A Changing Feelings

Will 'We' Ever Gonna Be 'Us'?

Hi!First of all,sorry for the late update,was caught up with work lately ^^ so what's with this chapter,it has two point of view,as you can see,has a minor Ailee and Amber interaction too,might be more on next chapter,and for those who guessed Ailee was cheating or not,and whether Kris the guy or not,keep guessing,i didn't say you're wrong even though i never said you're right,right?Last but not least,enjoy ^^


Amber’s POV


I am an engaged person. I have a fiancé whom I promised that one day I’ll spend my whole life with and being promised the same thing at the same time. I have been in love with my fiancé ever since years ago. I have many happy memories that I shared with my fiancé throughout all of these years. I am bound to make her happy as she made me happy in those years. I am, an engaged person.


But I have someone else in my heart and in my mind that I wanted to promised the same. And I can’t seems to get rid of her images from my mind even after years..


To be an infidel person is someone I never thought I could be. When I realized that I love Ally, I thought she’ll be the only one I ever loved. The only one I wanted. The only one I wanted to think about each and every day. The only one I wanted to long for..


“Babe? Did mom and dad tell you why they wanted to meet us for lunch today?”


“I don’t know, miss you maybe, they haven’t seen you for months”


“Aw.. Really? I skyped with mom several times though, but yeah because of the schedules, I couldn’t talked to her more than fifteen minutes or twenty for max”


And here I am, waiting for my fiancé, in our shared apartment, about to meet my parents who love her as much as they love me, and I’m thinking about someone else. I’m longing to see someone else. I want to see her.


“Hey Al, do you think we can stopped by at the office before we go to see mom and dad?”


“Office? I thought its your day off today?”


“Yeah, it is, its just.. I forgot to tell my staff about something they needs to do, for our upcoming project”


“Can’t you just call them? Or ask Kris to tell them?”


“Kris would tell me to say it directly because he’ll say I talked in alien language, you know him, and I really do need to personally say it to my staff, so I could minimize the possibility of my order being misunderstood”


“Oh, okay then, its up to you I guess, would mom and dad mind to wait?”


“I’ll call them in our way, are you ready? Lets go, the faster we reach office the better.. So we could meet mom and dad after that, we don’t want them to wait too long right?”


“Okay then, let me just get my bag”


I just got to see you..


End of Amber’s POV




Krystal’s POV


I’ve said it. Finally I’ve said it. I congratulate her. I’ve said it and lets move on Krystal, move on.


I’ve been saying that to myself right after I walked out of her office two weeks ago. Its like a mantra I made to myself so that whichever part in me that still hoped for a miracle on those things she said to me within her letter will finally came true.


Well I should have known better.


 Years of not meeting each other, no attempt on keeping touch with me should have been enough as a true evidence that everything she said through that letter were nothing more but a sweet talk which I once again fell miserably, thinking that its sweet. But honestly, its another bull said by someone whom I thought, loved me as much as I do.


Well I should have known better.


When I saw that ring..


I should have known better that she never meant each of the words she said to me in her letter, for real. It just her way to make herself feel better, it just her way to redeem herself from the guilt she felt because she couldn’t love me back. I don’t need her to pity me. I didn’t need it before, I don’t need it now, I would never need her sympathy about this.


Stupid me who couldn’t forced myself to try to like someone else because deep inside my stupid heart, I kept wishing, hoping, dreaming that her, stupid Amber Liu, would came and swept my feet away by telling me directly that she loves me, that she’ll do all those things she said in her letter. Only to find her returned to my life as a happily engaged Amber J. Liu.


“Knock knock, anyone inside?”


“Mr. Wu?”


“Ms. Jung, I figured you are here, but what are you doing here? Its lunch break time, everyone already scattered around to find something to eat, aren’t you going?


“Ah really? Oh my god, I guess I lost my time while reading some files here, thank you for reminding me Mr. Wu”




“Excuse me?”


“I told you to call me Kris right?”


“Yes you did, I’m sorry, its just, I have a lot in mind, it just got mixed and..”


“Its okay..”


“So why are you here Kris? You said it yourself, its lunch break time and everyone scattered around to feed themselves, why are you here?”


“Because I never see you leave your office until its time to go home, so I wonder why, maybe you bring something homemade that I could give it a taste?”


“Too bad Kris, I don’t, but I got my coffee with me, and its made by someone at the coffee shop downtown, and I think you are already familiar with it”


“Just coffee? You are telling me that your lunch is just that cup of coffee?”




“How much do you have for a day?”


“Two? Three? Why?”


“Wow.. I knew exactly someone who has the same dedication and habit like yours and miraculously, she’s working in this office too, just right across the hall from where we are now”


“You know what, I’m suddenly feeling hungry, care to advice me on what food I should try to eat at the company cafeteria?”


“After you ma’am”


Lets move on Krys, move on, move o..


“Amber, what are you doing here?”


End of Krystal’s POV



Amber’s POV


“Kris.. What are you doing in Ms. Jung’s office?”


“Oh I was just making sure she ate her lunch, which she didn’t because she usually not having any, so Krystal and I are going to the cafeteria now, what are you doing here man? I thought its your day off?”


You let him called you Krystal while you only allowed me to call you Ms. Jung?


“Y.. Yeah, I was just going to meet my staff at the lab, there’s some things I needed to tell them about the machine we’re working on”


“See Krys? Like I told you, dedicated person here, just like you”


You smiled and chitchat about a lot of things with someone else, while we only have awkward ‘Hi’ and cold ‘Bye’ ever since we meet again?


“Amber, baby, are you done?”


This is what you wanted right Krys? For us to be complete strangers?




“Ally you’re here too?”


“Hey Kris, yeah, we were just about to go to see Amber’s parent when she said she needed to stop by here. And this would be?”


Or maybe you already have your feelings changed?


“Ally, this Ms. Jung, our new business partner from Kia Motor’s Korea, and Ms. Jung, this is Ally.. My fiancé”


Have your feelings changed, Krys? Please..


“Its nice to finally meeting you Ms. Lee and its an honor too, to meet such a big artist like you, I wasn’t really a fans, but I know some of your works because of my sister, she’s a big fan of yours”




“Yes, and I believe she would be thrilled once she knows that I met you personally like this, would you mind to.. Well I don’t want to disturb you if you really have to go, but, if you don’t mind, can I have your autograph? Its for my sister”


“Oh no, no, of course I don’t mind, but wait, Amber, baby, do you have papers and pen?”


Am I really seeing nothing in your eyes now? Is this how you really feel about me now?


“Yes, here”


Is this the time for me to change too?


End of Amber’s POV


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Appledots5 #1
Chapter 16: 2022 and still waiting 🥲
Chapter 16: Is 6 years of waiting for this fic to finish, patient enough? Like, how much little bit more should we wait? Imma cry a river again
niconico12 #3
Chapter 16: 2021 fightin
oraaye #4
Chapter 16: awwkward!!! lol deym! what an amazing story author zz cant get enough! ill be waiting for the update. thank you
Chapter 16: Where is the ending?
Alerth #6
Is this the end?
AlbertCiero #7
Chapter 16: please finish the chapter soon. can't wait to see kryber's wedding. please update faster
TwinTurtles #8
Chapter 16: AWWWWWW OMG YOONA IS SO CUTE!! The big baby Sulli is too funny here! Man I loved this sequel. THANK YOU SO MUCH!