What else can go wrong

Age differences don't matter

(Prt. 12) 

      What else can go wrong

            TAEMIN'S POV
     That JERK!!! I can't believe he is here!! That !! I can't stand him and when I told him I never wanted to see him again he still speaks my name. I hate him I hate him with a passion. That jerk left me standing in the rain begging him not to leave me alone in Korea. I was only in the 8th grade and he was leaving me alone. I had no one else to lean on. I was always by myself in that stupid mansion that I don't call home. He even took my little brother with him to America. I never got to even see him grow up. I remember one time almost killing myself and no one was there to stop me. Then my parents and him have the balls to set an arrange marriage with a girl whom I thought loved me as much as I loved her then just uses me to get with Kai. Are you kidding me!!! I will never forgive him or my parents for what they did. 

-"Lee Taemin I know that is you, answer me!!" He demands.
-"Yes it's me brother." I answer trying to sound like I wasn't shocked that he was there. "I was going to head up there. Did mom and dad already see Jessica?" Then I feel a sharp pain come from my cheek. Then I feel myself hit the ground. I can't believe he just slapped me. I jump to my feet as fast as I could,  "What the..." I am suddenly cut off.
-"Don't act like I don't know what's going on. Your pretty pathetic to think that I wouldn't find out about you and Jessica. You better get your head on straight right now Taemin before I do it for you. Did you think because I went to America with mom and dad I still wouldn't check up on you. And you wander why I didn't take you to America. It's because your not smart Taemin your dumb you think with your heart instead of you brain. And to think I was going to let Taejoon stay with you. I'm glad I made the choice I did. Leaving you behind was one of the best decisions I made as the CEO of this company and for our family." Tears come streaming down my face and I try to hold them in but I can't. "Oh yeah and one more thing that little lawsuit you have, give me two days and it should disappear and I'm doing it for our company not you or your troublemaker of girlfriend. Now you better get your head out of your it's not a hat and get up there right now before mom and dad start asking questions!!" And Taesun leaves without even looking back. I feel more and more tears come down my face. I can't hold them back. I want to run and act like I none of this ever happened but I can't Minho is standing behind me waiting for me to respond and honestly I don't know how. 
-"Um just stay here I will be back." I say 
-"Taemin listen to me your none of that do you understand  me!" Minho grasp my hand and forces me to look at him.
-"I have to go Minho." I say with no emotion. And slowly I walk away and head up to the next floor.

