of food. It's pointing at Clarissa and that's all I see before my vision goes dark.

             Elibeth's POV

-"So they are bring Taemin here then?" I asked Minho while my head rest on his shoulder
-"Yeah they bailed him out last night. He said that he wanted to be here to see Marissa wake up." He replies and I look up and his eyes have bags from only getting an hour of sleep.
Then I decide to turn around and I see Taemin come thought the doors. I stand up and tell Minho. And we both rush over to Taemin.
-"TAEMIN!!!" I shout and Taemin looks over to the nurse and tells her thank you.
-"Hey" Taemin says and his voice is a little raspy and he has bags under his eyes too. "Is Marissa ok? Is she awake yet?" He asks
  And right before I could answer I feel a hand on my shoulder and when I turn around I see it was Tony and he as a scared look on his face.
-"Elibeth you need to come with me right now!" He demands.
-"Why?" I wish I would have just went with instead of ask.
-" It's Marissa!" I says and he kinda gives me a glare that lets me know Marissa's powers are acting up. And once again before I can say anything Taemin speaks up.
-" What? What's going on?" He ask.
-"Um Taemin I think it better if you just stay here." I suggest
-"What?! Hell No! She is my girlfriend." He shouts just a little to loud. Then I start to see him run towards Marissa's room. Crap. Then I start to run after him or try to catch up with him before he sees everything.

            Marissa's POV
I can't control my body and I can't see anything. I have so many emotions going though my head that the curse has just taken control over my whole body the only I can do is hear. I can hear Clarissa backing against the wall as the knife comes towards her. I just need to pray that Taemin comes running thought the door.
-"MARISSA!!!" Taemin shouts. (Thank God) Everything drops and stops rattling and I can hear Clarissa finally take a deep breath and grab the knife. I still can't see but I can at least move my arms and talk.
-"Taemin." I say lower than intended
-"Marissa your awake." He runs and wraps his arms around me and when he dose that my vision goes back to normal and I look around the room and see everything is perfectly normal as if nothing happen. And I let out a big breath that I didn't even know I was holding in. I finally wrap my arms Taemin and begin to cry.
-"Are you ok?" Taemin asks me.
-"Yeah. I was just worried about you." I sob just wanting Taemin to lay down with me in my bed.
-"I'm sorry I wasn't here to be the first one you woke up too." He tells me making me smile and laugh a little too. I feel his hands grab my shoulders and pull me in front of him so I'm making eye contact with him.
-" What's so funny?" He asks me.
-"Nothing it's just..." I cut myself off when I finally see Taemin's bruised face. "Oh my God Wh...what happen? Did you get beaten up?" By this time everyone is in my room. And I move my head a little I see Minho,Onew,Key, and Jonghyun all trying to hold in their laughs.
-"What did you guys do to my boyfriend? You guys made his face purple he looks kinda like the Teletubbies." The guys can't help but start to laugh. And I can't help but laugh too at what I just said.
-"YAH!! I though you were on my side." Taemin get a little angry and starts to walk away and grab his hand pulling him back but he trips over the bed making him fall on top of me. And he lands face to face with me.
-"" I'm speechless 
-"Um" Taemin is also speechless and everything is silent. He finally gets off of me and sits next to me. I try to change the subject but Taemin beats me to it.
-"So who told her I was arrested?" He ask
-"I did." Clarissa speaks up from this awkward encounter and continues "I thought it was best for her to know."
-"You didn't tell my parents did you?" I ask scared for the answer because if they found out all my brothers would have Taemin's .
-"Um no" Taemin says and I'm relived
-"Good." I reply
-"What!?" He seems surprise so does everyone else.
-"Yeah. I mean you wouldn't want my parents here excpecily my brothers."
-"Your brothers?" He seems confused now.
-"Yeah i do have brothers. And a sister."
-"Clarissa right?"
-"What Clarissa..." I catch myself before I say anything else." I mean Clarissa is my step-sister" I lie
-"Oh. So how old is your other sister?" Taemin ask which I glad he did. I was planning on telling him just not like this in this situation.
-"She is 6yrs old and her name is Riley. She is my actual sister."
-"Well I figured that." He says sarcastically and has a smirk on his face.
-"Yeah I want to bring her here so she can meet you. I know you would love her and she would love you." I can't help but smile at that thought of having the two people I love the most with me, next to me.

