Love at first sight.



"OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG" both Kayla and I scream. 
I can't believe Kris actually called!!!! And we're meeting him at a restaurant near his hotel! I picked the place where I knew there wouldn't be any fans to make the dinner awkward and bad for Kris. 
Kayla is freaking out and has tried over 15 outfits. She can't believe she gets to go to dinner with her bias. 
"SarahAnne I love you I love you!!! Because of your shopping addiction I get to see my bias in real life!" She hugs me. 
"I... Can't.... Breath" I choke for air. 
We finally decided to dress casual but nice. Kayla is wearing a sundress with wedges and lots of accessories. I'm wearing a plaid shirt with white shorts and converses. 
We are in the parking lot of the restaurant. We take a few minutes before we go in to calm ourselves down. Finally we enter the restaurant. It's a nice quiet family owned restaurant. My mother and I come here as much as we can. It's our favorite place to eat. 
"OMG he came with ChanYeol!" Kayla interrupts my thoughts. 
"Oh, isn't he the goofy one?" I ask. 
"Yes, but he's so cute!" She whispers to me. 
When Kris sees us walking toward them - he gets out of his chair and greets us. Kayla is trying her best to control herself. I can tell all she wants to do right now is fangirl, but she's keeping it cool. I'm proud of her. 
"Hi, my name is Kayla," she introduces herself. 
Kris looks a bit dazed. 
"Hi I'm Kris and this is ChanYeol," he answers gazing at Kayla.  
"Hi, Kayla! Hi, SarahAnne!" ChanYeol smiles. 
Oh my goodness. I've never paid close attention to EXO so I didn't realize just how handsome ChanYeol is. I was flabbergasted. I felt as thought a million butterflies were released and were flying in my stomach. My heart stopped beating it seemed. 
"Hi," I reply.
I didn't realize I was staring at ChanYeol until Kayla nudged my side. 
"I'm really thankful to your friend, Kayla, she helped me a lot today," Kris sweetly smiled at Kayla and I. 
"Really, it was no big deal," I answer back blushing. 
We had dinner and I swear Kris was only staring and talking to Kayla the whole time. I did feel a bit jealous. I was the one that helped him! It must have shown on my face because I noticed ChanYeol giving me a worried look.
"Are you okay?" He asks.
"Yes, of course" there go those butterflies again. 
We were finishing eating our desserts when ChanYeol suggested we should go to the beach because they haven't been out of their hotel room except for K-Con and other appearances. 
"What about the fans?" Kris seems worried. 
"It's past midnight - I highly doubt anyone is at the beach right now." Kayla looks at Kris. 
He gives her the sweetest smile I have seen anyone ever give another person. 
We drove down to the beach, but it seemed as though no one could go in. The tides were too high. 
"Oh man, I really wanted to at least swim!" ChanYeol is disappointed.
"How were you going to swim with clothes?" Kris laughs
"I have swimming shorts under my sweats" ChanYeol shyly confesses.
I couldn't help but try to make ChanYeol happy. I couldn't see him look so disappointed. 
"I have a swimming pool....." I look at all 3 of them.
All 6 eyes were on me. One pair excited. One pair surprised and one pair just absolutely loving me at the moment. 
Kayla was going to go swimming with her bias! I could tell everything she wanted to say to me just by looking at her eyes.
"Really?! We can swim at your house!?" ChanYeol asks. He's grabbed my arm jumping up and down. 
At the feel of his long fingers around my arm sent chills up my body. It was electrifying. 
"Y-y-yes." I stutter. 
"Yaayyyy!" ChanYeol exclaims and grabs me in a hug. 
I completely froze. Not because I didn't want the hug - but I thought if I move an inch the hug would end. 
"ChanYeol-a ~ get off SarahAnne," Kris complained. 
"Sorry," ChanYeol apologized. 
What was up with me? Why do I keep getting butterflies every time ChanYeol looks my way? I'm not the type to fall for someone so fast. Of my 19 years of life, I've never had a boyfriend. Not because I wasn't pretty or popular, but because no one caught my eye. 
I was actually quiet good looking if I do say so myself. 
I have big greenish brown eyes. I'm a dancer so of course my body is fit/slim and tall. I have long wavy brown hair. 
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