A Fact That Remains

Will 'We' Ever Gonna Be 'Us'?

Terribly sorry for the super late update,and also please forgive me if this is far from what you guys expected,however,this is it,i present you chapter 5 ^^



Amber’s PoV


She smiled at him..

That’s the first time I saw her smile again..

Or did she actually smile to everyone else in the office, except me?

Her and Kris..

Since when did they have become that comfortable with each other?

“A penny of your thoughts kiddo?”

“Dad..” I guess I was too busy with my own thoughts to notice my dad already sat next to me, offering me a glass of ice tea “Thanks dad.. Em.. Where’s mom and Ally?”

“They are inside, the lunch will be prepared soon, but since they are starting to talk about some girly stuff, I decided to bother you instead.. So how are you? How’s business been doing? I heard about the merger, some said its good, some called it suicidal attempt, how’s it so far?”

“We just started, so there’s nothing I can say much, but we’re optimistic that we’ll gain much from the cooperation between two companies”

“I bet that wasn’t the one that bothers your mind just now?”

“What do you mean dad?”

“I don’t know kiddo, you tell me?”

“I.. I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about dad”

“Okay then.. So how are you with Ally?”

“Good, even though both of us are busy, we can somehow managed it well”

“Good.. Your mom been questioning on when will you two finally decide that its time to end the engagement phase and move on onto the next stage, marriage.. Have you thought about it yet? Talked about it?”

“Y.. Yeah.. of course Dad, its just.. Well, you know, Ailee is currently busy with her concert and new album preparations, and I’m kind of busy with this new deal we’re doing, so..”

“Okay okay, I get it.. I’m just trying to get you some head up about what will be the main topic in our lunch later..”


“Now I might understand your reasons, but your mom.. Well, you know your mom, with Jackie traveling around all time, not even thinking about settling down, well at least, not now, while you already have someone to asked, you become her only hope, so make some better answer about it okay?”

“Okay dad..”

“Oh Amber.. Your mom.. She really adores Ally.. She’s really glad that you chose her, and she can’t wait to finally claim her as her daughter in law” and it made me think..



“What if.. What if i.. What if there’s..” but even before I finished saying what I wanted to say, he already give me the answer

“You are already grown up kiddo, you know what serious relationship and a fling means, right? Don’t let the excitement a fling can provide, blinded your consciousness on which was right and which was wrong, and think with your heart and mind, equally”

That’s the problem, what I feel and what I think, its all in equal..


End of Amber’s PoV




No One’s PoV


“So you went to the same university with Amber? That’s interesting, she never told me about it” said Kris before taking a sip on his glass of ice water

“Well we went to different faculty and she’s basically my senior and she only came for few semester for her double degree kind of thing, maybe she didn’t even realized it” answered Krystal, obviously keeping the truth away from her lunch partner, but of course, he didn’t notice.

“Maybe” Kris said “But hey I thought her cousin went to the same university, I’m just not really sure on what year, I never met her before but I do remember Amber talked about her cousin before she went to school there”


“And you know what? If only I knew that SNU got a student as pretty as you, I might never wanted to have a second thoughts when my dad told me about trying to apply there, too bad I didn’t aware, so I made a second thought and end up going to New York instead” Kris flashed his smile, hoping that his usually claimed as charming smile can worked its way well now.

But this is Krystal Jung he’s facing “Your loss Mr. Wu”

“Now I’m aware Ms. Jung” Kris said, happy enough to be able to see Krystal’s smile, for now.

“So.. how long have you known each other?  I mean you and President Liu?” asked Krystal, taking over the small talk, for the sake of politeness towards Kris because he already tried a lot to make this lunch less awkward, and of course curiosity for someone in particular.

“Amber, just call her Amber, or A.J trust me, she’ll prefer to be called that more than anything, and since highschool years” answered Kris

“Really? That long?”

“Yep, well I know her fiancée longer though, since grade school, and through her I met Amber, ever since that, we’re inseparable, like Siamese twins, joint on butts” he smiled, smaller smile, but Krystal shrugged that fact off.

“But they are together?”

“Yeah, since sophomore, crazy huh? Years passed by and they are still together, they make people believe on true love, just one more step ahead to make it official” as he finished his drink in one gulp.


“So how about you Krys? Mind if I asked you some personal question?” Kris suddenly turned serious, which somehow made Krystal, uncomfortable

“Such as?”

“Such as, is it possible for a very attractive woman like you still available?” he asked, deliberately flirting.