   By the time I look at the clock again it's already 1:00 in the afternoon and I haven't ate in awhile Taemin is sitting in a chair next to my bed looking at his phone. I move my leg to make him look at me and he just moves his elbows back a little closer to the edge. Once again I move my leg and I finally get his attention and he looks up.
-"I'm hungry." I tell him.
-" Do you want something from the cafeteria?"
-"Eww! No"
-"Then what?"
-"I want McDonald's."
-"And why should I do that for you?" He teases me.
-"Because I love you and I think you are the best boyfriend in the whole wide world." I lean in closer and kiss his cheek and he smiles.

            Taemin's POV

 I can't help but smile when she kisses my cheek. She smiles too.
-"Ok but I'm not allowed to go anywhere except the hospital and the house."
-"So just tell one of the guys to go please." Marissa pouts
-"Fine!!" I throw my hands the air and give in. I can't help it.
So I walk down the hall to find one of the guys when I hear a small faint yet recognizable voice come from behind me.
-"Taemin!!!" Damn it it's Jessica. Of course it is, I try to ignore her the best I can but she keeps on yelling my name.
-"What!!!" I shout a little too loud
-"Hey. How have you been?" She nudges me playfully.
-"What the are you doing here? Why did you come here!?" I says practically pissed and hoping that one of the guys come.
-"Well my Aunt works here and there was a rumor going around saying that your girlfriend who is fourteen is in the I came down here as fast as I could to see how you were doing." She smiles
-"Well the rumor is true. And I'm doing fine.Now are you done?"
-"Well I guess." She sighs
-"What? What more do you want from me?" 
-"I just wanted to see how you doing that's all. You took it really hard after the break up and then I found out you had a girlfriend..." I cut her off
-"Look don't bring up this again. I don't need this right now. I don't know if you didn't just hear yourself because your that ing dumb but my girlfriend is in the hospital and she is hungry so I need to go." I don't why I told her that Marissa was hungry but I am so mad right now that it just came out. She tries to grab my hand but I pull out walking as fast as I could to try to find Onew.

      I finally see Onew and run up to him.
-"Hey Onew!" I say
-"What?" He asked while reading that stupid book. That's like the third time he has read it.
-"Um do you want to go to McDonalds and get me,Marissa, and yourself something." I try to persuade him. 
-"What makes you think I want McDonalds?" He questions me.
-"Fine. Here is ten more dollars so you can go to KFC." But I didn't realize that the rest of the guys were there too.
-"Wait your going to KFC I want something." Minho says
-"Us too." Jonghyun speaks for Key and himself.
-"Wait but Marissa wants McDonalds." I speak up.
-"Yeah and I'm only going to one place." Onew says getting annoyed.
-"Not fair." Key complains 
-"Not fair how is that not fair." I asked 
-"Just because your girlfriend wants McDonalds doesn't mean we have too."
-"Then get in your car and go." Onew says.
-"You know what Onew you don't always have to be about things." Jonghyun fires back.
-"How am I being a . Just because I don't want to go to McDonald's then back over to KFC. That's being a ?" Onew questions.
-"We do it for you all the time because you never want to eat what we eat." Key shouts slightly. And me and Minho are just watching shaking our heads as all three of them fight.
-"Oh my god! Would all of you just shut up!" I demand even though I shouldn't speak to my huyngs like that. "Onew just go to KFC and I will ask Marissa what she wants from there." And I noticed that Jonghyun and Key both smile. I start to walk back over to Marissa's room and when I get there I see she has a paper in here hand.

           Marissa's POV

      I still have the letter that I was suppose to give Taemin but didn't. It was in my jeans from where I try to hide it. I hope he hasn't read the letter what if he has? Oh my god I hope he hasn't, that letter is not even ready I just wrote it because...well I don't even remember why I wrote all I know is it is not ready. 
-"Hey!" I hear Taemin and hide the paper.
-"Oh hey did the guys leave already?" I ask
-"Um about that.." He rubs his hand back and forth on his neck,"Is it ok if we eat KFC instead of McDonalds?" He questions.
I really had wanted fries but I guess I could go for some Mac and Cheese.

-"Um sure as long as I get mac and cheese." I tease.
-"I will make sure you get that." He smiles and walks out the room. When he walks out I pull out the once neatly folded paper from under my cover. I open it again and re-read it. I'm lost in my thought after. I start to think back before this all happen before I met Taemin how my life was miserable I felt unloved and worthless my ex just cheated on me so many times and felt like I could never trust anyone again. But I'm taken out of my thoughts when I hear Taemin's voice. And then realized about 30mins have already passed.

