Let Me Explain

Age differences don't matter

(Prt. 13) 

             Marissa POV

-"For the last time we didn't know that we were each other's enemy." I say.
-"Yeah right!! You just want to get back at me!!" My mom says.
-"No we really didn't know anything!!" Taemin says.
-"Shut up you little jerk I wasn't talking to you!!" My mom spits.
-"What the hell don't talk to my son like that you bi.." Mrs. Lee is cut off.
-"Mom stop!!!" Taemin glares at her.
   I can't believe this !! I'm in the hospital and we all are fighting. The !!! This why I was I came out here. I can't stand being there with my family. All they do is fight fight FIGHT!!! I HATE IT!!!! 

-"What about school?! What are going to do!!! I'm not leaving here until I know what your plans are!!" My dad says. My dad is the smarty pants type I've had straight A's since I was four. 
-"She can go to school with Taemin." Mr. Lee says. 
-"Wait what!? I'm 20 years old I can't go back to high school!" Taemin says surprised.
-"Of course not, your going to college Shinwa to be exact." Mr.Lee tells Taemin.
-"Your going to send my daughter to a college!?" My mom butts in.
-"No no it's an elementary though college type school. It's a school that's made for kids like ours."
-"What do you mean 'our kids'?"
-"Well you may not know this but our son Taemin graduated top of his class."

        WHAT!!!!? He's smart!! I mean I not saying that he's dumb but I didn't know he was a nerd. There's a lot of things I don't know about this boy. Then again he doesn't know a lot about me.

-"Wait why do I have to go to school!? I have to deal with SHINee and I can't handle both !! Especially the way our schedule is!!" 
-"We already worked it out with manger! You just won't appear so much on TV as you always do. You'll just appear enough." Mr. Lee explains. 
-"B-b-but...what about.... And the guys....I-i-i." Taemin stutters and I can see him grip the edge of my bed.
-"Ok so we don't get no say in any of this. It is important how we feel too. You guys can't just meddle in our lives, it's our choice to choose what we want to do!!" I yell.
-"No you don't your under 18!!" My dad yells.
-"Well I'm not I am a grown man.!!!" Taemin shouts.
-"Taemin it's no use they are going to send us and I really  don't have the energy to fight them." I try to convince him. And it's true I don't. And how bad can it really be. It's not like we have wear uniforms right?
-"Um do we have to wear uniforms?" I ask. Please say no, please say no.
-"Uh yeah you do." Mr.Lee tells me.

           Taemin POV 

-"The ! I have to wear a ing uniform!!" Marissa says under her breath," I ng hate my life and.........ing hate.....DAMN IT!!!!" Marissa gets off the bed and walks out the door. I really couldn't hear some of the things she was saying.
-"Well at least we know wear she gets her attitude from." My mom says to Ms. Henderson.
-"Taemin!" I hear Marissa shout.
-"I'm coming!" I shout back at her.
-"Well your son is wrapped around our daughter's finger." Mr. Henderson says to my mom.
-"I am not!" I defend.
-"TAEMIN!!!" Marissa yells.
-". Coming!!!" Damn it I guess I am. I start speed walking out the door and see Marissa with her arms crossed.
-"You take to long!!" She smirks.
-"Sorry. Why did you walk out?"
-"You didn't want to stay in there did you?" Marissa questions.
-"What!? So you....did....that....just...ugh. I give up."
-"Yup! It was my only option. Well except the part about the uniforms....." I cut her off by kissing her. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her close. Then I slowly ask for entrance and she allows it. I can feel a small smile form under my lips. 
-"Excuse me?" I hear someone coughs. What the hell!? Serious this is the second time we have been interrupted. Then I feel Marissa hands push me back. And I turn around I see five guys and two girls one is around five.
-"Um what the hell are you doing ?!" One of the guys say.

          Marissa POV 

      ! ! This is not good my life first uniform and this bull
-" what the hell are you doing" my old brother says in fury 
- "Ooo Marissa you better run!" I hear Riley say. I decide to listen to her and grab Taemin's hand but he's not moving.
-"Taemin!! Come on!!"
-"5....4...." Oh my brothers are counting.
-"TAEMIN OPPA!!!!" I scream.
-"3..." Drake continues. And when he says that Taemin finally gets a clue and starts to run.
-"Oh !!" Taemin shouts.
-"2....1....WE ARE GOING TO KILL YOU!!!"
   And when we hear that we both start to run faster. I know I shouldn't be running in my condition but come on really!? They seriously over react sometimes. I can't stand them once in a while. 

               Elibeth POV 
        Me, Minho, and the guys are all sitting in the waiting room laughing.
-"Oh remember that time when Taemin got so drunk that he ended up taking off his clothes." Key laughed.
-"Oh yeah! Manger Hyung was sooo mad." Jonghyun continues," What about Marissa has she ever had embarrassing moments?"
-"Uh yeah actually. Their was this time where me and her were walking to class and she slipped on a piece of pizza." I laugh at the memory.
-"Elibeth can you tell us what kind of person Marissa really is?" Key ask.
-"Um why?" 
-"Because he thinks he has to know everything!" Onew says.
-"Oh and like you don't. Just admit Onew you wanted to know what kind of person Marissa was just as bad as me!" Key defends.
-"That's not true!" Onew shouts.
-"You guys clam down!" Minho says.
-"Yeah it's ok I will tell you.", I start but then I see Marissa and Taemin running.
-"Elibeth!!! Brothers!!!! Help!!!" Marissa shouts at me.

         Oh Hell No!!!!!! 


A/N: hey guys sorry it me long to update I was kinda stuck between if I should continue this story or not but I decided to continue. I know it's a little short but I wanted to get something up. But next chapter should go back to normal anyways I love u guys!! Annyeoung!!!! 

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shineeinfinite123 #1
Chapter 13: Keep doing this story. It's really great!
my feelings <3 i enjoyed this!