Lets go public?



Laying on my bed, not finding sleep. I keep tossing and turning until I hear Kayla heavily sigh. 
"What?" I ask her. She's on her bed next to mine. 
"Your tossing and turning isn't helping me sleep, Sar." She says.
"I'm sorry, I can't sleep." I apologize. 
"Stop thinking about ChanYeol and sleep. We have plans tomorrow." She scolds me. 
We came back to our hotel about 2 hours ago. Kayla and I called for a taxi because we didn't want them to drive us, since they're so tired and the fans were out there. ChanYeol tried convincing me that he wasn't tired and that he'd drive us, but I didn't give in to his sweet face. 
When we were walking out of the dorm, we almost got attacked. They all started screaming at us. I'm not sure what they were saying, but Kayla knows enough to communicate. They were asking us why we were in there and if we were in EXO's dorm. Kayla told them that we don't even know who EXO is and that we are not from Korea. 
I woke up with a headache. I look over to my bed side table and the clock reads "7:14am". Why am I up so early? We're not meeting EXO until 2pm - after all of their schedules. I decide that sleep isn't going to come back, so I get in the shower and start getting ready. I want to go out a bit before we meet them. I want to shop. 
After my shower, I walk over to Kayla's bed and try to wake her up. She throws a fit and tells me I'm crazy for being up so early. Eventually she wakes up and gets ready. We head out and try to find little shops. 
"It's so beautiful here. Can we just live here!?!?" Kayla says looking around her surroundings. 
"I wish." I sigh. 
"Are you excited for today? They finally have a free half day." Kayla says smiling. 
"I'm just happy they don't have too many schedules. But I feel bad for not letting them rest." I pout. 
"I know, but it's not everyday we're in Korea." She lightly punches my arm. 
"Haha, I guess that's true." I laugh. 
We shop around. We don't go too far, in case we get lost. There's so many little shops here. I'm loving every second of my shopping experience here. We buy so much that we have to call my dad to come pick us up. He sends over his driver to pick us up since he's going to meetings. We get in the car and head back to the hotel to get ready for our meeting with EXO. My phone vibrates and when I take it out to look who's calling a smile creeps on my face. 
"Annyeong!" I smile
"Haha, learning korean are we?" A y voice says into my ear.
"I'm trying! What are you doing?" I ask. 
"We just got back to the dorm. We got done earlier than we expected.  What are you girls doing?" He asks. 
"Heading back to the hotel, we've been shopping since 9am. Since you got done early - why don't you guys rest and then we'll meet later?" I ask him. 
"Noooooo! I want to see you now! We are just getting ready and we'll be over at your hotel." 
"Haha ok ok. I'll see you in a bit. Bye, Oppa~" 
Kayla and I look at each other and know that we have a lot of cleaning up to do back at the hotel. Thank god we didn't go far. 
Everyone is coming over. We could have just had ChanYeol and Kris come, but I wanted everyone to spend time together since they all helped Kayla and I. We were all wanting to go to an amusement park, but with the fans, that's out of the question. Chen told us that he knows this park that its pretty hidden and no one goes there. So we decided to go there and have a little picnic. 
Just as we get done cleaning and getting ready, there's a knock on the door. 
"ROOM SERVICE FOR MISS. SARAHANNE!!!" I could tell who's voice that is anywhere. 
"NO, THANK YOU!!" I scream back as I walk towards the door. I hear everyone laughing out there. 
I open the door and I gasp. I think I forgot how good looking each and every single one of them is.
"Hi, jagiya." ChanYeol smiles and hugs me. I let him go in and hold the door for everyone else. Everyone of them either hugged me or patted my head as they walked in. BaekHyun was the last one so we were both walking in together in the room. He put his arm around me and said that he was glad I was in ChanYeol's life. 
"Awe, thanks Baeks. I'm happy he's in mine. And I'm happy all of you are in my life." I smile up at him. 