-"Marissa why are you crying?" He ask.
-"I'm not crying!"
-"Yes you are!" He rubs his thumb under my eye and I feel the wetness from the tear. I can't believe I was crying. Then again it was a painful memory.

-"Um my eyes are just watery." I lie.
-"Oh ok." I can tell he doesn't believe me."Um the food is here is ok if we all eat here?"
-"Yeah! Of course!" 
-"ok I will go get them."
            Taemin's POV
      Why was Marissa crying? Was she rethinking our whole relationship? Oh God I hope not. I don't want to lose her because of this situation I can't afford to lose her to this. No I have to get some alone time with her. I head over to where the guys are sitting and tell them that they can't eat in her room.
-"What? Why?" Key asked.
-"Because" I reply.
-"Because why?" 
-"Because Key I need to talk to her." I say.
-"Why do you need to talk to her?" He keeps on asking questions.
-"Because Key!" I shout.
-"Because why? Because is not an answer there has to be a reason behind it."
-"Well what if I don't want you to know the reason."
-"Is it that big of a reason." Key and his smart remarks have me on edge at this point. Im about ready to punch him in the face again.
-"Yes it is that big of a reason!"
-"So you aren't going to tells us?" Key keeps egging on.
-"Oh my god Key if doesn't what to tell us then he doesn't have too." Minho tries to defend.
-"No I want to know why! We have been together for a long time and he can't tell us." Key says and I am about to explode.
-"He doesn't have to Key!!! Maybe this time he has to keep it a secret!" Onew yells at Key and Jonghyun comes to his defense.
-"Hey both of you need to stop yelling at him! He just wants to help Taemin with whatever it is."
-"Exactly!!" Key says. But at this point I'm done.
-"Fine Key you want to the reason well here it is!! I saw her crying and I don't know why. But I have a feeling that she was rethinking everything and I don't want her rethinking our whole relationship because of all this. That's why Key!!" I blurt out without realizing what I just said. My heart feels heavy with sadness as I just replay everything in my mind. And when I look at the guys they are shocked and surprised. Key looks sorry for what he said and he should be he put me on the spot in front of everybody. I put my head back down and stare at the ground.
-"Please just give me sometime to talk to her maybe I can clear her mind. I'm just..."
I'm interrupted by Minho.
-"Just go Taemin we will be find we can eat out here." He tries to lighten the mood a little bit.
-"Hyung." I say like as if I were complaining.
-"Here" he hands me a plastic bag with food in it. I take it from him and give him a warm smile before I leave without saying a word. 
         When I walk back in the room I see Marissa texting on her phone. And she looks up she seems surprised.
-"Oh I just texted you. Where are the guys." She smiles.
-" Um we need to talk." I say as I gulp really hard.

           Marissa's POV
      Oh God he wants to talk. About what though? I hope its nothing bad. Could it be he has to go back to jail or my parents are here. No it can't be that my parents are here I don't even know why I though of that. But I am suddenly answer when he says
-"Do you love me?" 
-"Wh..what?" I'm surprised yet relived at the question.
-"Do you still love me?" He ask again.
-"Yes I still love you and I haven't stopped since we first met. Why would you ask me that?" I hold a confused expression on my face.
He doesn't answer me he just looks down at the ground. 
-"Taemin what wrong?"
-"Nothing I just...nevermind" he sighs
-"No tell me. I want to know." I demanded.
-"Well I saw you crying and thought...and thought you were rethinking our whole relationship." He brings his hands to his face. 
-"Taemin why would you think that. I love you and you should know that. Plus that's not why I was crying."
-"Then why were you crying?"
He ask. Damn it. I should tell him but I don't want to. What if he sees me differently, ugh I can't and I won't or at least until I'm ready to tell him.
-"Um I read a sad story."
-"Oh." I see embarrassment come across his face then a small smile.
-"So did you bring me my food?" I ask trying to change the subject.
-"Oh yeah here. I got you well more liked asked Onew to get you Mac & cheese and mashed potatoes." He hands me a plastic bag with a KFC logo on it. I open the and pull out everything then get two paper plates and put some food on them. When I look up Taemin is starring at me.
-"What?" I smile handing him his plate.
-"Nothing I just can't help it."
-"Help what?"
-"I can't help but stare at you."
-"What I don't look cute or any thing I'm just in my pj's." Luckily the hospital let me wear my pjs instead of a gown. But Im suddenly taken out by my thoughts when I feel his lips crash into mine.

