Giant in Love



As I reach to hug ChanYeol - he grabs my face and plants a kiss on my lips! At first, I'm in shock and just stand there with my arms to my side. The rest of EXO are gasping while Kayla is squealing. 
I finally give in and kiss him back. His hands are still cupping my face while my arms are around him. He pulls me closer to him and sighs as he's kissing me. I can feel a smile creeping up on me. I smile as we're kissing and he slightly pulls out of the kiss and smiles. 
"I've been wanting to do that since the second I saw you walk in the restaurant." He whispers to me. 
"You have no idea..." I manage to say before he gives me another kiss. 
He pulls away and hugs me a moment longer. He's caressing my back as I squeeze him tighter. He chuckles and kisses my forehead. 
"I don't want to say goodbye to something so precious." He says as he grabs my face again. 
"Don't go...." I pout up at him. 
He pulls his head back in a laughter. 
"If I could - I would stay like this forever and not move an inch." He sighs and grabs me in another tight hug. 
He then takes off his necklace and puts it around my neck. 
"Whenever you're having a bad day, look at this and remember that there's someone somewhere that's missing and loving you a lot." He kisses my forehead and walks away. 
I'm still facing away from everyone. I can't bare to watch him drive off. I feel someone hug me from behind. I smile thinking its ChanYeol again...
"Thank you so much! You've done so much for us!" Kris says sweetly. 
I slowly turn around and smile up at him. 
"It was truly my pleasure. I don't want you guys to leave..." I look up at him. 
"I'll miss you, friend... But apparently not as much as ChanYeol will miss you." He chuckles. 
"Take care of him for me. I want him to always be smiling." I warn Kris smiling. 
"And you take care of my Kayla." And with that - they're driving away. 
The whole ride to the airport I have a smile on my face. Everyone is still pretty shocked, so not a lot of words were spoken. Which is good because all I want to do right now is hang on to that moment a little longer.   
"Hyung...." SeHun nudges me.
"Hmmm?" I reply. 
"Do you love SarahAnne, hyung?" He asks me. 
"I don't know what I feel right now. But if love is thinking of that person constantly and wishing they were by your side each and every second for the rest of your life... Then yes, maknae, I love SarahAnne." I look at the innocent maknae.
"But hyung... She lives so far away... How are you going to keep loving her?" He asks. He seems seriously worried about his hyung. 
I put my arm around him and sigh "distance is nothing when it comes to love. I know I am willing to do anything to be with her. I just know deep in my heart that I love her. I know she's the one. No, maknae don't look at me like I'm crazy. When you meet that girl you'll know the feeling." I explain to SeHun. 
But his question has me questioning myself as well. We do live on opposite sides of the world. What will happen? Will I continue to feel like this for SarahAnne... Will she forget me? Will I forget her? Ahhh, ,my head hurts. I don't want to think about that right now. I just want to think about how sweet that kiss was. My first kiss.... With SarahAnne.
I'm still blushing from the kiss. It's been over 2 hours that they've left for the airport, but Im still blushing every time I think about it... Which is every second. I just had my first kiss!!! If you don't count my peck with my 2nd grade boyfriend of 3 days John. Which I'm not! My first real kiss. And with an idol. Can life get any better?! 
"SarSar- Kris gave me his number... ChanYeol wants yours.." Kayla brings me back to reality. 
"Uhh what do you think, Kayla!?!?" I give her the *duh* face. 
"Alright alright." She rolls her eyes. 
Not even 2 mins later and my phone vibrates. When I look at it.. I know right away that its ChanYeol, because no one in America would have that phone number. 
* Guess who!?* haha, he thinks he's slick. 
*oh I'm not sure... Alex? Ben? John? Tim? Josh?- help me out here...* I laugh to myself. 
*ya! That's not funny!*
*i thought it was. Hi, Oppa!*
*O.O I love that. Thank you for calling me Oppa* 
*anything to make you happy Oppa ^_^ - you haven't boarded yet?*
*no, there's a delay. We won't board for another 30-40 mins. I miss you.*
My heart skipped a beat at that text. Is it possible to miss someone after 2 hours? Because I miss him terribly!
*awwhh already?* I don't want to give in too easily. 
