The hospital

Age differences don't matter

(Prt. 10)
            The Hospital

           Marissa's POV 
       I wake up and see a bright light and I close my eyes again. Then I open my eyes once more only to see plain white walls then I start to hear voices and it sounds like someone talking on the phone. Automatically I think it's Taemin and I semi-scream Taemin.
-" TAEMin? Wait who are you?" I ask then I suddenly relize I'm in the hospital "And why am I in the hospital?!" I shout
-" Hi Marissa. My name is Tony and I'm your lawyer."
-" My LAWYER!!!" 
   As soon as I said that my manger walk in and smiled. I can't believe she is seriously smiling.
-" Hey girl. How do you feel?"
-" Clarissa I know when you say hey girl something is wrong. What the HELL IS GOING ON!!" At this point I'm pissed "And where is Taemin"
-" Um...You look hungry i will go get the nurse."
-" CLARISSA!!!" I yell at her 
-" OK I'll tell you.." She mumbles something where I can't understand her. 
 -" What?! Clarissa speak up!"
-" Ok! But don't freak about it.. Are you sure your not hungry?"
-" CLARISSA!!!" I'm starting to worry now.
-" Taemin was arrested for statutory ." 
 On my face I looked totally fine but you could see my heart rate getting faster on the monitor. 
-" Marissa are you ok..." She walks over to the side of my bed and grabs my hand. I tried pulling it away but I couldn't she was going to see my true emotion. 
-" Marissa your nails their turning RED!!! Tony go get Elibeth!!"
            72 Hours Earlier
             Taemin's P.O.V.