Unconsciously, Krystal let go a relieved sigh, before she decides to play along “And what if I do?”

“Then we might made for each other because a very attractive man like me, still available too” he smirked, feel satisfied with how smooth his words are.

“Is that how you flirt Kris?” Krystal gave him her own playful smirk.

“No, I don’t flirt Krystal, I know what I want, and I would like to do anything, to get what I want, of course if I am allowed to, so would you allow me?” Kris, is serious, what about Krystal?


Meanwhile, back to the Liu’s..

“Baby” the soft voice and a pat on her arm, woke Amber’s up from her wandering thoughts

“Hem? Oh sorry, you were saying?” she looked to her left, facing her fiancé Ally who looked at her in full of concern.

Ally smiled “Not me, mom asking you”


“Are you okay honey?” said a middle aged woman who sat right across Ally, next to Amber’s dad.

“Yeah.. Yeah why wouldn’t I?” said Amber

“You’re a bit off.."

“No.. I’m okay, this is good, is this the usual mom? Or you add some special spices to make it taste more delicious than its already are because this taste even more superb” suddenly busy commenting a food she unconsciously ignored because of his wandering mind

“Just the usual honey..” said Mrs. Liu

“Oh really? Then is must be because its been awhile since the last time I ate home cooked meal, because this is..” but before Amber’s done with what she’s trying to say, Mrs. Liu took over.

“Good, you’ve said it honey and thank you, eat more okay”

“Okay mom”


“Hey, you’re quite, what’s going on?” asked Ally once they were alone in Amber’s car, heading to Ally’s recording studio

“Nothing” answered Amber, with her focus stays on the road

“Are you sure?” Ally asked again


Ally looked at Amber, slightly hope that she’ll get another answer than just yes or no, but she got nothing, so she tried to have another conversation with her “The lunch was good right? Maybe we should do it more often don’t you think?”

“Sure” again with Amber’s short answer

Ally honestly not satisfied with Amber’s way to answer her, but knowing her fiancé for long, she knows when not to disturb Amber, she knows how busy and stressful her fiancé is with her company current project, and she’s thankful enough that Amber always tried to give time for both of them, no matter how busy she is, something that deep inside, Ally hope she could do the same, and there's also the guilt she might never be able to fixed if ever Amber finds out..

“So what are you going to do while I’m at the studio?” asked Ally

“I don’t know, any suggestion?” asked Amber while parking her car right in front of the studio.

“I hope its anything non work related and anywhere far from your office, seriously, you need rest Amber, let Kris handles everything at least for today, okay?” Ally looked at Amber worriedly, and Amber nod.

“Call me when you’re done”

“Okay, bye baby, drive safely” said Ally walking out of Amber’s car, waved at her then walked into the studio.

Amber watched her fiancé walked into the studio, before she took out her phone, then dialed one of a number she kept on speed dial

“Hello? Deb, its me Amber, is Kris available?” its Kris secretary

“Yes President Liu, Mr. Wu is in his office since lunch break time over, would you like me to inform Mr. Wu?” said Kris’s secretary

“No, its okay Deb, thanks, don’t tell him I call, bye” she end the call, took glance on her fiancé recording studio for the last time, then drive to one destination Ally just told her not to, because of one thing Amber need to do.

“President Liu” Krystal’s secretary stands abruptly once she realized who’s standing in front of her desk

“Hi, em.. I wonder if Ms. Jung available?” asked Amber anxiously but tries hard to keep it all inside.

“Yes she is President Liu, would you like me to inform her?”

“Yeah sure..”

“Excuse me Director Jung, President Liu is here to meet you.. Yes, yes Director Jung” said Krystal’s secretary through the phone, hang up, then walk out of her desk to Amber “Please this way President Liu”


Krystal’s secretary knocked the double door before she walks in, followed by Amber, to inform her presence and Amber’s to Krystal.

“Hi..” is the first word Amber could possibly uttered once Krystal’s secretary excused herself out of her superiors office.

“What can I do for you President Liu?” asked Krystal, formally.

Amber slightly flinched with how different Krystal is when it comes to her and Kris “I just.. Have you had lunch?”