"You're sweet. Lets be close friends , ok?" He says giving me a hug before going over to say hi to Kayla. She was already in Kris' arms and laughing at something Tao was saying. 
I look around the room and feel my heart fill with happiness. I'm not happy because I'm friends with celebrities, I'm happy because I couldn't ask for better friends. They're all so caring and sweet. They would do anything to make you happy. I see Kayla, Kris, Tao and Baeks laughing at whatever Tao was telling them. SeHun and LuHan were sitting on the bed flipping through channels on the tv, when they saw me looking at them they smiled and motioned for me to sit next to them. I walk over and sit next to SeHun. 
"I didn't like you at first." SeHun says out of nowhere shocking both LuHan and I. 
"Maknae!" LuHan gives him a look. 
"Let me finish. I didn't like you because ChanYeol was sad he couldn't see you, and I hated seeing him look so sad." He explains. 
"I'm sorry, SeHun." I pat his shoulder. 
"Aniyaa~ don't be. Because now I see how truly happy he is. I'm glad he found you. And it helps a lot that you actually like us." He says. He exchanges a look with LuHan. What was that supposed to mean? Did ChanYeol's ex girlfriend not like EXO. 
"Of course I like you! What's not to like!?" I nudge him. 
We sit there a while longer and talk and SuHo, Chen, Xiumin join us. I'm looking around and saw that ChanYeol is passed out on my bed. Lay was next to him sleeping as well. 
"Please don't mind them. They've  been really tired lately." SuHo looks apologetic. 
"Not at all. I told him you guys should rest, but he insisted to come over." I smile at SuHo. 
"Thank you for having us over. It's nice not to be stuck in our dorm on our free day." XiuMin says. 
We all just hang out for a while longer letting some of the members rest. So far, ChanYeol, Lay, Chen, Kai and Tao are all passed out. ChanYeol and Lay on my bed. Kai and SeHun on Kayla's and Chen fell asleep on the chair while watching tv. 
Baeks and I go down to the little coffee shop downstairs to get drinks for everyone. When all of a sudden we see a flash. There's fans outside taking pictures of us. Baeks is in total shock and doesn't know what to do. This is bad. This is really bad. 
"Oh my God, Baeks." I look at him. 
"Why can't they just leave us alone." He looks so frustrated. 
"Just go back upstairs, I'll get the drinks." I tell him. 
"Are you sure?" He looks upset 
"Of course, just go." I tell him. 
He leaves and I'm waiting for the drinks when I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see that Baeks is back. 
"What are you doing?" I ask him shocked. 
"If I leave they might think something worse so its better that I just stay." He explains. 
We get the drinks and go back up to the room. Everyone seems so tired so these drinks should help. 
"Bubble tea!?!?!?" SeHun asks excitedly. 
"Of course!" I tell him. 
ChanYeol awoke at SeHun's screams over bubble tea. He looks confused at first and then realizes where he's at and smiles. 
"Good morning, sleepy head." I smile at him and walk over to hand him his iced americanno. 
"I'm sorry I fell asleep." He apologizes. 
"Don't be silly. You looked adorable sleeping. And you snore loud." I . 
"No, I don't!!" He blushes. 
"Haha, I know I'm just kidding." I sit next to him slowly trying not to wake Lay up. 
We both look over at Lay sleeping and can't help but smile. His peaceful face looks even more peaceful sleeping. If that's even possible. 
We decided to get my dad to help us out of the hotel so the fans don't see them. I swear my dad is the smartest man I know. Since I'm an only child, both my parents would do anything for me. He called the hotel and told them who he was and if they wanted to keep their good reputation they would find a way to get EXO out of there without being noticed. 
20 minutes later and we had 2 vans waiting for us out in the back of the hotel. Every hotel employee made sure no fans were around and that we got out safely and unnoticed. Kayla went with EXO-M in one van and I with EXO-K in the other. 
"I'm surprised the pictures the fans took of you and Baeks haven't made their way into the media yet." SuHo breaks the silence. 