-" Can't you drive any faster!" I shout
-" I'm trying Taemin!" Minho shouts back at me 
-" If you were trying maybe would be driving faster!"
-" OK! The both of you need to STOP!!!" Elibeth shouts at us," you both know damn well that Marissa would have knocked the both of you out for acting like this way, right or wrong?"
Minho and I both answer...
-" Right." 
-" Then knock it off!! Now Taemin take off your shirt." Elibeth demanded 
-" Elibeth you know I'm Marissa's boyfriend sooo it's really not going to work out but we can always remain friends."
-" Shut the up and take off your shirt"
    I take off my shirt and hand it to her. Then Minho comes to a stop sign and she hops to the back of the car. She picks up Marissa's head and puts my shirt under her head. And when I pull out my hands they are full of blood. I freak out just a little bit.
-" Minho are we THERE YET!!!"
-" Yes we are here." 
     He jumps out the car and he helps me grab Marissa from the car and we all run in and I scream for help and the all you see is a group of doctors and nurses run up to us. I kinda start blanking out but then I was brought back to reality when I saw Minho trying to talk to me. 
-" Taemin! How old is Marissa"
-" wh.. What!?"
-" she is... FOURTEEN!!"
-" Yes!"
-" Ok let's get her to the emergency room" the Doctor demanded. " You guys must wait here in the waiting room"
-" Doctor.... Please... Take of her...she is my responsibly and...I think I would die if anything happen to her so please....Don't... Don't let anything bad happen to her because I already failed at that."
-" We will do everything we can."
  The doctor runs towards Marissa.
   I think time had froze for awhile because I couldn't hear the emergency sirens, or the people shouting out for that person to go and do this. I couldn't even see all the people whispering wondering what the hell I was doing when I didn't even know what the hell I was doing. Then I hear Minho and he brings me back to reality again man he always has to... Nevermind
-"Taemin stand up...Come on get up off your knees.Elibeth I think there is an extra t-shirt in the trunk take my keys and get it for him. Im going to go and have Taemin wash his hands."
-" ok"
Minho grabs my cold, frail body and takes it to the bathroom. The reason I say it was because IT was just a empty corpse of nothing I was in another world living in all the different memories I had of Marissa. I was trying to decide if I'm really the best thing for her. But I try not to think like I just want to live in the memories being here for a while wouldn't hurt right?
              1:35 am 
While I'm in dreamland I get a rude awaking from Minho telling me something?
-" Wh.. What?"
-" Taemin! Wake up! The doctor is here."
 I suddenly shoot up from my chair.
-" Yes doctor"
-" Are you the care taker if the young lady?"
-" ok well I'm Dr. Won. I was Marissa's surgeon"
-" Surgeon?"
-"Yes Marissa was bleeding heavily from the back of her head... But luckily we were to patch it up quick enough to stop it if you wouldn't have notice this girl would have died she must really proud to call her your boyfriend"
-"What!? How did you know?"
-" Well it's pretty obvious."
-" You saw it on tv didn't you?"
Minho said. 
-" Uh yes." Dr.Won replied he kind of smirked and laugh
-" You won't turn us in right?"
-" No! My wife and I were your guys age when we first stared dating."
-" Really?"
-" Yup so I don't care. If she loves you and you love her that's all that matters."
-" Thank you doctor your kind words erasure me that nothing will stop us from being together not even our age."
-" I'm glad to have helped you um would you like to see her?"
-" YES!!"
     We follow the doctor to the room where Marissa was laying  in and everyone was nervous which made me even more nervous. Everyone went in before me and I felt a hand of a friend grab my hand and pull me in too the room. As walk in I felt my heart beat faster and faster. And I could feel my eyes tearing up a little because I was so scared for what reason I don't know. But when I saw her face peacefully sleeping with her long brown hair right next her and I was able to relax for a second till a random cazy lady came in screaming looking for me.
-"WHERE IS HE!!!" Clarissa shouts
-"Where's who." The nurse ask.
   I poke out my head to see who was looking for me. 
-" Um I am right here."
-"I going to KILL YOU!" Clarissa shouts.
     All of a sudden I feel a hand grab the collar of my shirt and lift me slightly.
 -"AHHH! WHO ARE YOU!" I ask
-"BIG SISTER? WHAT IN THE WORLD WOULD MAKE YOU THIN...." She just stop in the middle of her sentence "um...Yeah I mean her sister...THATS NOT THE POINT YOUR DEAD."
    I slowly put my head down knowing that I was probably going to get my kicked. 
-"I am going to kill you." Clarissa shouts AGIAN
-"I swear on my dea... Wa..what."
-"I said ok," I repeat, "I deserve to die i mean I almost killed Marissa."
-"Are you messing with me right not cause i am not in the mood to be messed around with."
-" I'm not messing with you."
Then I felt my feet touch the ground again. She kinda push me too because I fell backwards.
-"How could you let this happen?"
-"I know I'm sorry."
-"Well when her... I mean OUR parents come I will explain everything and you WILL be right next to me. You did call them right?"
-"Um No"
-" NO!"
-" I forgot"
    Actually it more like I forgot on propose 'cause I'm really scared of her parents. I mean wouldn't you be scared to tell them that you almost killed their daughter. Anyways I see Clarissa pull out her phone.
-"WAIT!" I shout but she doesn't listen and suddenly I found my HAND grabbing her phone and taking it away from her.
-" What the hell Taemin!!!"
-" Um sorry... But I'm not going to call her parents."
-" Why? Don't you think they should know."
-" No I don't want to almost die again."
-" You probably will and thats not my prob. Now" Clarissa 
sticks out her hand. "My phone back please."
  And I don't know what I was thinking but somehow I convinced myself this was the only to stop her from calling Marissa's parents. 
-"You leave me no choice Clarissa." I tell her 
-" Wa.. What are you doing."
 I slowly lift up my shirt... "Ta..Taemin" I ignore Clarissa and proceed to pull my pants forward and I see Clarissa's eyes open big..." Do..don't you dare." "I'm sorry." Then I hear a voice come from behind me and I turn my head and see it's my ex-girlfriend and without even realizing I drop Clarissa's phone in my pants.
-"" I stutter
-" MY PHONE!! TAEMIN!!" Clarissa shouts
-" Oh !!" I say
-" Taemin" Jessica similes, really she is smiling she just made everything worst. Then I hear Minho say,"RUN TAEMIN!!!" I turn around and see Clarissa's face. You would think I listen but no my let myself get slap.
But that's not why Minho told me to run. When I got slapped I realized the police were there looking for me so Minho noticed that there was another door that led to some stairs.
-" Taemin this way."
-"Ok. Wait!!"
-"What! We don't have time."
-"Hold on" I walk up to Marissa who is still unconscious and trace her face with my finger and kiss her lips.
-"Come on Taemin." Minho tells me
-"Minho can you promise to take care of her."
-"I promise you now come on."
I finally follow Minho down the stairs. 
-" I'm calling Key right now."

             Key's P.O.V
     I see Onew sitting on the couch reading a book,and drinking beer, so I decided to ask him a question
-" Yah Onew!" I shout
-" What!" Onew shouts back and takes a sip from his beer.
-" Do you think Jonghyun would like this shirt or this shirt?"
-"Um why should I care he's your boyfriend." Onew says as he continues to read his book.
-" Yah he's your best friend you know what he likes." 
-" And you don't!!!" He puts his book in his lap and looks at me with an annoyed face.
-"Ugg. Your no help!!!"
-" I never said I was going to help."
-"You know you never act like this but today your being a real ."
-" Im just worried about Taemin."
-"I don't know why but I just have this off feeling."
-"Is it because he's spending the night out with a girl."
-"NO!! I could careless what he does with that girl."
-"Arraso Arraso no need to get all worked up. Anyways I think I will just  give both shirts to Jonghyun and see which one he likes and keep the other one."
    Then I hear my phone ring and I see it's Minho. I wander why he was calling me he couldn't have forgotten something right?
-"KEY!!" He nearly screams my ear off.
-"Can you come pick me and Taemin up from the hospital and HURRY!!!"
-"HOSPITAL!! Why what happen?" Which I said a little to loud because I seen Onew drop his book and run and grab the phone from my hand.
-" YAH!!"
-"HELLO!!!" Onew starts taking on the phone.
    I don't know what they were talking about and they talked for a good ten minutes. I asked Onew what was going and just said that I need to drive to the Singhaw hospital. So I grab my jacket and the car keys we both jump in the car. I asked him what was going on and he just said that the police were looking for Taemin but I knew there was more to the story.

