Lets meet!



I punched my number on the phone my hands shaking. Why am I shaking? He's not even my bias or my group bias. Yes, he is extremely handsome, but still. I hand him back his phone and he quickly hugs me and runs off with his manager. 
I am in complete and utter shock. Did that just happen to me? Did I just give my number to a KPOP idol?! I quickly call Kayla. No answer. Of course not, she's life guarding at the beach. I need to see her - she NEEDS to know about this. I quickly run out of the mall and get in my car heading to the beach. 
I can see Kayla walking back up to shore with a child holding her hand. I'm out of breath running towards her! 
"Kaaayyyyy OMG OMG OMG OMG kaayyyy," I scream. 
She looks up and sees me and waves. She takes the little boy back to his mother and comes running up to me. I can't form words to tell her what just happened to me, so I take out my phone and show her the picture of me and Kris. I kid you not - this girl froze for 5 mins - with her jaw hanging open. 
Then all of a sudden she attacks me to the ground calling me every name in the book. 
"OMG saranne! How? When? How? What?!??" She screams. 
We're both sitting on the sand watching the sun set. I explained everything to her and how Kris asked for my number and how nice he was. 
"You seriously have got to be the luckiest girl on the planet," she says. 
"I know!" I answer back proudly. 
"It's not fair though! You're not even an EXO fan." She says bitterly.
"I think from now on, I'm a Kris fan," I . 
Her bias is Kris - so it makes it funny to mess with her. 
We get into my car driving back to my house. I wasn't even waiting for Kris to call me, because I knew he just asked for my number to be polite. There's no way would an KPOP idol call me - to make it up to me for hiding him for barely 20 minutes. 
As we take a swim in my pool - I hear my phone ringing. Must be my mother calling to see if I've eaten dinner. My parents are hotel owners so they work crazy hours. I barely see them, and I miss them a lot . They're my best friends. 
Why is it taking her so long to answer? As I pace back and forth in my hotel room - I can't believe I'm actually doing what I'm doing. 
I accidentally ran into SarahAnne this afternoon after I ran from a group of girls trying to take pictures - when all I wanted to do was shop. I lost my manager in process, so I was freaking out. 
When I ran into her I thought she was another fan, but I could tell right away she was different. She didn't scream and get in my face like all of the other girls. She was sweet and a bit shy. She really helped me, so I had to make it up to her. 
*she answered!* 
"Hi, is this SarahAnne?" I ask.
"Speaking..." She sounds unsure. 
"Hey this is Kris who ran into you at the mall!" I reply back - I sound too goofy. 
There is a long pause... Did she give me the wrong number?
"K-k-kris?" She asks.
I can tell she's skeptical. 
"Yes, sorry if this is a bad time," I say
"No no, not at all. I didn't think that you'd actually call" she sounds shocked that I actually called.
"I said I would, a man keeps his promise" I a bit. 
I'm meeting her and her friend Kayla at a nearby restaurant. Since she's bringing a friend I decide to take ChanYeol with me so there isn't any awkward silence. 
"Ya! Hyung! I can't believe we're going out with girls on our 3rd night here!" Chanyeol exclaims 
I can tell he's excited. 
"Chan please behave yourself. They're not your typical fan girls. They're nice and have manners" I tell my best friend. 
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