             Taemin POV
       I love Marissa and everything about her. She is so beautiful and in my eyes she can never do wrong. And I couldn't but stare at her lips and how her hair falls perfectly down when she moves a certain way. So when I go to kiss her I press my tongue against her lips asking for entrance and she allows it. And she does I start kissing her even harder.
            Marissa's POV
         I can't resist Taemin and his lips. And when I allowed entrance his kiss became stronger, no our kiss became stronger. Then I feel his arm wrap around my waist and pull me up and closer to him. I bring my hand up to cup his cheek and snake my arm around his waist. The kiss was intense until Clarissa walked in.

-"WHOA!!" Clarissa says I'm amazement. Me and Taemin both open are eyes never breaking our kiss and suddenly realize she what just happened. I finally push him off and try to straighten myself out. And Taemin just turns his head the other direction.
-"Um looks of it I interrupted something serious." A small smile comes from Clarissa's face. "Man I haven't seen intense kissing like that since Playful Kiss when they get married." She continues.
-"Shut up!!"  I say opening my eyes open big and I kind see Taemin blush and then smile. I bet he is mentally patting himself on the back. That JERK!!
-"Man Marissa who knew you could kiss like that!" Clarissa teases.
-"Would you SHUT UP!!!" I shout and Taemin starts to chuckle. "Oh my god Clarissa your embarrassing me." I put bring a pillow to my face. Then Taemin grabs the pillow from my face and says 
-"Why are you emberssed it's true." Taemin gives me a warm smile. But the whole atmosphere changes when Key walks in the room and when Taemin noticed he puts his head down. I wander what happen between those two.

           TAEMIN'S POV

      I see Key walk in the room and put my head down. I am still mad that he put me on the spot when it was unnecessary. Why couldn't he just drop it but no he had to keep pushing it. I know I should be grateful that he wants to help and I am but sometimes he just needs to let it go. I wander what he wants.
-"Taemin?" My thoughts are answered. "C-can we talk?"
I don't answer him I just stay quiet.
-"Look I'm sor..." Key begins but I quickly cut him off.
-"Outside." I say pointing to the door. I just puts his head down and walks out. I follow him and as soon as I shut the door he begins.
-"Look Taemin I'm sorry about what happen I know I should've just stayed quiet but I know a lot of things have been on your mind and all I wanted to do was help lift some of the weight off your shoulders. I can't imagine what you feel like and I just want to to be happy cause I know you love her..." I cut him off by hugging me and whispering thank you to him. I know Key means good but sometimes he can be a little to nosey and I think he knows that. And it not like I'm not grateful because in some cases if Key didn't push me I would still have a lot of problems. 
-"Hey Taemin and Key!" I hear Elibeth call from behind.
-"Oh hey Elibeth!" I let go of Key.
-"Is Marissa in there?" She ask.
-"Yup. Where else would she be." I laugh at my own sarcasm. 
-"Whatever, oh yeah another thing Minho wanted to talk to you."
-"About what?" I ask and now adding more weight to my shoulders.
-"I don't know, he's in the waiting room." She points and then walks into Marissa's room.

     Me and Key look at one another and start heading over there. When I finally reach the waiting room my steps become slower by the second as I see Minho talking to all to familiar red headed girl JESSICA!!! When Minho spots me he calls me over.
-"Hey what did you need." I ask trying to sound like everything is ok.
-"Nothing I just needed to talk too you." He tells me with a very fake smile. "Oh Jessica go on ahead i will bring him with me." She nods and walks away.
-"What the hell Minho why we're talking to her?! I can't even believe you would talk to her after all that she has..." I am suddenly cut off when Minho says "Your parents are here." He looks away when he says it.
-"There here in the hospital apparently one of your cousins is in the hospital and they came back from the states and are here in the hospital."
 That right my parents still don't know that me and Jessica broke off the arrange marriage because of what she did. Plus they don't know that I'm with a fourteen going on fifteen year old girl. They would flip if they found out ,excpecily about the whole statutory thing. Well maybe this wouldn't be problem if they would actually spend time with me instead of spending time with their business.
-"What are we going to do Minho?" I asked
-"I don't know but we have to figure out something. But for right now you need to go up there like now."
-"What why?" 
-"Because you parents want to see you and Jessica told them that she would call you. That's why see was talking to me." Minho explains. Then I here a voice a voice that I haven't heard in a really long time.

                   It can't be.

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shineeinfinite123 #1
Chapter 13: Keep doing this story. It's really great!
my feelings <3 i enjoyed this!