"I wonder why..." I trail off. 
"I hope she doesn't see..." I hear Baeks whisper to Kai. 
I look at ChanYeol and he gives me a look - a look that says he'll explain later. 
We all arrive at the park and we all get out. We realize that there really isn't ANYONE at the park. It is pretty secluded. There's a sand volleyball set up, picnic tables a big field. I wonder why no one comes here. A hand wraps around my waist and I blush. I turn my head and see ChanYeol smiling down at me. We can't keep our hands off of each other. We thought we looked cute. The others thought we were gross and cheesy. 
We set the picnic tables with food Kayla prepared for everyone. Everyone digs in and eats. I realized none of us ate. Especially Kayla and I. The last meal her and I had was on the plane from Tokyo to Seoul. 
Everyone decides to play some sand volleyball. We decided to split into EXO-K and EXO-M... But with a twist. I had to play against ChanYeol and Kayla against Kris. I was close to the net and ChanYeol came close and grabbed the net.. Acting like he was in jail - making everyone laugh. We played and they beat us in the first game. For the second game - when it was my turn to serve - I spiked the ball - Hitting ChanYeol's goodies. Everyone burst out laughing while ChanYeol lay on the floor screaming in pain. I felt absolutely horrible and ran over to him. 
"OMG OMG OMG I'm sooooooooo sorry!!" I panicked. 
"Owwwww... No... Children... For... Me." He grunts. His comment made me giggle. 
Baeks comes by us and is helping ChanYeol up. With that we decide to not play anymore. Everyone is playing some type of games on the field while ChanYeol and I are sitting on the bench. I'm sitting on the table while he's sitting between my legs on the seat. I'm giving him a shoulder massage and he lays his head back and looks up at me. I can't help but smile every time I see his gorgeous face. I also can't help but bend my head and give him an upside down kiss. 
"How did I get so lucky to meet such a wonderful boy!" I say into the kiss. 
He smiles and gives me another kiss. He picks his head up and motions for me to continue with the massage. 
"So, are you going to tell me about what Baeks said in the car..?" I ask him. 
"Well, you see, Baeks has a girlfriend. And if those pictures go public his girlfriend would get the wrong idea and break up with him." He explains. 
"Oh no. I feel so bad. If I would have known there were fans out there I would have gone alone." I feel guilty. 
"Don't feel bad. It's not your fault. And if they do go public, I'll just tell her that you're MY girlfriend, not Baeks." 
I don't think I've been this happy in a long long time. I have my members who I consider brothers. A new friend. And my wonderful girlfriend here with me. I feel bad that I fell asleep earlier so I'm going to try to spend as much time with her as I can. 
"Hmm?" She answers. 
"What do you think about us going public with our relationship?" I ask her. I feel her body tense. 
"I mean it would be nice to be able to go out in public with you and enjoy shopping or going to see a movie, but I don't think it's the right time. Not until later anyway." She explains. 
"When would be the right time to go public then?" I'm curious. 
"I'm not really sure, ChanYeol, but I guess when the time is right you just know. And I wouldn't want you to tell people about us when we don't really know each other and live so far away from each other. I'm not saying I don't want people to know about us, if it was up to me I would scream it from a mountain top, but you have to think of your members, your fans and your fellow colleagues. It would out a lot of pressure on you. You would get criticized. And I wouldn't want you to go through that. And don't ever think that I'd want you to go public with out relationship for my sake. I can handle the fans. I can handle the kiss scenes."
"You would be ok if I kiss another girl?" I . 
"Out of everything I just said - you only heard kissing another girl!?!?" She pushes me. 
"Jagiyaaaaa ~ I'm just kidding!" I go back to her and hug her. She's cute when she's mad. 
We talk for hours on that bench. While everyone else is running around playing what seems like tag - SarahAnne and I are just enjoying our time together. We have another free day tomorrow - and I'm planning on doing something special for my special girl. 
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