

As we are on standby for our Inkigayo performance - I keep replaying the conversation in my head. The conversation that lasted 2 hours. The conversation that made me fall deeper in love. I didn't think it was possible, but I think I love her even more. How can someone completely change your life? I've read books and saw movies about love - I was always skeptical because I thought - hey this is all scripted - but all those feelings, those unspoken words - it does really happen. You CAN have a picture perfect love. Even if you live halfway across the world from each other. Physical contact of course is important to me, but not as important as having someone to share my feelings, worries, happiness, sadness and dreams with. 
~~~.                                                                                                                             .~~~
This past month has just been the happiest month of my life. Every time I get a chance to at least glance at my phone - I always see SarahAnne's encouraging words. She always knows what to say to cheer me up. I admit, it has been difficult for us, not being able to talk everyday due to the time difference plus my busy schedule, but the second I get a free minute she's the first person I call. 
"Hi, Oppa." She answers. I can't help but smile when I hear her voice. 
"You know, you're killing me." 
"Why.... OPPA!?" She knows just what I'm thinking. 
"Haha, I just love it when you call me that."
"I know you do, that's why I call you that, Oppa~." She sings. 
"I miss you..." I tell her. Even thought this is my 3rd day of no sleep - I feel wide awake talking to SarahAnne. 
"I know. I miss you, too." She sounds sad. 
"Is there anything that's wrong baby? You sound really down."
"I'm actually really happy. I have a surprise for you... But whenever you get to your dorm. You'll have to call me as soon as you go into your room, ok?" She sounds excited. 
"Ok, I promise I will - if I don't pass out before I even reach my room." I laugh. 
"I'm sure you won't. I got to go. Bye, Oppa!" She quickly says. 
"Ok b-" she's already hung up. 
That's weird. We usually take another 10 mins to say bye....
Hmm... Now I'm really anxious - I wonder what the surprise will be. At that moment Kris and Kai come into the waiting room. They're all smiles. I wonder what happened to make them so happy....
"ChanYeolieeeee~" Kai & Kris both say. 
"What-ieeeeeee?" I mock them. 
"We know something that you don't~" Kai does a little dance. 
"Mwo?" I ask. I'm too tired to play their little games. 
"That I'm more handsome than you." Kris starts laughing and Kai joins in. They high five and walk out. 
These people can be so weird. It may be that the tiredness is getting to the point where it's making everyone slap happy and hallucinate.... 
I had to quickly get off the phone before he heard all of the noise. People were getting inpatient with me - for making them all be quiet while I talked to ChanYeol. 
"So, he really has no idea?" Kris asks.
"Not a clue. And he won't be expecting anything here either. " I feel proud. 
"Good idea on saying there was a surprise when he got home..." Kai smiles at me. 
I really can't thank EXO enough for making this surprise happen. I've been planning this trip for a week - my parents were coming to Seoul for business - so I decided to tag along. At first, I was going to tell ChanYeol, but I was talking to SuHo and he said it would be better if I surprised him. Since ChanYeol has been kind of down lately, it would be the perfect pick me up. 
"I really appreciate all of the help from all of you." I say to Kai and Kris who were here for the moment. 
"Anything for our favorite non fan - fan." Kris laughs at his own joke. 
Kris and Kai went to check to see if ChanYeol was in the waiting room so we could move on with the surprise. 
The rest of EXO came, we were just waiting for Kris and Kai to return. The plan was for everyone to walk into the waiting room at once and distract ChanYeol and see if he noticed I was in the room. I was going to pretend to be one of the helpers from the stylists staff.
As we were walking towards the waiting room we ran into KyuHyun - he is so handsome!- and SuHo explained what we were doing and he just had to get into it. 
So, everyone walks in the waiting room and immediately they start shouting and running around the waiting room to distract ChanYeol. As I walk in with the stylist Noona's and saw ChanYeol - my heart skipped a beat. He looks so damn good, tired, but so y. 
"Ya! Can't you guys keep it down? I'm tired!" ChanYeol complains. 
"Hyunggggg ~ aren't I cute? Bbuing bbuing!!" SeHun always turns to aegyo at awkward moments. 