*yes, already. Do you not miss me?*
*i guess I do a little. >_<*
*just a little?!?! Well, I miss you a lot.*
*haha I miss you a lot, too, ChanYeol. Why can't you stay here?!*
He didn't text back, so I guess they boarded the plane. I feel like crying knowing I won't see him... If not soon, maybe never? Will he forget me once he goes to Korea and is busy with schedules and shows?
*haha I miss you a lot, too, ChanYeol. Why can't you stay here?!*
At that moment BaekHyun grabs my phone out of my hands. 
"Ya! Give it back!" I try taking it back, but he's quick. 
"Aigoo.. Our giant is in love!" He laughs. 
"Listen midget! Give me back my phone." I chase after him. 
We're running all over the airport when we run into fans. Oh no. This is the last thing any of us need. They all rush over to us asking for signatures and pictures with us. Hmm, it seems like they're not as bad as some other fans that don't know the meaning of personal space. We soon have to board the plane. I didn't get a chance to text SarahAnne back because Baeks still has my phone. Oh well, I'll just text her on our layover in Tokyo. 
It's getting pretty late and I'm tired from not sleeping since yesterday morning. It's been over 24 hours since Kris bumped into me at the mall. What a crazy day. Within those 24 hours I fell in love, had my first kiss and possibly my first heart break. I can't stop thinking about ChanYeol. I can't seem to find anything to keep my mind off of him. Everything reminds me of him. Especially the necklace around my neck. I have a piece of him with me wherever I go. I walk around to my backyard to dip my feet in the pool. As I walk out there I notice something on the chair. As I walk towards it, it looks like a piece of clothing. When I pick it up - ChanYeols scent hits my nose. It's his shirt! The one he took off so ily before doing a canon ball into the pool. I remember staring at him as he took off the shirt and thinking how tall and lean his body his. I never knew he had abs. I grab the shirt close to me. I must look crazy standing here smelling a shirt. 
"What are you doing, dear?" A voice breaks my moment. 
I turn around and see my mom standing there staring at me...
"Mom!!!" I scream and run to her and embrace her in a hug. 
"Hi, sweetie! What are you doing out here so late?" She asks as she kisses my forehead  
"Oh nothing, just wandering...I miss you! Is dad back, too?" I ask her.
"No, he has to stay in New York for a couple more days." She smiles. 
Seeing my mom made me so happy! I've missed her so much! I tell her everything that's happened to Kayla and I and she's in shock. She knows how much Kayla loves EXO. But what really caught her attention was the necklace around my neck. 
"Isn't that a necklace made for men?" She asks. 
"...yes. It's ChanYeols. He gave it to me to remember him." I smile as I think of him. 
"Be careful, babe. He's a star and lives in South Korea." She says worried. 
"I know, mom, but he's so nice and just perfect. I wish you were here to meet him." I look at her for her reaction. She seems in thought. I hope she's not mad that I had them come over to swim without them being home. 
"If you say so, I believe you. I would like to meet him if I ever get the chance." She kisses my forehead again before she goes to bed. 
I go up to my room and find Kayla sprawled on my bed. I guess it's the guest bedroom for me tonight. 
I got woken up in the middle of the night to my phone vibrating on the nightstand. I open one eye to look who the heck is calling at this time of night and immediately smile. 
"Hi." I smile into the phone. 
"Sorry if I woke you up. I just had to hear your voice." A deep voice fills my ears. 
"You can wake me up anytime."
"Were you dreaming about me?" I can tell he's smiling. 
"Unfortunately, no. I was in such deep sleep I wasn't dreaming at all." I pout. 
"Awwhh, that's too bad. We're in Tokyo right now - we board in 10 minutes. I just had to call you and hear your voice." He sounds tired. 
"I'm glad you called me. I missed you."
"I miss you, too. *yawn* I'm so tired."
"Sleep on the plane. You sound really tired." I'm concerned. 
"I'm almost used to it. But thanks for caring for me." 
"I will always care for you, ChanYeol."
"Mmm, I love how you say my name."
"Haha, ChanYeol ChanYeol ChanYeol." I laugh. 
"You're so cute. Ok we're about to board so ill talk to you soon, ok?"
"Ok. Have a safe flight. And rest!" 
"I will. Sweet dreams, princess." 
I hang up the phone with the biggest smile on my face. My ChanYeol. Why does he have to be so perfect..... 
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