            20 minutes later

-"Just stay in the car key I will be right back." Onew demands
-"Wait what's going on Onew?"

            Onew's POV
   I remember Minho telling me that they were hiding in the 3rd floor parking structure. 
-" TAEMIN!! MINHO!!! Ugg were are these fools."
   I suddenly feel a hand go over my mouth. I get pulled backwards in to a stair case. And I suddenly hear a shhh from behind me. Then I feel the hand lift and I turn around a sock the person behind me in the face.
-"Oww!!!" I hear Taemin "What the hell Onew!!!" 
-"Oh Sorry." I start laughing a little.
-"DAMMMN!!! Not only did you get slapped by Clarissa but you got punched in the face by Onew." Minho starts laughing too.
-"YAH!! It's not funny." Taemin demands.
-"Dude today is not your day."
Minho says.
   Taemin just stands there and stares at both of us then I finally stop laughing and tell him that Key is waiting for us in the car. So we sneak out of the parking structure and find Key waiting for us.

              Key's POV

    After waiting here for 20 minutes I FINALLY see Minho,Taemin,and Onew come out of the parking structure. I unlock the doors and I see Taemin holding his face and Onew and Minho are laughing.
-"Why are you guys laughing? And why is Taemin holding his face?" I asked and I tried to move Taemin's hand from his face but he just turned his head.
-"It's a long story I will tell you later but can you stop at the pharmacy to get Taemin medicine for his face." Onew demands
-" Really!! At four in the morning!!" I give him a glare.
-"Just go to the liquor store I want chips." Taemin says staring out the window and making no eye contact I tell he is deep in his thought. "Taemin...are you ok?" I regret asking that.
-"No Key I'm not!!" He yells and continues to say," and you know why key because everything in my ing life is blowing up in my face. Every damn time I touch something it ends up leaving me or gets hurt or even coming back when she was never..." He just stops and shakes his head. I see his eyes start to tear up and he bits his bottom lip.
-"Taemin...who came back?" I ask frighten by what the answer might be.
-"JESSICA!!!" He socks the dashboard and I step on the brakes hard, enough to throw Onew and Minho forward. "What the hell Taemin!!!" I yell
He doesn't answer but the tears running down answer for him. 
           Taemin's POV
    I'm so hurt with everything. The fact that my girlfriend is in the hospital, the cops have a warrant for my arrest and to top that my ex-girlfriend shows up from hell. Why is she even there? How did she even find out? I told her to never come around me again the way that she hurt me is something I will never forgive. She left doubting myself wondering if I could ever love or be loved by anyone. That's until I met Marissa she was so beautiful and I thought it was so cool she could speak Korean. I fell for her and later I would find out she liked me too. But what I also didn't know is that all of would happen. Then I suddenly realize Key been trying to get my attention.
-"Taemin!!! What the hell!! Why did you do shock the dashboard?!!! Are you ok?!" He yells 
-"Yes I'm fine if I wasn't fine I would have told you, right?" I shout. I open the door and I feel Key grasp my hand.
-"Taemin stop... I'm just trying to help."
   I break out of his grasp get out of the car. When I close the door I decide to scream!!!
-"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I fall onto my knees and I feel the tears run down my face. Then I slowly bring both hands to my face to cover it but when I do that I just keep crying harder.
Then I feel a hand grab my shoulder and I think it one of the guys so I look up but to only find a tall, brown hair man dress in a cop uniform. Oh. No.
-" Lee Taemin?" He asked
-"Yes" I reply
-" Your under arrest you have the right...." He stars to say as he pulls me up and makes me put my hands behind my back and has he places the hand cuffs on me reality catches up with me. When I look up I see at least three cop cars and thousands of fans yelling at the cops holding posters that say 'Taessa 4 Life' and 'Taemin + Marissa'. I just think when did this all happen it couldn't have been long and why didn't the guys say anything. As they put me in the car the fans get more aggressive and all I can think about is will I be there when Marissa wakes? And just thinking if that makes me cry even more.


A/N: sorry again you guys about taking so long I know the first few chapters we short so I wanted to make it longer. Hope you enjoy please leave comments. Love you guys!!!!

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shineeinfinite123 #1
Chapter 13: Keep doing this story. It's really great!
my feelings <3 i enjoyed this!