“Yes I have had lunch thank you for asking” said Krystal still formally

“With Kris?” suddenly the thoughts really bothers her

“..Yes, with Mr. Wu”


“I’m sorry President Liu, but may I ask what can I do for you? Because I’m sure you wouldn’t come into my office in your supposedly day off just to ask whether I had my lunch or not” said Krystal, decided to make Amber straight to the point

“Why can’t I? You are currently under my responsibility, you are our guest, so its my responsibility to make sure you’re comfortable during your stay” said Amber, displeased with the way Krystal treats her and the fact that she witnessed how different Krystal was when it comes to Kris

“..Then thank you for concern President Liu, but I assure you there’s nothing you need to worry about” answered Krystal politely and formaly

“Call me Amber” Amber can’t hold it anymore

“Excuse me?”

“I want you to call me Amber and I want to call you Krystal, or Soojung again”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t do that President Liu, that would be against my professionalism to call my superior colleague by their name”

“You called Kris by his name, why can’t you call me by my name? What’s the different between me and him? He’s also technically your superior colleague”

Krystal unconsciously clenched her fist tight “Because he’s not the one I wanted to remain as strangers” and finally let go the fact she tried to keep.

“I’m sorry for being harsh but what do you want President Liu? What do you exactly want from me? Because if its not important please, I have things to do, for our company sake” Krystal said, slightly desperate with their current situation, she wanted to avoid Amber as much as possible, she know that she needs to avoid Amber as much as possible.

“I just.. I miss you Krys.. I..” in other hand Amber is desperate to have the Krystal she used to know

“Please President Liu, I need to get back to work”

“Can I offer you a dinner? A formal dinner? You can bring your staff, consider this as my welcome dinner?” Amber kept trying

“I can’t, I already have an appointment” Krystal declined, and that’s when a knock from outside of Krystal’s office were heard

“Come in” Krystal said

“Excuse me Director Jung, President Wu is here to meet you” informed Krystal’s secretary

Krystal looked at Amber who looked back at her, but before she responds her secretary word, Kris made herself in

“Thank you Kimmie, hey Kr.. Amber? You’re here?” he looked at Amber confused, realizing how odd it is, he decided to ask “Did I interrupt something?”

“No, nothing, I was just making sure Ms. Jung here has everything she needs while she’s here” Amber said calmly

“Don’t worry about it man, I’m here to save the day if she ever needed anything, don’t hesitate just call away right Krystal?” Kris patted Amber’s shoulder and widely smiled at Krystal.

Amber forced a smile before she said “Okay then, since everything is okay now, I better be on my way”

But Kris has other plan “Hey Amber, while you are here, why don’t we go get something to eat? Its going to be dinner time soon anyway”

“I can’t, I promised Ally I’ll have dinner with her” said Amber

“Then why don’t you call her and tell her we’ll have dinner outside?” asked Kris again

“She’s at the studio for a sudden meeting..I.. ” Amber was about to decline when her phone suddenly ring, its Ally “Wait up, hello? Hey, you’re done? Okay I’ll be there soon..” but before she end the call, Kris takes over and talked with Ally.

“Hey Al, its me Kris, want to go grab dinner with us? Yeah she’s here, probably monitoring whether we did our job well or not, you know how workaholic your fiancé can be, so you’ll go with us? Just me, Krystal, Amber and hopefully you.. Okay sit there and relax, we’ll come to you soon” Kris hand Amber’s phone back with a grin

Amber sighed and takes her phone back where Ally still on the other line “Ally, yeah.. Like Kris said.. Okay, I’ll pick you up after this.. Love you too..”

“My toes curled!” shouts Kris as soon as Amber hung up

“Shut up man, I got to pick her up now” said Amber, while took glance over Krystal who seems to have her unreadable expression on again

“So lets go! Krystal, you’ll go with me, trust me, you wouldn’t want to be a third wheel for them” said Kris jokingly

Krystal smile then say “I surely don’t want to” because she knows, a fact remains, they will never be together, so must Amber, who’s now looking straight at her expressionless face.

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Appledots5 #1
Chapter 16: 2022 and still waiting 🥲
Chapter 16: Is 6 years of waiting for this fic to finish, patient enough? Like, how much little bit more should we wait? Imma cry a river again
niconico12 #3
Chapter 16: 2021 fightin
oraaye #4
Chapter 16: awwkward!!! lol deym! what an amazing story author zz cant get enough! ill be waiting for the update. thank you
Chapter 16: Where is the ending?
Alerth #6
Is this the end?
AlbertCiero #7
Chapter 16: please finish the chapter soon. can't wait to see kryber's wedding. please update faster
TwinTurtles #8
Chapter 16: AWWWWWW OMG YOONA IS SO CUTE!! The big baby Sulli is too funny here! Man I loved this sequel. THANK YOU SO MUCH!