"Ya, ChanYeol-a! Don't you have any manners?" KyuHyun folds his arms. 
"Ah, hyung. Sorry, I didn't see you!" He gets up and bows 90 degrees to KyuHyun. 
"What's this I hear... You're in love?!" KyuHyun teases. 
"Hahah, hyyyyunngg~" ChanYeol blushes. 
He's so cute. 
"It just that I can never see her - she's so far away..." ChanYeol was saying to KyuHyun.
"She's closer than you think, Chan." Kai smiles. 
"Halfway across the world isn't close, Ka-" he freezes. 
He wasn't looking my way - so he didn't notice me... So why did he freeze? 
"Yeah yeah, I guess you're right, Kai... She is closer than I think." He says with a huge smile.
"Why are you smiling like an idiot?" Kris asks.
"Because I know I have a SURPRISE when I get home." He keeps smiling. 
"Oh really? From who?" SuHo asks. Everyone is panicking. This was supposed to go on at least until it was his turn for his hair and makeup so I could start doing his hair and when he would look up, I'd be right there.
"Just this special girl I know." ChanYeol says smiling. 
I don't know if he saw me or not, but I have to hide. So, I get up and go stand in front of Tao while I'm facing away from everyone. I pretend to fix Tao's hair and makeup when he looks at me with a panicked expression. 
I was a little confused on why everyone was directing their attention to me. Even KyuHyun was asking about SarahAnne. It wasn't until I looked over at the mirrors that I saw SarahAnne hiding by the coordi noonas. So, there was no surprise when I got home. The surprise was right here right now. Two can play at that game. 
"So, is it my turn for my hair and makeup yet?" I ask. I'm trying really hard not to look her way, but my eyes keep averting in her direction. 
I see her get up and go in front of Tao - she's really planning to go through with this. I was going to let her do it didn't want to ruin her hard work, until I see her touch Tao's face. I know she was just pretending for my sake, but something came over me. What was this feeling? Jealousy? 
I couldn't contain myself anymore so I walk towards them. Tao finally realizes that I know so he immediately panics. 
I get close to her and whisper "surprise" and her body freezes. I feel bad for ruining her plan, but can you blame me? What would you do if the person you've missed so much was no more than 10 feet away from you. I grab her waist and hug her from behind. I feel her body slightly shaking. She's either laughing or really nervous. I turn her around so I can see her beautiful face.... Oh no...
Tao looks at me with panic in his eyes... Then all of a sudden I feel someone close behind me...
"Surprise." A deep y voice whispered in my ear.
Hearing his voice, feeling his presence so close to me - hit me really hard. I could feel tears filling my eyes. I've missed him so much! He grabs my waist and hugs me. Feeling his arms around me and his face close to mine - ahh this feeling. It can't get any better. I can't help but cry from happiness. He turns me around and sees my tears - his smile immediately disappears. 
"What's wrong? Why are you crying? I'm sorry I ruine-" I interrupt him. 
"God, no! I don't care about that! I just miss you so much! Tears of joy!" I point to my tears. 
"Aaweeeeee SarahAnne, I missed you!" He smiles again and grabs me in a tight hug. 
We stand there hugging each other for a long time. We didn't realize everyone has left the waiting room to give us privacy. We look around and we both start laughing. 
"I guess they decided to give us some alone time..." ChanYeol says with a smile. 
"I feel bad... I didn't get to thank them !" 
"Don't..." He says and his eyes look darker. 
He's intensely staring at me. Both of his hands move to my face. He's holding my face and just looking at me like he's searching for something. 
One of his hands moves down to my waist and he pulls me closer to him. There go those butterflies again. 
"You really have no idea how much I've missed you..." He says as he cups my face with his other hand. Gulp. 
"Your eyes, your face, your body.... And especially yours lips." He moves closer. My heart rate rises to a dangerous level. 
"Those lips on my lips..." He says as he runs his thumb across my lips. He's inches away from my face now.. I think I've stopped breathing.
"I've just missed everything about you..." His intense stare softens and he smiles. 
"Me, t-" I'm interrupted my his luscious hungry lips on mine.  
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