              Marissa POV
-"What do you mean my parents are coming?! With my brothers and sister too?!!" I shout.
-"Yes they are all on their way! Everyone!" Clarissa tells me. 
-"You can't be serious I don't want them here, they don't need to be here. What are they trying to do make my life hell. I don't want my dad or my mom or my brothers. Excpecily my real step sister and brothers."
-"I can't do anything about it they all found out from watching the news." Clarissa says.
-"Who told the news?"
-"That's the thing we don't know who told everything was was covered." Elibeth speaks for Clarissa.
     I wander how it got out then. Could someone we trust have told? But who would it be? God my life was just fine until now. Then I see Tony walk in. And he has a smile on his face.
-"I have some great news guys!!" He announces.
-"About what?" Clarissa ask.
-"Well the charges are being dropped!!" He states.
-"H..how?" I say with my mouth practically on the floor.
-"That's the thing I don't know how. They just said that they are dropping the charges and in two days you have to go with Taemin to sign some paper work." He says excitedly.
-"Oh my God this is so AWSOME!!! You and Taemin can actually be together." Elibeth says clapping her hands.
-"Marissa aren't you happy about all this?" Clarissa questions.
-"I am but I have an uneasy feeling about this. I mean first someone told the news that I was in the hospital and now the charges are being dropped this doesn't make sense." 
It really doesn't at all. Something is going on and I don't know what but I will make sure to find out. 
-"Um ok well I think for now we should celebrate." Tony says. And all three is us agree.
-"The first thing I want to do is walk around. I have been in this bed for too long and I need to walk." I demand.
-"Ok." Clarissa helps me get up from the bed. I slowly walk to the door and I when I open it it like I got back all the feeling in my body. Hearing all the people talk was like a breath of fresh air. I started walking faster and faster. I was almost running. But I must have been not paying attention because I ran into this tall, black haired man. He looks like he is at least 24 and he actually looks kinda like Taemin. 
-"Omo I'm sorry Ma'm." He gives me a warm smile.
-"No I'm sorry I should have watched where I was going." I apologized.
-"Marissa!! Are you ok!!?" I here Elibeth shout from behind me. 
-"yes I'm ok." I says when she finally reaches me.
-"YAH!! What the hell!!" Elibeth shouts at the man.
-"I know I'm sorry." He puts his head down.
-"Yeah you better be. If you would have made her fall and hit her head she could have been knocked unconscious again!!!" She yells.
-"YAH!!! Unnie stop yelling at him!! It was my fault!!" I scold her.
-"Pardon me but if you have a concussion then shouldn't you be in bed and not running around." He tells me.
-"Well yeah." I put my head down.
-"Well I think it's best you go back and when you get better I will treat you to a nice lunch. I will be seeing you again in the future anyways. Now if you excuse me I am late to very important meeting. Goodbye."
And the strange man walks off.
What the heck!! What does he mean by that. Is he actually planning to take me out to lunch?! This day has been awfully confusing and strange. Maybe I shouldn't be running.
-"Well that was weird." Elibeth says.
-"Yeah no kidding. But did you notice that he kinda looked like Taemin." 
-"Now that I think of it he did look like Taemin." She agrees.
-" I wonder if they are related but Taemin has never said anything about his family. I don't know anything about his family really!" I say.
-"Have you ever asked him about his family?" Elibeth questions.
-"Well no." I answer.
-"You never asked him?"
-"No it never came across my mind." 
-"A lot of things don't cross your mind."
-"YAH what's that suppose to mean?"
-"Nothing." Elibeth rolls her eyes and laughs.

             TAEMIN POV
      As I wait for the elevator to come down I start to think about what can possibly go wrong. Actually a lot can go wrong. My parents aren't the type that forgive and forget. If you cross them within a month your whole life can change. But if you listen to them you are reward with luxury. If your someone they don't care about then your just left alone but your not cut from connections with them, this one is me. I was left alone but my connections weren't cut off. Although I tried hard to cut my connections I couldn't. Every where I went everyone knew me as Mr. and Mrs.Lee's kid. That's one of the reasons I started to dance and sing so I wasn't know as that any more. I wanted to be know as LEE TAEMIN. But I'm cut off when I see Jessica in front of me. 

-"Are my parents waiting for me?" I question her.
-"yeah they said I couldn't go back unless I was with you."
-"Well I'm here let's go get this do with."
-"Omo what happen to your face." She asks.
-"Well I was slapped twice and punched in the face. Any more questions!" I say sarcastically.
-"Why are you so mean to me?!" Jessica yells.
-"Are you really that stupid?" I shake my head and start walking to the room with out her. But of course she follows me and she tries to grab my hand but I pull away. Then she tries talking to me but I just zone her out until I finally reach the room my parents and brothers are in. I stop in my tracks and take a deep breath before I knock. But my hand decides to knock for me.

