We are ONE



When they say EXO fans are crazy. They mean EXO fans are crazy. When the 2 vans showed up to pick Kris and ChanYeol up - another 20 cars came behind. Yep. You guessed it. Fans followed EXO TO MY HOUSE! 
"Tell him I'm going to open the garage so just quickly drive the vans inside" I tell Kris to tell his manager. 
It took over 20 mins for the vans to get through all of those other cars. 
"I'm so sorry about this, I hope the fans don't do anything crazy after we leave," ChanYeol apologizes. 
"No, no, don't apologize. They won't do anything." I blush. AGAIN.
When the vans are finally inside my garage - we all walk out there to greet everyone. 
I did not know what I was expecting, but oh my god. 10 beautiful guys come out of the vans. All seemed very aggregated. (We're going to pretend that all EXO members speak English) 
"We are so sorry about this." Says a short boy with a beautiful smile. 
"That's SuHun" ChanYeol whispers and starts laughing. 
I give him ChanYeol a dirty look for teasing me and immediately blush after. 
"Don't even worry about it, are you guys ok?" I ask. 
It was 7am and the fans were out there. They couldn't risk going back out there - and Kayla and I were definitely not going to let them go out in that craziness. 
We decided to call the police and remove everyone for being on private property. It's the least we could do for making them come all the way to my house to pick Kris and ChanYeol up. 
SarahAnne is taking such good care of us. I can't believe I'm never going to see her again. Why can't everyone be as nice as her. Being as beautiful as her would help also. 
"Let me formally introduce everyone since we're all barging into your house" SuHo says.
"No, please. Don't think you're barging" SarahAnne quickly says. 
" I'm SuHo, the leader of EXO" SuHo introduces himself.
"I'm the maknae SeHun and in charge of aegyo" aigo our maknae. 
"I'm BaekHyun - the main vocalist." 
"I'm the dancing machine Kai."
"I'm the healing unicorn Lay."
"I'm EXO-M's maknae Tao." 
"I'm Luhan. The deer in EXO." 
SarahAnne giggles. 
"I'mChen - the main vocalist."
"I'm boazi - XiuMin." 
"And I'm in charge of Strength in EXO, my name is KyungSoo, but everyone calls me D.O"
"We are ONE - were EXO" we all chimed in.
That seemed to surprise SarahAnne and Kayla. It was fun doing that out of nowhere. 
"It's very nice to meet each and everyone of you! I'm SarahAnne and this is my best friend Kayla."
"And since SarahAnne isn't an EXO fan - Kris I think we should formally introduce ourselves as the EXO members." I tease SarahAnne. 
"I'm in charge of visual, voice and the happy virus in the group. I'm Park ChanYeol." I wink at SarahAnne and she opens her eyes wide. 
"I'm the main leader, vocalist, rapper, artist, dancer of EXO - I'm Kris." 
Everyone starts laughing except for SarahAnne - I think she thinks he's serious! 
I don't want to say goodbye to her, but how do I not?! I fly back in 4 hours halfway across the world. I wish there was some way for her to come with me. 
Am I crazy? How can I say that about someone I just met? Is this normal? I thought this only happened in movies?! I don't know, but all I know is that I'm completely in love with this girl I met only 10 hours ago. How can someone steal my heart without trying to? How can I leave my heart behind? What can I do to show her that she has my heart already? What can I do? Think ChanYeol think!
I can't believe I met all of EXO ! They are all so precious and nice! I didn't even think it was possible for 12 guys in the same group to be all so perfect! 
That time has come - all of the fans are gone. They have to go to the airport before they miss their flight. Why does this feel like I'm breaking up with them? I'm going to miss them. - especially ChanYeol. He is so perfect. 
We all say our goodbyes. Everyone gives me a hug for letting them stay until all of the fans left. Kris thanked me again for taking care of him TWICE from fans. I hug him goodbye - he then hugs Kayla and they exchange numbers. 
One person left to say goodbye to. Why has he been so quiet all this time? 
"I guess this is goodbye..." ChanYeol says. 
"Yeah... I guess it is. It was really nice meeting you." I say biting my lip. 
"It was a pleasure getting to know you, SarahAnne." He says. 
"If you're ever in L.A. and want to go swimming - you can always stop by." I tease.
And then the unexpected happens. I go reach for a hug from ChanYeol and he... He.... He... OMG.... 
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