-"Come in." I hear an all to familiar voice.
I slowly open the door and take one step at a time till I reach where my mom, dad, Taesun, and Taejoon are sitting. I look at all of them and bow my head.
-"Hello." I say with my head down. Then I feel small hand wrap around my waist and my eyes open big when I realize who it is.
-"Taemin hyung!!" Taejoon shouts.
-"Taejoon." I say as tears roll down my face. All I feel is guilt building up inside me for not be there for him. I am his big bother and when he needed me I wasn't there. Then suddenly I feel other pair of hands wrap around me and see it's my mother.
-"My boy! I have miss you!" She says.
-"Mom! I've miss you too!" I can feel her tears. I know I have said some jacked up which is still true but to hear "I have miss you" coming for her is something amazing. Then I see my dad walk up to us and pull my brother and mom off me. Suddenly I feel a familiar burning sensation on my cheek and once again I have been slapped. I finally cup my cheek.
-"He what??!" My moms face is shocked. "You broke off the engagement!!!"
-"I had a reason too!!!" I shout.
-"What reason Taemin because you fell in love with a fourteen year old!!!!!" My dad says loud enough for everyone to hear.
-"A fourteen year old Taemin!! What the hell is a fourteen year old girl going to do for you!!!?" My mom questions.
-"I knew if I left him here it would have been a bad idea. He has gone crazy!!!" My dad remarks.
-"Crazy!! Jessica cheated on me with KAI!!! AND IM CRAZY!!! I loved Jessica but see didn't love me she only used our connections to get with Kai!!! She even told me at one point she was trying to get with Taesun. And yeah I may be with a fourteen year old but at least I know she loves me something I never got from any of you!!!" At that I basically give them a piece of my mind.
-"She what?? She used us!" My mom turns to Jessica and Jessica looks like she seen a ghost.
-"Um..um..um" Jessica stutters.
-"I will be calling your father in a little bit. So you better hurry on out of here if you want to save you ." My mom says and Jessica begged my mom not too but she didn't listen. I told you my parent have no mercy when you cross them. So finally Jessica leaves and after that my dad continues.
-"That still no excuse for the fourteen year old." He says calmly. Wow the mood change quick.
-"I know but she different she is mature for her age. Trust me when I found out she was fourteen I didn't believe her plus she is going to be fifteen in a few days." I explain.
-"I heard about the lawsuit. She almost put you in jail and ruin your career." My mom says.
-"Look I have been making my own decisions for a long time now and I have turned out ok. And I knew going into this relationship there would be a lot of complications. I mean she is even in the hospital." Oh that wasn't suppose to come up. And me dating a fourteen year old wasn't suppose to come up etheir. But that didn't go as planned did it.
-"Omo what hospital is she in? Is she ok? Do her parents even know?" My mom ask so many questions.
-"She is in this hospital 4th floor and yes she is ok." I try not to bring up her parents.
-"That only answered two of my questions. Do her parents know?" She says through her teeth. And even though she left me to live alone in Korea I'm still scared of her. 
-"Um..No but she doesn't want her parents to know." I say before my mom tries to interrupt me.
-"What do you mean she doesn't want her parents to know!?"
-"I don't know when her step-sister said she didn't tell the parents she was happy about it."
-"I don't believe you!! I am going down there." She says.
And before I could tell her no she is already heading out the door.
              Marissa POV

-"What are you going to do when your parents come?" Elibeth ask me.
-"I honestly don't know. I mean I will be happy that Riley is here but I at the same time I'm not."
     Then suddenly the door flys open and I thought it was my parents but it's not its some woman and she looks familiar.

-"Omo Marissa! I didn't know...we must be in the wrong room." The lady says but I see Taemin walk in behind her. Then I realize who the lady is.
-"Mrs.Lee what are you doing here?" I ask.
-"Wait how do you know my mom's name?" Taemin questions.
-"YOUR MOM!!!" I shout. His parents and my parents are rivals.
-"Marissa are you ok!" My mom enters the room with my dad,brother,stepbrothers, my little sis, and stepsister. This could not get any worse.
-"What the hell what's this doing here." My mom ask. Oh here we go. Damn it!!! 
-"Apparently our kids are dating each other." Mrs. Lee just made it worse.
-"What!!!! Your dating the enemy!!!" My mom shouts.

         Oh god please help me.

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shineeinfinite123 #1
Chapter 13: Keep doing this story. It's really great!
my feelings <3 i enjoyed this!